I have a city in another world

Wherever you go, you will become a legend

Wherever you go, you will become a legend

Since Tang Zhen arrived, the safe zone has undergone tremendous changes.

The originally boundless wilderness has been modified into pieces of fertile fields, and various grains have been sown at the same time.

In fact, before that, the work of sowing and opening up wasteland was also continuing, but the scale was not very large.

Nowadays, there are internal and external troubles, and the people are panic-stricken, so it is difficult to do a good job in production seriously.

No one can be sure whether he will be used as food by demonized monsters in his sleep.

Will this safe zone be abandoned and moved to another location again?

When the heart is stable, when doing things again, it will become full of motivation.

The survivors firmly believed that with Tang Zhen sitting in the safe zone, none of the feared dangers would happen.

Especially after seeing Tang Zhen make a move to ripen the grain in a short period of time, the survivors' enthusiasm for food exploded completely.

In order to get enough food, the survivors are willing to work hard and sweat, no matter how tired they are, they will be happy.

Practitioners in the safe zone, because they obtained high-quality spiritual grains, their plight of lack of supplies was finally resolved.

Because of the invasion and destruction of the heavenly demons, the energy of the heavens and the earth became chaotic and weakened, and all kinds of elixir and spirit grass no longer grew.

It became more and more difficult for monks to obtain supplies. After some practitioners were injured, they could only grit their teeth and hold on.

In this case, it is obviously very difficult for them to protect the survivors and fight against the invasion of monsters.

If you can't protect yourself, how can you protect others?
With the top spirit valley, you can repair the wounds in your body, and even improve your own strength.

You can also use spiritual grains as medicine to refine various pills, all of which have quite good results.

If it were an ordinary spiritual valley, it would definitely not be able to do this, but the effect of the spiritual valley ripened by the power of the law is far superior to that of ordinary elixir.

That faint aftertaste of the law is simply a peerless treasure that practitioners can't wait for.

As long as you can encounter absorption, you will definitely benefit a lot.

In a short period of time, the magic of Linggu spread, and many practitioners knew about this safe zone, as well as Tang Zhen, the powerful law that could ripen Linggu.

Today the world is chaotic, there is more than one safe zone, and practitioners are also attacking everywhere, belonging to different safe zones.

Because of Tang Zhen, this safe zone became even more famous, and many practitioners came here admiringly.

For nothing else, he just wanted to get the Linggu, even at a high price in exchange.

There are also quite a few practitioners who contact their acquaintances in the safe zone, hoping to help them get a batch of spiritual valleys for emergency treatment.

Today's cultivators are not easy. They not only have to endure the lack of supplies, but also have to face the crazy attacks of monsters.

Heartbreaking news will come from time to time, and the practitioners have already become numb.

Encountering such an era is the sorrow of practitioners. They could have been free to seek Taoism and live forever, but now they have to struggle for survival.

The powerhouses of the various sects are under greater pressure, watching the disciples of the sects fall in batches, but they have to grit their teeth and send more disciples to the expedition.

Without this kind of sacrifice, the world would have been destroyed long ago.

In contrast, Tang Zhen's safe zone is completely like a fairyland on earth.

Many practitioners, after knowing the truth of the matter, couldn't help complaining secretly in their hearts.

Obviously, the boss of his own sect also has the rank of king of laws, so why can't he follow the example of Tang Zhen to ripen Linggu?
Once the planting is successful, it will definitely benefit the Zongmen, and the logistical pressure will also be relieved.

But how did they know that the bosses of the various sects were also secretly depressed and anxious.

They all tried, but they couldn't achieve the desired effect, and their own consumption was also quite serious.

It is almost impossible to ripen thousands of acres of spiritual valleys at once like Tang Zhen, and to have top quality.

Ripening ten acres and eight acres, and reaching a similar quality, requires all efforts to complete.

Such a small harvest can be said to be worth the candle.

Through experiments again and again, these sect bosses came to the conclusion that Tang Zhen either mastered some kind of secret technique, or his strength was extremely high.

The current realm strength is just a disguise, and it actually has a higher realm.

No matter what the situation is, it means that Tang Zhen is not easy to provoke.

The big bosses of the sect hope that Tang Zhen has mastered a secret technique, so that they can find a way to learn it.

Waiting until a critical moment can play a great role.

If Tang Zhen refuses to hand it over, he can use his affection and reason to persuade him to hand over the secret technique to save the whole world.

This is the real righteousness, and it is difficult for ordinary monks to refuse, otherwise it is tantamount to confronting all races.

Not to mention the critical situation, once the body dies and the dao disappears, there will be nothing left in the end.

It's better to share it to improve the overall strength, maybe you can survive from death, so as to gain a ray of life.

If the real reason for the ripening is that Tang Zhen's realm is high enough, it is actually a good thing.

Once the situation is critical, you can take the initiative to go to Tang Zhen and seek refuge in the safe zone guarded by him.

It will be easier to ask for the answer when the time comes.

But all the monks also know that if it really reaches that step, the world is probably not far from being destroyed.

No matter what the reason was, some senior monks made up their minds to visit Tang Zhen when they had time.

But I didn't expect that the heat in Linggu was still there, and something new happened, which also caused a lot of shock.

It turns out that this great human being who ripens the spiritual valley and benefits practitioners and common people has developed a new type of device.

The device is adjustable in size and uses a special fuel, which is said to be black oil mined from the ground.

After refining, it becomes a more refined oil, which will burn violently when exposed to fire.

For practitioners, this is not a big deal, many practitioners have done similar experiments.

The key is that this kind of oil, when used with special devices, can become a powerful weapon.

Through the burning of oil, a strong thrust is generated, and metal projectiles can be continuously fired.

A small weapon device that ordinary people can carry around and use to shoot and kill demonized monsters.

A large weapon device that can fire larger projectiles to fight against more powerful monsters.

After the transformation of the place of practice, it can have effects such as burning and explosion, and can kill demonized monsters on a large scale.
The most important point is that ordinary people can easily operate and use these powerful weapons and equipment.

The actual combat is enough to prove that the number of monsters killed is even more than that of practitioners.

After the news came out, it immediately caused a huge sensation.

Since the disaster came, the common people suffered a lot of casualties, and they have been playing the role of allowing the monsters to slaughter them.

Survivors who were able to transfer smoothly and reach the safe zone can be said to be one out of ten.

As the situation deteriorates, the situation will become more serious. Even if the practitioners try their best to rescue them, they will certainly not be able to help all the civilians.

Not to mention that after the survivors were rescued, they needed to consume a lot of supplies, which put enormous pressure on the safe zone.

In the eyes of some practitioners, mortals are trash, a bunch of burdens, and they feel disgusted in their hearts.

The appearance of fuel guns immediately reversed the situation. Survivors who were shivering in the face of monsters have now become elite soldiers on the battlefield.

After they ate the spirit grain, they gained more strength and became more agile, not even weaker than low-level practitioners.

Even assisting each other, they were able to hunt down more magical monsters and successfully prevented the spread of the disaster.

(End of this chapter)

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