I have a city in another world

Chapter 4140 The layout has been completed

Chapter 4140 The layout has been completed
The refugees moved forward along the ladder, trembling with fear every step they took.

When the distance was nearly [-] meters from the ground, there was another shrill scream, and a figure fell from the climbing ladder.

The climbing ladder is quite stable, with sufficient width and length, and it is said that it is impossible to fall down.

But that person stepped on the air, fell from a height of [-] meters, and fell directly into a pile of meatloaf.

The sudden change made the survivors startled again, thinking of the warning issued before.

If it is malicious, it will fall from the sky.

If this is the case, it means that the guy who just fell must be an evil person.

Thinking of this, the refugees couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief.

This kind of beast deserves more than death. When they do bad things, there is a great possibility that they will implicate themselves.

Just like those believers of the Outer Gods, they never left anyone alive, and they didn't care who would sacrifice, they only wanted to achieve their own goals.

Animals like this should all be killed.

Looking at the guardians, all of them sneered and glanced at the crowd waiting in line.

There were some figures in the crowd, their bodies trembling and stiff, obviously frightened by what just happened.

Originally, they thought that the guardian was just deliberately bluffing, and wanted to use this method to find out the guilty.

Guessing this possibility, the followers of the Outer Gods kept their faces unchanged, as if nothing had happened.

The accomplice who fell from the sky and fell to his death surprised the believers of the outer gods, and realized that the guardian was not bluffing, and climbing the ladder did have such a function.

Learn from the heart, learn from the soul, learn from loyalty and treachery.

When they thought that after they went up, they might fall from the sky, they began to become hesitant.

If he could not climb the ladder and fell to his death from the sky, how would the subsequent plan be carried out?

With fear and hesitation, he fell behind the team, which became more conspicuous.

Although the guardian found something abnormal, he was not in a hurry to act. As long as these guys did not enter the No. [-] security zone, there was no need to be too nervous.

Let them continue to struggle and struggle, and then take action with luck, and finally fall into deep despair.

Only this kind of mind-killing operation can make people feel more happy, and can really punish these damned traitors.

Sure enough, the believers of the outer gods did not give up, and climbed up the ladder among the refugees.

In the following time, figures continued to fall from the sky and screamed desperately and frantically before dying.

For these outer god believers, death is actually not terrible, and the inability to complete the task is the real despair.

There are still many survivors, with raging flames burning on their bodies, as if they were human-shaped torches.

Some people secretly observed and gradually figured out the function of the climbing ladder, but their hearts became more and more shocked.

It turns out that this climbing ladder will be probed by spirits after climbing up, and the more you go up, the stronger the probe will be.

No matter how deep the inner demons are hidden, they will be found out, and then burned with flames.

The survivors who were burned did not actually suffer much damage. On the contrary, they gradually became more and more relaxed as the flames burned.

It turns out that this kind of fire of the soul can cleanse the demons of filth and give people a chance to be reborn from the ashes.

If you don't believe me, just look at the survivors who are still walking upward after being burned, with relaxed and peaceful expressions on their faces.

The original confusion and bitterness, as well as despair and resignation, have completely disappeared.

In addition to the fire of the soul, there is also the illusion of asking the heart.

Treacherous and evil people, in the process of moving upward, will continue to be interrogated by illusions.

As it continues to rise, the intensity of torture is getting stronger and stronger, even if it is sophisticated and scheming, it will show its feet in the powerful illusion.

Especially after a hundred steps, there is one step at a time, and there is no possibility of passing.

Often while walking, the steps under my feet suddenly disappear and fall directly from the sky.

Most of the outer god believers fell to their deaths on the spot, and some were demonized during the landing process.

This was just a dying struggle, and before he could commit evil, he was directly killed by the guards.

In the territory of No. [-] safety zone, no one should try to act recklessly, otherwise it would be a dead end.

Such a screening mechanism discourages those with bad intentions, but gives real refugees a chance to survive.

When the No.1 survivor successfully passed the climbing ladder, he couldn't help shouting excitedly.

Looking back at the boundless land behind him, I couldn't help but burst into tears.

The soldiers and practitioners on the defense line did not stop the reprimand, they could understand the mood of these survivors.

After going through countless twists and turns, and finally achieving what I wanted, I must be extremely excited in my heart.

Crying and shouting loudly is also a matter of course.

Of course, it is impossible for these passers-by to stay here for a long time, but to continue walking along the slope.

From the outside, it looks like a cliff, a thousand-foot defense line cut by knives and axes, but inside it is a super long gentle slope.

Like a plate, it presents a concave topography.

Roads and houses are built neatly along the hillside.

There is verdant green as far as the eye can see, and there are dense fields everywhere, which will not take long to be harvested.

The aroma of flowers and rice makes people intoxicated, and I just want to stay in this beautiful scenery forever.

After being woken up by someone, I realized that there were survivors everywhere on the surrounding hillsides.

They all had the same expression, cheering constantly because of their excitement, and the children kept rolling on the grass.

The joyful laughter can be heard from far away.

Soon monks appeared, calling these survivors together and telling them the rules of the No. [-] security zone.

Immediately afterwards, arrange residence, distribute daily necessities, and arrange work according to their respective specialties.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner, even though the number of survivors pouring in is extremely large, there is still no confusion.

Above the thousand-foot line of defense, several senior practitioners were in charge of guarding, watching the survivors continue to climb to the top.

In a short period of time, the total number has exceeded [-].

This is only the current number. If all the refugees are accepted, the total number must reach more than ten million.

For the No. [-] security zone, it is not a small challenge.

Several senior monks were talking about this topic, and they each had their own opinions.

"Believe me, Lord Controller, after all, I have already made a complete plan, and I don't need you and me to worry about it at all.

You just need to do your job well, prevent monsters from breaking through the defense line, and stop idiots in other safe areas. "

The last senior monk said in a casual tone, not worried about this population explosion.

In a short period of time, Tang Zhen gained a great reputation, and all the practitioners in the No. [-] safety zone surrendered.

For the plan he made, he is even more resolutely implemented, and few people question it.

In the past period of time, countless examples have proved that Tang Zhen's decision-making is extremely correct.

No matter any crisis, it will be easily resolved, and the prosperity and stability of the fifth safety zone will always be maintained.

Compared with the precarious and dire situation in other safe areas, safe area No. [-] is indeed like heaven.

Several other high-ranking monks nodded in agreement, saying that this is indeed the truth.

It is a very lucky thing to follow a controller like Tang Zhen. Even though the external situation is extremely critical, the monks in the No. [-] safety zone are at ease.

Performing tasks every day, practicing diligently in spare time, there is never a shortage of logistics supplies, and the bottom monks have also been given the opportunity to grow rapidly.

This happened because the top monks consumed very little resources, and Tang Zhen's supervision prevented embezzlement from happening.

Practitioners at the bottom can naturally obtain more cultivation resources.

Not to mention that Tang Zhen personally worked out a set of practice procedures for low-level monks, and the effect was so good that it shocked people's attention.

However, in a short period of time, the number of low-level monks increased wildly, which doubled the proportion of monks who defended the line of defense.

Today's No. [-] security zone can be said to have strong soldiers and horses, with sufficient logistics and materials, and has no fear of war.

Regardless of demonized monsters or cultivators in other safe areas, as long as they dare to provoke, they will inevitably be hit by lightning.

(End of this chapter)

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