I have a city in another world

Chapter 4156 The more you investigate, the bigger things will be

Chapter 4156 The more you investigate, the bigger things will be

"Brother, where did you go yesterday, why did someone say you were injured in the factory?"

A plainly dressed young woman stopped Tang Zhen on the street and asked with a joyful and puzzled expression.

At the same time, her eyes kept looking at Tang Zhen, and she obviously had a lot of doubts.

He probably couldn't figure out why his brother dressed up like this, it obviously cost a lot of money.

Seeing the girl's appearance, Tang Zhen guessed the identity of the other party, but he didn't expect it to be such a coincidence.

"I have something to do, and I won't be going home for a while, so you don't need to worry too much."

Tang Zhen explained a sentence, looked at the girl in front of him, and showed a warm smile.

Immediately afterwards, he opened his pocket, took out a stack of banknotes, and stuffed them into the girl's pocket.

"Go home and look again, don't let others see, or you will be very dangerous."

The girl nodded, with surprise and worry on her expression. She saw that it was a wad of money, and it was a huge amount that she had never seen before.

Money is a good thing, but if it comes from the wrong way, it may bring disaster.

The girl wanted to ask again, but Tang Zhen wouldn't give her a chance.

"I still have things to do, you hurry home, if someone asks about me, you just need to tell the truth.

By the way, don't mention the money, or it may be snatched away. "

The girl nodded quickly and clutched her pocket tightly. She wanted to say something more, but Tang Zhen had already turned the corner with Hans.

Seeing Tang Zhen's back disappear, the girl hesitated for a while, and finally turned and left.

After walking for a while, I stepped into a dirty and narrow street, and there were many wretched guys without jobs standing on the side of the road.

These people are like vicious dogs, they can do anything.

The girl has a huge sum of money in her pocket, and she is becoming more and more cautious, for fear of being discovered by others.

Otherwise, if you are dragged into the alley, not only your money will be robbed, but your life may even be lost.

Arriving at the door of a row of dilapidated houses, the girl was about to enter the house when two men suddenly walked out of it.

They were wearing hats, black trench coats, and holding what looked like walking sticks.

The dress and temperament are incompatible with the surrounding environment.

"You are Lisa?"

A man spoke and asked the girl.

The girl was taken aback when she heard the words, then nodded quickly, feeling a little flustered.

"Your brother, did you come home?"

The man continued to ask, his eyes fixed on Lisa, his sharp eyes seemed to see through everything.

The girl's heart tightened, and a thought flashed in her mind, and then she remembered Tang Zhen's order.

"Not back home, but I saw him, not so long ago."

Hearing the girl's answer, the man's eyes sparkled, and the man next to him smiled.

"Where is he, did he say anything?"

The gentle voice of the man seemed to have some kind of magic power, which made Lisa gradually relax.

His eyes were a little blurred, and he said in a blunt tone: "He is on Haofu Avenue, he is well dressed, and told me that something has happened recently, and there is no way to go home, so there is no need to worry about him."

Just as she was about to say that Tang Zhen had given herself a sum of money, it was as if a needle had pricked her brain, making the girl subconsciously shut her mouth.

The girl came back to her senses and frowned suspiciously, feeling that something was wrong with her just now.

"Very well, thank you for your cooperation."

After the two men finished speaking, they left directly from the door, and quickly left this filthy place.

The unemployed vagrants smoking cigarettes on the side of the road looked at the two well-dressed men with envy and greed in their eyes.

Greedy guys like this are mostly poor hoodlums who just arrived and can't wait to make a fortune.

Only those local snakes, with frightened expressions on their faces, quickly dodged into the corner, as if they were afraid of being seen by the two men.

For all this, the two men didn't seem to see it, they just walked slowly on the road mixed with feces and urine.

The shiny leather shoes have never been stained with any dirt.

After arriving at the intersection, a man took out an item that looked like a mobile phone.

"Squad No. [-] reported that the worker who came into contact with the female nurse and the owner of the funeral home appeared in the urban area today, dressed decently, and was able to walk normally.

