I have a city in another world

4096 - Guardian Shock

4096 - Guardian Shock
Just as Tang Zhen thought, after the guardian left, he immediately went to verify the information.

The first thing to check is whether there are any abnormalities recently. Is there really a target that Tang Zhen is tracking sneaking in?
The guardian at this moment actually already has a target of suspicion.

In a certain small world, a meteorite fell and formed a sinkhole, which in turn formed a strange secret realm.

There are countless elixirs and treasures piled up like a mountain.

There are many treasures and elixir, which are hard to come by, enough to cause frantic competition among monks.

But if you want to open the secret realm, you must sacrifice sacrifices, and the more you sacrifice, the more you will get.

Those sects were greedy and shameless, they used human and animal sacrifices in private, they would cover it up at first, and eventually became unscrupulous, and even took it for granted.

Greedy desires are like an abyss, which can never be satisfied.

Countless people were killed and sent to the Tiankeng for sacrifices. Zongmen practitioners took the opportunity to revel and obtained countless treasures of practice.

But not long ago, there was a sudden change.

The Tiankeng secret realm was uncharacteristically devouring countless monks who entered the pit, including the leaders of various sects.

This wave of terrible accidents wiped out three-tenths of the monks in the world, and all of them were at the top of the cultivation world.

Practitioners who have not entered the secret realm have encountered another strange crisis.

As long as you dare to practice, you may become obsessed and be attracted to the secret realm of Tiankeng in the state of losing your soul.

Just like those sacrifices, they jumped and were swallowed by the bottomless sinkhole.

The small world has encountered a catastrophe, and all practitioners are in danger, and they want to escape, but there is nowhere to escape.

They are like caged birds, imprisoned in a small world, without the ability to escape.

Fortunately, the accident here was discovered by the special envoy in charge of inspection, and only then did he know the existence of the Tiankeng secret realm.

In this small world at this moment, the high-level practitioners are almost wiped out, and the remaining practitioners are all in danger, and every one of them has a damaged Dao heart.

An event like this had never happened in the past, but it caused quite a shock.

The high-level people sent people to investigate, but before the results were reported back, Tang Zhen came suddenly.

The guardian was able to confirm that the change in that small world was probably caused by the things Tang Zhen was tracking.

Tang Zhen is a strong god, and the object he is tracking must not be simple, and it is likely to be close to the level of a god.

Only the existence of this level can stir up the wind and rain in a small world, causing countless monks to be bewitched and killed.

Thinking of the guardian here, he immediately issued an order to increase the handling level of this accident.

Seeing the update of the task information, the investigators will inevitably increase their vigilance.

The dispatched envoys are average in strength, and they may not be able to handle the matter perfectly, and may even encounter accidents.

With the arrival of Tang Zhen, if the tracked person has a feeling, he is likely to have a violent reaction.

The guardian decided that this matter should be handled by himself, so as to ensure nothing goes wrong.

Another thing is to investigate Tang Zhen's origin.

Just as Tang Zhen thought, the Guardian really didn't know about the world of Loucheng, and had never heard of such a practice organization.

Fortunately, the Guardian knows well that not hearing about it does not mean that it is weak, and it is absolutely impossible for a weak force to be able to cultivate a monk of the gods.

Even if you plan to make a move, you must figure it out before you speak.

But in the blink of an eye, the guardian entered the secret realm of the Great Realm and came to a huge boulder about a thousand feet high.

This giant rock has a strange shape, like countless colorful crystals spliced ​​together, and its name is the Stone of the Universe.

This cosmic stone has a unique ability, and its origin is even more mysterious.

Use the secret method to activate it, but in an instant, the Cosmic Stone will emit light.

The spliced ​​crystals flickered one after another, emitting colorful and dazzling lights.

"Kun Jiuqi, what's the matter?"

Suddenly there was a voice, indifferent and distant.

This sentence Kun Jiuqi is obviously referring to the guardian.

The guardian has long been accustomed to such a title, and doesn't care that it is just a code name.

