
Perhaps the original intention of the masked woman was to use her own charm to shock and subdue Tang Zhen.

Compared with other believers in the black market, Tang Zhen, who has mastered the secret technique of upgrading, naturally has a higher value.

It was only after the fight that they realized that the set of methods they were proud of could not be used in front of Tang Zhen at all.

The divine power that makes living beings intimidate and submit is the most powerful weapon of a woman, even better than that flexible and weird blood.

The majesty released by the gods is far higher than that of the emperor, which is what women crave.

She risked her life, at all costs, and finally got what she wanted.

It worked well for the first time, easily killing a group of black market powerhouses in seconds, but it failed in front of Tang Zhenque.

The woman suddenly hesitated, she knew that if she continued to attack, the matter would become unresolved.

It's good to say that it is successful, everything is under control, but it is afraid that the attack will fail and encounter a counter-kill from Tang Zhen.

It was about to go ashore, and there were still many things to be done in the future, so it must not be affected by Tang Zhen's reasons.

"You are very good, stronger than those trash, if you are willing to continue to cooperate, I will give you unimaginable benefits."

The woman, who was not sure of winning, immediately changed her strategy and prepared to recruit Tang Zhen again.

If a master like him can be taken under his command, it would be a good thing he could not have wished for.

Tang Zhen sneered, this woman is realistic and rational, obviously a scheming person.

He worked hard just now, but in the blink of an eye, he seeks cooperation again. It is obvious that doing things depends on his own will.

Such a style of acting may be related to his identity, and he is used to doing whatever he wants from above.

I believe that everyone in the world should obey their own will.

This kind of character is not pleasing, but it has nothing to do with Tang Zhen. Women only care about their own goals, so why not Tang Zhen.

The masked woman has a noble status, if it can bring enough convenience, even cooperation is no problem.

For Tang Zhen, this was just a game, so naturally he didn't have so many scruples.

"It's not impossible to cooperate."

Tang Zhen nodded slightly, then walked aside to make way for the servants.

The servant who was seriously injured by Tang Zhen finally received timely treatment, but he looked miserable.

In fact, he was considered lucky, at least he saved his life, unlike other believers from the black market, who have now turned into a pile of mummified corpses.

They traveled all the way, paid a lot of hardships, and they were about to get a lot of money, but in the end they lost their lives in a muddleheaded way.

But after thinking about it, killing these guys is also good, at least it can avoid a lot of trouble.

Otherwise, after they go out, they will inevitably publicize everywhere, putting Tang Zhen at the forefront of the storm.

Even if the woman doesn't act, Tang Zhen will take action to make these greedy guys shut up.

The members of this expedition team all wanted to kill others and benefit themselves.

In the end, whoever can succeed depends entirely on his own ability. The winner is not a good person, and the guy who is killed is also worthy of death.

Seeing Tang Zhen choose to cooperate, the woman laughed like a silver bell, and slowly walked to the bow of the boat.

Looking to the mainland ahead, revealing the eyes of Ni Tianxia.

There is no need for Tang Zhen to participate in the next matter, and the servants will handle it properly.

A pile of mummies was moved out, burned to ashes on the deck, and finally scattered into the deep sea.

The real setback left no trace.

As believers of evil gods who are wanted by the government and wander in the dark, even if they disappear collectively, it will not cause much movement.

Soon the huge ship docked, everyone got into the carriage, and soon arrived at the railway station.

As the train roared, the crowd traveled all the way south, and finally crossed the border to another country.

This is a country with imperial power, and the emperor, as the supreme ruler, has supreme power.

After arriving in the capital, Tang Zhen was placed in a secluded courtyard and only had to wait for orders.

What materials he needs, he only needs to give an order, and there will be servants responsible for helping to collect them.

Perhaps it was to please Tang Zhen, when these servants did their work, they did their best every time.

The materials Tang Zhen needed were delivered continuously, and the quality was selected from the best.

Tang Zhen stayed behind closed doors, refining various items all day long.

After waiting for a month, the servant who had fought against Tang Zhen brought a word from the masked woman.

Hope to take a shot against the earthquake and help clean up an enemy.

At the same time, it was requested that all the corpses of the enemies beheaded in the battle should be handed over to Tang Zhen for disposal.

This is a good thing that kills two birds with one stone. It meets Tang Zhen's needs for refining corpses, and it doesn't need to deal with a large number of corpses.

Being in the capital, many things are difficult to do.

If this action fails, Tang Zhen can also blame Tang Zhen and pick himself up.

Tang Zhen knew the other party's plan, but nodded in agreement, saying that he would act tonight.

When the servant left, Tang Zhen sneered and left the residence with the four ghouls.

That night, a strange case occurred in the capital, and a powerful official in the DPRK was attacked.

A family of nearly a thousand people disappeared without a trace. The authorities sent people to investigate, but no trace was found.

After the incident spread, it caused a huge commotion. Many extraordinary people intervened in the investigation, but they did not find a satisfactory answer.

In the next period of time, disputes continued in the royal family. First, the king died suddenly, and then the queen and prince also died unexpectedly.

The vacant throne has attracted countless people's coveting, and open and secret confrontations continue to occur.

In order to snatch the throne, I don't know how many people lost their lives, and blood flowed like a river in a short time.

After a lot of fighting, the new emperor finally came to the throne, but it was a concubine that no one expected.

Her competitors and opponents, all suffered heavy losses, were unable to compete with them at all.

There were even rumors that this concubine was a true servant of the gods, walking in the world instead of the gods.

She was attacked once, and the enemies were all powerful believers, including several ninth-level monks.

The enemy put all their eggs in one basket and wanted to kill the concubine, thinking that this operation would be successful.

The enemy never expected that this concubine, who used to be very low-key, turned into a sea of ​​blood during the battle and killed all the ninth-level believers.

The rest of the enemies, frightened by the concubine's mighty strength, collectively surrendered and swore allegiance with blood.

In the days that followed, the concubine used all the obstacles to her accession to the throne as if she was destructive.

Then, in an invincible posture, he ascended to the throne of the king.

After the new emperor came to the throne, he carried out a series of reforms, promoted the status of women, and hunted down the remnants of the rebel party.

Some of the original policies were all banned, and some new policies were also implemented.

At the same time, an order was issued to build temples all over the country, and to uphold an unknown evil god as a god that the whole people must worship every day.

Her behavior like this can be said to have poked a hornet's nest, which immediately attracted condemnation from other countries.

Ask her to take back the order and forbid worshiping evil gods, otherwise she will suffer a just ruling.

The queen was firm, saying that she would not change the order, let alone be afraid of any threats.

Just a few days later, several countries declared war at the same time and sent large armies to gather at the border.

They openly declared that the queen's position is not right, and she is a believer of evil gods, so she will inevitably create catastrophe in the future.

Justice must be upheld, the queen should be expelled and suppressed, and the throne should be returned to the original owner.

To put it bluntly, he even found a few royal families in exile and launched an invasion war as a rebel army.

Naturally, the queen refused to show weakness, and immediately issued a war mobilization order, calling all the citizens to fight against the invaders.

At the same time, an order was issued to express freedom of belief. In the country she ruled, every believer of evil gods could be treated fairly.

If you are willing to join the war and obtain meritorious service, you will be rewarded generously and become a real meritorious nobleman.

After this news was released, it immediately caused an uproar, and countless believers of evil gods were attracted to come.

(End of this chapter)

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