Suspiciousness is extremely high, it is recommended to continue to track. "

Not long after, there was a sound from inside the box. It was the voice of a man who couldn't distinguish between men and women.

"Agreed to pursue and give three levels of authority."

Hearing this, the two men showed a smile, and went straight to Howard Avenue in a carriage.

After arriving at the destination, two official personnel belonging to the fifth team began to walk slowly on the street.

When they walked under a streetlight, the two stopped suddenly because the rings on their fingers were slightly warm.

This is a hint that the target has appeared here.

One of the men, taking a pill bottle from his pocket, poured out a pill and dropped it in his mouth.

After about 30 seconds, his eyes became blood red, protruding half an inch from the eye sockets, and more than tripled in size.

The nose also began to get bigger, protruding red and swollen, constantly sniffing the smell in the air.

Such a terrifying appearance, but because of the cover of the hat, passers-by cannot see it.

After about five seconds, the man returned to normal, showing an extremely tired posture.

Taking a deep breath, he said to his companion: "It is indeed here, and the smell has been captured, but something feels wrong..."

While the two were talking, they continued to walk forward, and soon came to an antique shop.

After walking into the shop, I found that the boss was busy cleaning a long gold plate.

There are patterns on the gold plate, as well as dense runes. It looks like an old item.

The two men looked at each other, and they sensed the breath of evil gods from this item.

Except for the 36 righteous gods officially recognized, all other gods belong to evil gods, and they are absolutely not allowed to worship or become servants of gods.

Because these evil gods will only create chaos and disasters and cause countless troubles.

This gold plate is simple in shape and is obviously a historical relic, most likely from an ancient tomb.

Because it is contaminated with the breath of evil gods, it is a source of pollution that must be strictly controlled.

Once discovered, it must be sealed and contained, and then further appraisal and judgment will be made.

If it is dangerous, it will be contained and suppressed. If it can be used normally, it will become a special weapon for the guardian force.

Originally, they were just following Tang Zhen, but they didn't expect to get unexpected results. The two team members immediately cheered up.

Just because of this kind of containment, the headquarters will give rewards, which is definitely a surprise.

"Gentlemen, what do you want to see?"

The boss saw someone coming in and greeted him with a smile, but suddenly his eyes became dazed.

"Let me ask you, how did you get this gold plate?"

The man who chatted with Lisa before asked again, obviously this is his innate ability.

The target will be hypnotized and will know everything when interrogated.

While asking the boss, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and his fists kept clenching and loosening, as if he was enduring some kind of pain.

Every skill used will encounter backlash, but the backlash of the righteous god is weaker.

"It was a young man who said he picked it up in the dirt and sold it because he was eager for money."

The boss answered the man's question with a numb expression.

As if thinking of something, the companion next to him immediately took out a piece of paper, on which was a lifelike portrait.

It was clearly a hand-painted picture, but it was no different from a real person. The man in the picture was Tang Zhen's descendant.

"The young man who sold the gold plate, is that the one in the picture?"

The shop owner looked at the portrait and nodded numbly, indicating that it was this young man.

The two detectives looked at each other with a hint of shock on their faces.

The reason why they traced Tang Zhen was mainly because of Hans and the female nurse. These two guys thought they were ignorant, but in fact they had already shown their feet.

As a result, this morning, the body of the female nurse was found. Because of the strange and strange death, the guardian was alarmed.

They were rich in experience, so they naturally saw that the female nurse had turned into a ghoul, and it was most likely Hans' handwriting.

He went straight to the funeral home and wanted to arrest Hans, but this guy was nowhere to be found.

Turned around and went to the hospital again, asking for information related to the nurse, only to learn that she left yesterday with the help of an injured worker, and finally arrived at the funeral home.

When Tang Zhen's identity was found out and he went to investigate again, a series of things happened again.

The appearance of this gold plate made the two team members vigilant. Small things can become big things when they involve contaminated taboo items.

The two team members didn't dare to hesitate, and quickly reported the matter to the headquarters, asking how to proceed next.

Sure enough, as expected, the headquarters soon issued an order that the danger level of the incident was raised, and Hans and Tang Zhen must be tracked down with all their strength.

(End of this chapter)

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