I have a city in another world

Chapter 4101 Science and Technology Civilization Star Domain

Chapter 4101 Science and Technology Civilization Star Domain
What Kun Jiuqi looks forward to most is for the special envoy from the headquarters to arrive quickly and then hand over all the mess in his hands.

Whatever consequences arise will be borne by the special envoy from the headquarters and have nothing to do with him.

It's a pity that such an idea is difficult to realize after all, and some problems must be faced by him personally.


For example, at this moment, Tang Zhen suddenly opened his eyes and stared at the leader of Tianyu Realm in front of him.

"It's been long enough, isn't the result of the loss statistics out yet?"

Kun Jiuqi sighed secretly when he heard the words, knowing that he could no longer take chances.

If it was delayed any longer, Tang Zhen would definitely be enraged and things would get out of hand.

Until now, he didn't know the attitude of the headquarters, and he didn't dare to define Tang Zhen as an enemy.

Don't even think about the lion opening his mouth and stalling for time through bargaining. That is purely asking for death.

"To be honest, I have no control over this matter."

Kun Jiuqi pretended to be embarrassed, and said to Tang Zhen: "Your Excellency may not know that I am not the owner of this great world, but was sent here to act as a patron saint.

The same is true for other gods, they are just managers, not the owners of the world.

Your Excellency has destroyed the small world, and the organization behind me must make an assessment and give the final result.

Please also wait patiently, and everything will be resolved smoothly when the special envoy arrives. "

After saying this, Kun Jiuqi immediately raised his vigilance to guard against Tang Zhen's turn-on attack.

The other gods in Tianyu also went on alert.

This matter was neither big nor small. Although it destroyed a small world, it was not enough to alarm the headquarters.

There is no power to deal with things like this, which only shows that they are in a miserable situation.

With the name of guarding, but not much power, it is a shame to the gods.

It is also possible that this matter was treated specially for Tang Zhen.

Tang Zhen can naturally think of things that the gods of Tianyu think of.

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, Tang Zhen's expression changed.

"Presumably the special envoy from the headquarters did not come here for this matter, but for other purposes."

With a cold snort, Tang Zhen gave a warning.

“This is the only thing I can discuss with you, and the result will be given to me immediately.

As for the special envoy, I have no interest in it and have no intention of meeting him. "

Faced with Tang Zhen's ultimatum, Kun Jiuqi gritted his teeth and said to Tang Zhen, "Sorry, I really have no right to make decisions, please wait."

Between Tang Zhen and the headquarters, Kun Jiuqi chose the latter.

Saying this sentence is equivalent to tearing your face.

"In this case, I won't waste time with you. Once the results are obtained, just go to Loucheng World to find me."

As soon as Tang Zhen finished speaking, he disappeared from the place.

"Quick, stop him!"

Kun Jiuqi immediately acted to try to prevent Tang Zhen from leaving, as did the other gods.

But he didn't want to do his best, and he didn't even catch Tang Zhen's shadow.

"Damn it, I knew it!"

Kun Jiuqi was very depressed. Before intercepting, he had already guessed that there was a great possibility that there would be no effect.

Also secretly rejoicing that Tang Zhen did not attack the gods, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

I did try my best, but I didn't succeed in intercepting it, which can be regarded as an explanation to the headquarters.

Wanting to have the best of both worlds is ultimately wishful thinking. The biggest fear is that you will lose your life while taking the blame.

"Hurry up and catch up with him!"

At this moment, Kun Jiuqi could only let out a hoarse roar, and acted futilely.

He has to express himself and show his dedication, so that he can avoid being caught.

All the gods in the Tianyu Great Realm were desperately looking for Tang Zhen's trace, but they found nothing.

The gap between the realms of the two sides is too large, and there is no possibility of tracking.

But even so, they have to bite the bullet and catch up, and no one dares to give up halfway.

After chasing him for a long time, Kun Jiuqi finally received the message from the special envoy when he was already far away from the Tianyu world.

He didn't dare to hide anything, so he told the cause and effect.

As expected, Kun Jiuqi was reprimanded by the special envoy and asked him to return to the headquarters to accept punishment.

The other Tianyu gods all returned to the Great Realm to guard, and because they were not doing well, they must not escape punishment.

Although there was a lot of resentment in their hearts, the gods of Tianyu were also helpless.

Kun Jiuqi felt relieved. He felt that if he continued to pursue it, he might really anger Tang Zhen.

Returning to the headquarters and being punished can be considered a escape.

What happened next had nothing to do with Kun Jiuqi, but he was still curious.

I want to know whether the special envoy can take down Tang Zhen. I also want to know Tang Zhen's true origin and what the headquarters wants?


After leaving Tianyu Realm, Tang Zhen continued to move forward.

This time, the containment process was far smoother than expected, and it also saved a lot of time.

But it also left future troubles and attracted special envoys from unknown forces.

The other party will not give up easily, even if Tang Zhen leaves Tianyu Great Realm, the special envoy is very likely to follow behind.

Tang Zhen didn't know what the other party's purpose was, and he didn't intend to explore it.

The main goal now is to collect the fragments of the divine body, and other things must come later.

Locking on the third fragment of the divine body, Tang Zhen moved forward and once again crossed the vast sea of ​​​​stars.

According to his judgment, he has entered an unfamiliar star field and belongs to the blind spot of intelligence information.
Entering such a strange star field, monks in Loucheng will take the initiative to collect information, and report to the cornerstone platform in exchange for military exploits.

Being in an unknown star field, Tang Zhen will definitely be extra careful to avoid trouble as much as possible.

Soon he discovered traces of civilization and various intelligent races on the planets he passed.

As we continue to move forward, we can see mining platforms built on the periphery of the planet from time to time.

This kind of giant mining platform will put a large number of mining machines on the ground and refine them in outer space.

Once the finished product is obtained, it will be transported away via spaceship.

There are also some stars with energy harvesting devices on the periphery, which collect and convert the energy extracted from the stars.

Energy harvesting devices like this would power resident stars and mining platforms, avoiding all sorts of pollution.

Not far in front of Tang Zhen, there are wireless energy transmission devices floating one after another, with dazzling beams constantly flashing.

Watching from a distance in space, the scene is extremely spectacular.

While low-level civilizations are still fighting among themselves, high-level civilizations have developed the universe and challenged all kinds of impossible things.

Increase your lifespan, activate your potential, discover and conquer a larger universe.

Tang Zhen also has some understanding of advanced technological civilization. According to his analysis, he should be within the sphere of influence of the third-level cosmic civilization.

The closer you are to the edge, the lower the level of civilization, and the closer you are to the center, the higher the level of technological civilization.

And it continues to expand outwards. Sooner or later, this area will become a part of the core.

The outer area continued to expand, devouring and containing other civilizations, and eventually grew into a terrifying behemoth.

No matter how powerful a civilization is, there is also a process of expansion. This time will not be short, and millions of years are just the beginning.

Tang Zhen could perceive that the third fragment of the divine body was located in the core area of ​​this civilized group.

This cunning thing is really in the same line, and wants to use the same routine to deal with Tang Zhen.

Technological civilization is different from cultivation civilization. I wonder what challenges are waiting for me in this star field?

(End of this chapter)

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