Chapter 4147
Tang Zhen had been prepared for a long time, and rushed out along a gap before the divine sense of the leader of the outer god came.

At the same time as he left, the No. [-] security area was like a collapsed stage, completely swallowed by gray fog and yellow sand in an instant.

This world is irreversibly heading towards destruction.

No one cares about the death of the planet, a new round of confrontation has begun, and the Outer God wants to keep Tang Zhen.

They formed a line of defense and tried to intercept Tang Zhen's evacuation, but they were knocked and scattered.

Like weeds trying to stop a running car, they were crushed mercilessly.

The Outer God, who doesn't even have a godhead, can't stop Tang Zhen at all. The real threat is the leader.

Sensing Tang Zhen's appearance, the other party gradually woke up from a deep sleep, trying to catch the unexpectedly approaching prey.

Before Tang Zhen was discovered, it had been in a state of deep sleep.

It was impossible for Tang Zhen to let him get what he wanted, easily broke through the interception of the outer gods, and then flew to the depths of the star sea.

The speed was unbelievably fast, and a group of Outer Gods had no time to intercept it, so they could only let out howls of incompetence and unwillingness.

The leader of the Outer God, who was gradually waking up, let out an angry roar to express his dissatisfaction.

It has realized that it can't catch up with Tang Zhen, so it can only give up this hunt in the end.

Another reason is that Tang Zhen sensed a slight threat.

The ancient god king who had been beheaded left marks on Tang Zhen's body. Ordinary monks could not perceive it, but the ancient god king could faintly detect it.

The aura on Tang Zhen's body can be said to be extremely fierce, even the leader of the Outer God is afraid.

It may not be afraid of Tang Zhen, but if it is not necessary, it will definitely not fight to the death.

Just like a hungry hunter, given a choice, he would never choose a tiger as food.

Not long after Tang Zhen left, this black cloud composed of outer gods slowly left the wasteland world.

They wander through the stars, looking for the next target, and continue to do similar things.


In the extreme distance, a stream of light flashed, and then stopped.

There is a world ahead, with lush vegetation, beautiful mountains and rivers, and looks vibrant.

The divine sense swept over it, and found that this world had not been formed for a long time, and there were no powerful races.

Only some giant beasts are running rampant and becoming the overlords of this planet.

The world itself has no consciousness, and the indigenous gods do not exist, everything is in the initial state.

If such a piece of fertile soil is well managed, the future development will be limitless.

The next moment, the kingdom of mind opened, and the survivors of the No. [-] safety zone were dropped to the ground.

"where is this place?"

Looking at the unfamiliar environment, they were full of doubts.

"The catastrophe is over, here is a new world, develop well, don't let me down."

Tang Zhen's figure appeared in the sky, one hundred thousand feet high, looking extremely majestic.

"It's Your Excellency Tang Zhen, the savior!"

Seeing this, the survivors knelt on the ground and worshiped at the same time, their hearts filled with unspeakable worship.

They were finally able to confirm that Tang Zhen was a god, a supreme being who helped them through this catastrophe.

There are thousands of words piled up in my heart, but at this moment, I am silent, I can only kowtow to express my gratitude.

After experiencing a catastrophe, the survivors of all ethnic groups are not the same. They have seen the horror of death, and they understand the preciousness of life.

In this brand new world, it will surely be able to take root and rebuild a powerful civilization.

In order to ensure safety, Tang Zhen gathered the power of faith collected before on a high-ranking monk.

Previously, they secretly inspected and confirmed that the other party's character is not bad. After becoming a local god, they should be able to shelter the survivors.

The more you do things with your heart, the more will you get and the stronger your strength will be.

If the other party violates the original intention, the wish will dissipate, and a new match will be found again.

With Tang Zhen's participation, this wish has become not easy, and it can guarantee fairness to the greatest extent.

Before Tang Zhen left, he arranged a barrier around the world, which could help hide the world and also serve as a deterrent.

When an ordinary foreign god approached, he would be frightened out of his wits, and would not dare to do malicious acts again.

With this double guarantee, survivors should be able to develop smoothly.

As for the future, Tang Zhen didn't know, and it was impossible for him to keep paying attention.

Such an operation actually has a purpose, which is to obtain an overseas base.

When the time is right, Tang Zhen will send monks from Loucheng to come in contact with the practitioners here.

At that time, if this civilization is still there, it can be developed into a vassal of the Rift Territory.

If an accident happened and the civilization of the survivors was destroyed, Tang Zhen wouldn't have much to lose.

In the following time, Tang Zhen followed the induction and continued to search for other fragments of the divine body.

The more fragments contained, the clearer the perception, and even the approximate distance can be judged.

According to Tang Zhen's guess, this perception should be two-way. He can perceive the fragments of the divine body, and the other party must also be able to perceive his approach.

In this case, the fragments of the divine body will inevitably become more nervous, and even smash the cans, and behave like a dog jumping over the wall.

If this is the case, the difficulty of containment will increase again.

This road continued to move forward, crossing countless galactic rivers, and finally approached the nearest fragment of the divine body.

In the area in front of Tang Zhen, a strange scene appeared.

In the vast starry sky, a huge spiral appeared, like a large mosquito coil.

The spiral continues to deepen, showing the state of a funnel, and the most central area is extremely deep.

When Tang Zhen approached, he immediately felt the force of repulsion, and there was no way to move on.

Obviously, in this place, there are strong rules that prevent practitioners like Tang Zhen from approaching.

Just when Tang Zhen was thinking about how to enter it, he sensed the aura of other gods.

Soon he discovered that there was more than one god hidden in the nearby starry sky.

They found Tang Zhen coming, but they were not surprised. Their spiritual thoughts swept away without any hostile threat.

Curious in Tang Zhen's heart, he followed a divine thought and tried to communicate with the other party.

"Your Excellency, what is this place?"

The god that Tang Zhen asked to find concealed his aura, so he couldn't see through the real realm.

This is a very normal thing, mainly to avoid trouble and to prevent the enemy from knowing their roots.

Only the mighty gods can unscrupulously show their strength and realm, and use this to deter other practitioners.

At this moment, Tang Zhen also concealed his aura. No one knew that he was a monk of the God King.

"This is the Ring of Fallen God, the cemetery of an ancient god king."

The other party's voice was cold, but he also answered Tang Zhen's question.

Since Tang Zhen spoke, the other party had to respond, let alone such a simple question.

If you are extremely arrogant and ignore Tang Zhen's inquiry, it is very likely that you will forge a grudge because of it.

"Thank you for letting me know."

Hearing this, Tang Zhen suddenly realized, no wonder there are rules and restrictions here, it turned out to be the place where an ancient god king fell.

Although the other party has fallen, the rules still exist, even the ancient god king is difficult to break.

These gods around should all come for treasure hunting, and they can also be counted as tomb robbers.

Although the deity cannot enter, he can find a suitable control object in the tomb of the god through the way of divine thoughts descending.

After the fall of the God King, every hair, bone and blood can be transformed into a living being, and a world of its own.

The gods manipulated from a distance to discover the treasures left by the ancient god kings.

Every god king powerhouse is a moving treasure house, especially the ancient god king.

Not to mention the origin of the gods, even after the gods fall, they will still be automatically generated for a period of time.

If it is not absorbed for a long time, it will automatically condense into crystals, which is the most popular currency among gods.

The fragments of the god's body tracked by Tang Zhen sneaked into this god's tomb. If you want to take it back, it will take a lot of effort.

(End of this chapter)

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