He didn't change his face, and talked about the reason for contacting.

"There is a foreign god who came after a certain item, and is waiting outside the boundary at this moment.

The other party claims to be Tang Zhen and comes from the world of Loucheng, how should I deal with it? "

Listening to the content of the conversation, it turned out to be a questioning tone. It is obvious that the status of the two parties is not equal.

The existence at the other end should be more advanced.

"The World of Loucheng, Tang Zhen?"

There was a few breaths of silence on the other side, and another voice sounded slowly.

"Delay the opponent as much as possible, and if possible, find a way to capture him.

The headquarters sent a special envoy to go, and before the other party arrived, he must not be let go! "

Hearing this order, the Guardian was startled.

Although he didn't elaborate on the other side, he also knew that Tang Zhen's identity was certainly not simple.

Of course, it is also possible. It has something to do with his background. What the headquarters cares about is not Tang Zhen, but the Loucheng world behind it.

Analysis through orders is actually enough to make a judgment, and the headquarters' plot this time is not small.

"As ordered."

The guardian said softly, and at the same time closed the cosmic stone.

His expression was serious and gloomy. Through the communication just now, he confirmed that this matter was not simple.

Even he was afraid of the existence behind the Cosmic Stone, but such an existence would be extremely interested in Tang Zhen.

If there are no accidents, there will be a storm. If you succeed, you will naturally benefit, but if you fail, you may cause a lot of trouble.

How to operate next still needs to be carefully planned, and remember not to act recklessly.

Kun Jiuqi left the secret realm, but did not return to the outer starry sky.

Don't rush to reply to Tang Zhen, but try to delay the time as much as possible,
Presumably Tang Zhen also knows that if you want to ask someone to do something, you must have enough patience.

The direction the guardian was heading was the small world where the abnormality appeared. He wanted to find out how that item was related to Tang Zhen.

If this item is used to achieve the purpose of dealing with Tang Zhen, that would be the best.

With such an idea in mind, I entered the small world.

At the moment of entering, the guardian's face suddenly changed. It turned out that the energy of the world had disappeared.

Without the energy of heaven and earth, the vitality of the world will be cut off, and eventually it will become a desert of life.

If this is the case, the planet will be completely destroyed.

Although there are many small worlds within the big world, they must not be consumed or destroyed indiscriminately.

No practice organization can bear such a loss.

"How did this happen, why didn't you report it in time, the person in charge of the investigation must be an idiot!"

My heart was startled and angry, and at the same time, I had a bad premonition.

Go straight to the location of the tiankeng, and you will see a desert along the way, not only withered and withered, but also the cities and villages are all destroyed.

Along the way, I didn't see a single living creature.

The guardian was shocked, and had a bad premonition, and found that the higher-ups still underestimated this incident
Being able to be tracked all the way by Tang Zhen is definitely not an ordinary existence, otherwise, he would not be eligible to be tracked, nor would he have the ability to escape.

This thing broke in, it was not a chance at all, it was probably a disaster.

The longer you keep it in your hands, the more trouble you will cause.

If this is the case, you should find a solution as soon as possible, and you must not allow things to deteriorate.

Otherwise, not only will he be harmed, but he will also lack the means to manipulate Tang Zhen, causing things to develop out of control.

In a short period of time, the Tiankeng secret realm appeared in front of my eyes.

Taking a glance at it from a distance, one finds that the flowers and plants here are extremely luxuriant, and the rich precious light soars straight into the sky.

Not to mention ordinary monks, even if he took a look at it, he would be extremely shocked.

Such a secret treasure land is simply unheard of, no wonder those monks are madly attracted.

But if you observe carefully, you will find that this mysterious place in Tiankeng actually hides an unspeakable evil atmosphere.

This is the power of rules, only the gods can perceive it, but ordinary monks can't resist it at all.

It's like a fish swimming in water and a bird flying in the sky. It's what it should be, and everything is taken for granted.

But how do you know that sometimes taking things for granted is the most terrible trap and deception.

(End of this chapter)

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