I have a city in another world

4128--Andrew's eye-catching debut

4128--Andrew's eye-catching debut

In the field outside the town, the breeze blows the wheat waves, which is a scene of a good harvest.

But before that, no one felt happy, but felt extremely heavy.

Everyone knows that if you want to get a good harvest, you may have to exchange your life.

Before Tang Zhen arrived, many residents and monks had already sacrificed their lives for guarding this field.

When they heard that Tang Zhen was going to cast a spell to ripen the thousands of acres of fertile land, every guardian was very happy.

If it is successful, not only can a large amount of food be obtained, but also many innocent sacrifices can be avoided.

The law of time, the law of earth, and the condensation of aura.

Tang Zhen's technique is actually a super-difficult compound law, not as simple as ripening grain.

None of the practitioners present could see through it.

In the expectant eyes, the power of the law is running, and it begins to ripen thousands of acres of fertile land.

A miraculous scene appeared, the originally turquoise crops turned golden yellow at an extremely fast speed.

The moment the grain matured, a strong grain aroma spread in all directions.

Even without steaming, the aroma is still compelling.

"This is... Spirit Valley!"

The practitioners who were watching were shocked and shouted in an incredible tone.

"That's right, it's the Spirit Valley, and it's of higher quality!"

Practitioners who are good at growing spiritual grasses and spiritual medicines, and have personally planted spiritual grains, can't restrain their excitement when they see the fruits that are several times larger than ordinary grains.

"After being catalyzed by the power of law and absorbing the aura of heaven and earth, the value of this batch of spiritual grains is immeasurable.

The ordinary Spirit Valley cannot be compared with it at all! "

The more these practitioners talked, the more excited their expressions became, as if a piece of pie fell from the sky and hit them on the head.

Spiritual grains of such quality have never been seen before. If they are used as seeds, they will surely be able to sow large tracts of spiritual fields.

Although these grains were originally used to relieve disaster victims, they can also be temporarily exchanged.

Today is a time of war, and practitioners have priority in enjoying high-level resources. If ordinary people eat Linggu to satisfy their hunger, it would be a waste of money.

The joy brought by the harvest made the onlookers extremely happy.

Immersed in the fragrance of rice and the rhythm of the law, each one was mesmerized, and it took a while to recover.

"Harvest immediately, be careful, and don't get damaged!"

The cultivator in charge suppressed the excitement in his heart and ordered to harvest this spiritual field.

The practitioners who had been waiting for a long time quickly harvested the fruits of the grains, and then carefully sealed them up.

Such a precious spiritual grain must be handled properly to prevent any possibility of waste.

When practitioners take action, the speed of harvesting is naturally extremely fast, and the grains have been returned to the warehouse in half an hour.

Some monks accidentally discovered that the stalks of the spiritual valley are also quite delicious. After being crushed, they are used as food, and they are even three points better than rice.

After discovering this, the monks naturally did not waste it, and harvested the straw again.

As a result, there was not a single grass stalk left in the thousands of acres of fertile land, and even the grass roots were dug away together.

This kind of harvesting method is actually forced out of helplessness, because food is too scarce today.

But nothing that can be eaten should be wasted.

When the harvest is over, the townspeople who have already tidied up will leave with them.

Carrying the things that can be carried, and taking a last look at the homeland, he staggers and prepares to go on the road.

This evacuation road is also long and difficult, and many people cannot reach the end.

The monk leader in command asked Tang Zhen for his opinion on whether he should ride on the road immediately.

"There's no need to walk, I'll take you for a ride."

The leader was taken aback when he heard the words, and when he was about to ask another question, he felt the ground shaking under his feet.

Towns stretching across several kilometers unexpectedly rose from the ground and quickly rose to a height of a thousand meters.

This spectacular scene shocked the practitioners inexplicably, and the surviving townspeople even exclaimed.

"This is moving mountains and filling seas, a real fairy method!"

The cultivators looked at Tang Zhen, their eyes became extremely fanatical, and the avenue in their hearts became more and more transparent.

Even if you are not as good as Tang Zhen, you must aim at him and have the courage to climb to a higher level.

The most taboo thing when practicing is that the way ahead is unknown, if you practice forcefully in a daze, you may go crazy.

If during the practice, someone conceals the way forward and expresses that they know that it is not good to go too early, the other party is definitely malicious.

Only when you see the way ahead, can you move forward. Exploring in the dark will only make it difficult for practitioners.

At this moment, Tang Zhen became the guiding light for all the monks, and their worship and admiration reached a new height.

The surviving common people regarded Tang Zhen as a god.

Under Tang Zhen's control, the town flew forward and crossed the vast land.

The villages and towns along the way are also making preparations. Once the demonized monsters appear, they will also evacuate.

Otherwise it will hold out until the grain is ripe.

If the meat shoots can be destroyed, so that the source of the disaster will not spread, there is no need to be forced to relocate.

It's a pity that until now, no one has been able to do it. On the contrary, they will pay heavy casualties.

After experiencing disappointment again and again, I can only be forced to lower the standard, save my life and talk about other things.

When the town flew over, it was seen by countless pairs of eyes, and exclamations from the ground kept coming.

To avoid trouble, many Confederate flags were planted around the town, visible from great distances.

Along the way, he didn't encounter any troubles, and no one dared to provoke them.

To be able to move a town and use it as a spaceship, ordinary practitioners dare not even think about it.

Dare to make things difficult and cause trouble, you are definitely asking for your own death.

After crossing a mountain range, they finally arrived at the destination, which is the resettlement site for the victims of various ethnic groups.

The victims who suffered from the evil disaster nearby and left their homes were all arranged here.

When you look around, you can see camps one after another, as well as countless tents and huts.

More common people choose to dig holes in the ground and live in houses similar to cellars.

The living environment is extremely poor, supplies are also quite scarce, and life is very difficult.

Despite the pain in his heart, there is nothing he can do about it. In the face of a catastrophe, it is not easy to survive.

If it weren't for the help of the practitioners, it would be impossible for the survivors to come here, and it is very likely that they would have died halfway.

When I saw a town flying over the sky, my shock couldn't be overstated.

Although during this period of time, the survivors have seen too many monks and learned their powerful methods, but this is the first time they have seen such a town flying in the sky.

Everyone exclaimed for a while, and the children even ran and chased, their faces full of yearning and curiosity.

Not only mortals were shocked, but so were practitioners.

They looked at the sky one after another, staring intently at the floating island in the sky, with different expressions on their faces.

There is curiosity, there is prudence, and there is also suspicion and jealousy.

They are eager to know the information related to this floating island, and want to know which racial power this controller belongs to?

Although all ethnic groups form an alliance to jointly fight against the catastrophe of annihilating the world, the struggle behind the scenes still exists.

The monks of each race want to gain a greater right to speak, so that they can gain more advantages in the future.

When the town flew to the side of the lake and fell slowly, senior monks from all races also rushed over.

I want to figure out the situation before making further decisions.

Before they got close to the town, they felt a powerful aura, and the sea of ​​spirits was trembling crazily.

The sudden change surprised the cultivators of all races, and they felt deep regret in their hearts.

In this special situation, they only need to add a little more force, and their sea of ​​souls will shatter and disintegrate.

If the controller is an enemy and has malicious intentions, he can kill all the practitioners with one thought.

Fortunately, in the blink of an eye, the terrifying coercion disappeared, allowing practitioners of all races to secretly breathe a sigh of relief.

Looking at each other secretly, the hidden dirty thoughts disappeared at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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