Chapter 4190
If the same thing is operated in a desperate situation, the difficulty will be doubled.

Not only the probability of success is reduced, but also various accidents may occur.

Everything follows the rules, but in the desperate situation, the rules are the most unstable existence, and they are under attack every moment.

Even if there are risks, what should be done is still to be done, and you must not shrink back because of fear.

For example, at this moment, since the kingdom of God is sealed, we must find ways to open it.

In fact, such an operation hides a last resort.

Since you can't locate it accurately, you can't miss any possibility. Although it will waste time, it's better to be safe.

In a special environment, one must learn to adapt to the rules. Tang Zhen is quite clear about this.

In the process of operation, it can be said that he is meticulous, preventing any accidents from happening.

Accidents can come from the outside world, but never from yourself.

The rune circle was running at high speed, successfully receiving the power of the gods, and eroding and dismantling the seal of the kingdom of God.

Compared with the operation in the safe area, the difficulty of cracking this time has been significantly increased. Not only is it affected by the environment, but the seal itself is also quite strong.

Tang Zhen knew in his heart that he had encountered a big fish.

As previously speculated, the higher-level kingdoms of God are indeed hidden in the depths of desperation.

This is not a big secret. Those who have descended have long made similar speculations, but they have never had a chance to confirm it.

Of course, it is also possible that the descendant has opened it long ago, but the news has not spread.

The real insiders should also be the big brothers among the descendants. They have the ability to explore the desperate situation, but there is no need to share the information.

Tang Zhen didn't care about the truth, he only focused on his own affairs.

There is still a little uncertainty, whether in a desperate situation full of dangers, it will also encounter things that occupy the territory.

The descendants divide the territory and do not allow outsiders to intervene, otherwise they will launch an attack.

If this is the case, there will definitely be twists and turns.

How the situation will develop, Tang Zhen can't be sure, he can only watch as he walks, adapting to changes along the way.

In the process of thinking, cracking continues.

Although the difficulty of breaking the seal has increased, Tang Zhen can't help it. At most, it will take some time.

During the process of Tang Zhen's cracking, the followers also looked excited, and their anticipation became more intense.

Of course, he was also keeping vigilance to prevent Tang Zhen from suddenly turning his face and commanding the ghoul army to kill them.

If so, the only option is to flee for your life.

You can't fight recklessly, and you need to come back after being beheaded, so running away is naturally the best choice.

This is the worst case scenario, and once you get there, it means the end of the tailgating trip.

But looking at the current situation, Tang Zhen didn't have such an idea, and still ignored the existence of the followers.

Finally, there was a trace of breath, rippling towards the surroundings, and the pale world became a little more magnificent.

This is the power of the rules, and it also carries a trace of the coercion of the gods, which makes the descendants very uncomfortable.

The prestige of the tiger's death is still there, not to mention that the descendant is not the deity, so it becomes quite difficult to resist.

Even under heavy pressure, the descendants still haven't retreated, and no one wants to miss the best opportunity.

As the founder of the Kingdom of God, Tang Zhen was under the greatest pressure, almost reaching the limit.

If he hadn't been fully prepared, he might give up halfway, and even suffer serious backlash.

Just like the mechanism in the ancient tomb, there is a huge threat to the tomb robbers, so is the defense mechanism of the Kingdom of God.

If it is opened without permission, it will inevitably be counterattacked, and it will even die with the intruder.

Tang Zhen, as the controller, naturally needs to be extremely careful, so as not to be attacked by the lock, and the ghoul army will be wiped out together.

Fortunately, there were no major accidents during the operation, and the Kingdom of God opened smoothly.

It's just that the moment it is turned on, the power of the rules is also stirred up, and the terrible erosion is even more ensuing.

The desperate area is empty, because any item will be attacked and corroded, and will eventually end up in ashes.

The moment the Kingdom of God was opened, Tang Zhen immediately commanded the Corps of Ghouls and started a rescue plunder.

If the speed of action is too slow, many precious treasures will be wasted and disappeared.

If Tang Zhen wants to act in a desperate situation, he must have enough supplies to maintain the operation, and the source is these items from the Kingdom of God.

The source of God can transform all things, but everything cannot be transformed into the source. In the Kingdom of God, the objects transformed from the source can theoretically return to the source.

Of course, the amount is not much, even less than one-tenth of the input, and the consumption of the conversion process is quite huge.

It is even possible to bring some special "toxins" and bring unnecessary troubles to the transformers.

But even so, the descendants are still actively scrambling for choices, so that little can add up.

Tang Zhen didn't care about these meager incomes. The main purpose of collecting them was to maintain the normal operation of the spaceship and the ghoul army.

They are all big consumers of resources, and they must have sufficient reserves, otherwise they will affect their operations.

If the deity is here, these consumptions are naturally not worth mentioning, but now Tang Zhen has to rely on himself.

A group of ghouls are like wolves and tigers, constantly collecting treasures in the Kingdom of God, but it makes the followers secretly anxious.

Judging by their aura, they determined that this kingdom of God is not easy, and it is very likely that it belongs to the king of the gods.

If this is the case, there must be countless treasures inside, and the value far exceeds that of the ordinary kingdom of God.

Originally, I had fantasies, hoping that Tang Zhen would be as forthright as before, but in the end I was greatly disappointed.

In fact, they are also very clear that the value of the kingdom of gods at the level of god kings can be said to be doubled, and Tang Zhen absolutely has no reason not to want it.

That's not bold, but really a big problem.

Although he knew it in his heart, he still secretly hoped that he could take the opportunity to get a mouthful of hot soup.

Although anxious, no one dared to act rashly. If Tang Zhen was annoyed and the ghoul army attacked, he would definitely end up with nothing but money.

and so on.

Just wait with all your heart, and there will be results.

Without waiting too long, the ghoul army regrouped and entered the spaceship again.

In a short period of time, their storage equipment was full, but they did not get much of the remaining God's Origin.

As soon as the Kingdom of God was opened, the source of God dissipated quickly, at an incredible speed.

The bad environment caused this to happen, and even Tang Zhen couldn't help it.

The desperate situation can be regarded as invisible warm water, the source of the gods is water vapor, and the items of the kingdom of gods are ice cubes.

When the closed environment is broken, the first thing to escape is water vapor, and the solid ice will slowly dissolve in warm water.

This is the characteristic of Desperate Realm, which is completely different from the safe zone outside. There are greater risks, but also more benefits, and it is even more difficult to obtain.

When the followers saw this scene, their eyes immediately lit up, knowing that the long-awaited opportunity had finally come.

As the spaceship started slowly, the followers swarmed up and searched around in the ever-melting Kingdom of God.

The result was a pleasant surprise. Tang Zhen took the big head, but still left enough good things.

The followers were secretly delighted, and even felt a little grateful.

Such a situation should have been deliberately done by Tang Zhen. He was able to control the ghoul army to loot it all, but still left enough benefits.

In the minds of some descendants, Tang Zhen has become a strong man who donates righteousness and wealth, with a big heart and great courage, and has become synonymous with a good person.

(End of this chapter)

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