I have a city in another world

Floating in the wind and waves

Floating in the wind and waves

Although Garbage Star is insignificant, a scrap planet and a closed prison, it still does not allow loss of control.

Such behavior is a provocation to the ruler and will trigger a series of changes.

Severe punishment must be imposed as a warning.

As soon as the news was received, the nearby planets immediately dispatched troops to recover and suppress them.

The enemy belongs to the third-level civilization, adjacent to the garbage star, and has the ability to conquer and suppress.

Although he was unwilling to participate, the orders from his superiors were irresistible, so he could only dispatch the fleet obediently.

At the same time, an order was received not to leave any rebels behind, and the garbage stars should be cleaned up thoroughly.

This also means that the garbage star may become a death star.

This is the first defense war since the liberation of Garbage Star, and it is still a young man who goes out to fight in person.

Garbage Star's defense force is in its infancy and can only deal with wars within the planet.

Facing the enemy's fleet, they had no power to fight back, but were massacred one-sidedly.

All he could do was worry and panic, watching the young man take off to fight, silently waiting for the final result of the war.

In order to protect the garbage planet, the battlefield was chosen in outer space, a place where tragic fights once took place.

In the era of being drowned and dusty, practitioners blocked powerful enemies here and destroyed countless spaceships.

The damaged wreckage of Garbage Star is the best witness of that war.

Now, in the same starry sky, the boy, on behalf of the descendants of the defeated, launched a war to defend their homeland.

Facing the enemy's space warships, the young man has no fear, and one person is equivalent to a thousand troops.

The vast and boundless outer space erupted with brilliant light, and the war kicked off without any recruitment.

The enemies who invaded realized what it meant to be terrible.

Although there were a large number of people and powerful weapons, they did not crush as expected.

From the very beginning of the war, the enemy discovered the boy's anomaly, not only could not be locked, but also the warship itself had frequent anomalies.

The functioning weapons and equipment failed and exploded one after another, causing huge losses.

The battleship was also out of control, and the alarm was constantly issued, which seriously affected the morale of the army.

Before the repair was completed and the cause of the failure was eliminated, bad news kept coming.

The young man who looked like a god in golden armor broke through into the interior of the battleship, and then killed them indiscriminately.

If you are unwilling to accept the peace talks, and you are unwilling to surrender and admit defeat, you can only accept the end of death.

The invaded battleship quickly fell silent, which represented a terrible fact.

The other battleship commanders realized the seriousness of the matter and issued orders for melee assault.

In the melee in outer space, it is indeed possible to send strong men to carry out assaults and destroy the enemy's warships.

The tactic used by the young man is to cut the ship and break through. This is a very dangerous tactic, and the executors often escape death.

Under normal conditions, the attackers would have no chance to get close to the battleship, and would be shot and killed by defensive weapons.

But it was different now, the boy was alone, and he could be regarded as the target of being hunted.

The hatches of warships opened, and heavily armed soldiers and aircraft swarmed out, trying to lock and hunt powerful enemies in space.

The commander tried to hunt down the boy through this tactic, but in the end he made a terrible mistake.

With the protection of the battleship, he is still no match for the young man. Wouldn't it be suicide to leave the battleship?

A terrible killing erupted under the watchful eyes of the enemy, and the elite enemy who tried to capture the boy died in batches in the cold space.

Although they have powerful weapons, have undergone genetic modification, and have strong logistical support.

But in this kind of battlefield, facing the young man who possessed supernatural powers, he was completely powerless to fight back.

But in the blink of an eye, the enemies were wiped out, turning into floating corpses, or metal garbage without any movement.

The commanders of the enemy warships finally felt panic and at the same time had a premonition of the coming of death.

"Evacuate at full speed!"

The enemy was also decisive and directly withdrew from the battlefield, instead of stubbornly fighting the enemy to the end when he was at a loss what to do.

Enemies come and go, failing to achieve their goals and leaving behind a pile of wreckage and corpses.

The residents of Garbage Star watching the battle gave out earth-shattering cheers, celebrating this exciting victory.

For them, the boy actually represents themselves, the unyielding soul of the entire Garbage Star.

Following the boy's control, the battleships and the wreckage floating in the air floated towards the ground one after another.

Another pile of space junk landed on Junk Star, but the meaning is completely different.

These space junks are all precious trophies without any treatment.

Change to Taylor alloy, enough to pile up a hill.

The good things on the battleship are all controlled weapons and materials, and they were not eligible to get them in the past.

With these trophies, Junkstar's combat effectiveness will be improved again, and it will have more self-protection power when facing the enemy.

The boy went to see Tang Zhen, continued to ask for advice, and then practiced hard.

That metal ball has become bigger and bigger, but it was hidden in the body by the young man.

In the wars that took place before, the boy did not use it, just because the enemy was not worthy at all.

But the next enemy will inevitably be stronger, and you must work hard to deal with it.

This metal ball may become a secret weapon and play a role in turning the tables.

The young man at this moment already has a higher goal, to become a real strongman in this star field.

The young man didn't know what the strongest person looked like, so he secretly used Tang Zhen as a reference.

He felt that one day, when he was able to look directly at Tang Zhen, he should have achieved his expected goal.

The thoughts of ignorant people are always naive and ridiculous, and they don't know that the gap between themselves and Tang Zhen cannot be narrowed by hard work.

Regarding the boy's performance, Tang Zhen saw it, but he didn't make any comments.

He can't tell the truth, otherwise the other party will definitely feel desperate, and even lose the courage to forge ahead.

As for the world awareness, it will not interfere with participation, but will only provide assistance at critical moments, and at the same time plant dark lines to send various opportunities to the young people.

No matter when, the world consciousness will not easily come forward to let Destiny's Child know his existence.

That is likely to be self-defeating, making Destiny Child doubt everything, thinking that the disaster is a deliberate arrangement of the world consciousness.

If this is the case, it is very likely that they will turn against each other.

It didn't ridicule the young man, feeling that the other party was overreaching. After all, existences like Tang Zhen were beyond the comprehension of ordinary monks.

On the contrary, I feel lucky for the young man. After meeting a god like Tang Zhen, he is destined to go further in the future.

For world consciousness, it is also a good thing that can't be expected.

The price it paid was nothing more than providing intelligence information to help cover up the information about Tang Zhen's existence.

During this period of time, the consciousness of the world has felt more than once that a mysterious spiritual force descended.

Scan the whole world, trying to find what you are looking for.

Such a terrifying existence has never appeared in the past, but now it comes frequently

Undoubtedly, Tang Zhen was the one searching.

Such a terrorist existence, once launched an attack, is likely to destroy the planet.

Although he was worried, the world consciousness had no choice. If he didn't put in a fight, what awaited him would be destruction.

Before you want to get it, you must first learn to give. The more benefits you get, the greater the risk you take.

Similarly, he could not betray Tang Zhen. If he dared to do that, he would end up in ruin first.

It is absolutely easy for an existence like Tang Zhen to destroy a planet and obliterate the consciousness of the world.

World Consciousness is also very curious about what kind of existence Tang Zhen is to make such a big commotion.

Although there is no evidence, the world consciousness has a feeling that this wave of investigation operations throughout the entire star field is actually caused by Tang Zhen.

(End of this chapter)

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