I have a city in another world

Chapter 4204 Leader No. 0

Chapter 4204 Leader Zero
Staring at the figure in the sea of ​​blood, Tang Zhen felt a little wary.

He set up defenses at the entrance of the Kingdom of God, and outsiders could not enter without permission.

If there is a battle, he will be notified immediately, and he will be prepared to deal with it in advance.

But from the beginning to the end, he did not receive a warning.

The other party successfully avoided the defense and sneaked into the Kingdom of God without a sound, and might even have spied on everything just now.

It's not a good thing for a secret to be known.

Although Tang Zhen succeeded in taking in the fragments of the divine body, it did not mean that the matter was completely over.

It's safe to put the bag in the bag, and now there is a crucial step, which is to send away the fragments of the god body.

Every descendant, after harvesting the treasure, will establish a connection channel with the main body.

Once the channel is built, you can smoothly send the obtained items out of the God Realm like fishing.

Tang Zhen can be sure that if he wants to do this, he will be blocked and destroyed.

The destroyer is the person in front of him, and his release of the breath of the gods is actually a warning.

As long as the opponent is willing, they can intercept at any time, and may even kill Tang Zhen.

In this special God Realm, Tang Zhen is just a descendant, but the other party is a true god, with an almost crushing advantage.

If the other party tries to destroy it, it will definitely cause great trouble to Tang Zhen, and the fragments of the divine body may escape again.

Of course, it is also possible that the other party will take it for themselves.

Tang Zhen felt threatened for the first time since entering this God Realm.

Although he was vigilant, it didn't mean he was afraid. If the other party had malicious intentions, Tang Zhen could make him pay a heavy price.

If he really wanted to fight to the death, Tang Zhen promised that he would be able to drag the opponent on the road before he fell.

This monk in the sea of ​​blood should be very aware of Tang Zhen's strength, so he stood by to avoid misunderstanding, and quietly waited for Tang Zhen to finish the matter.

This is also realistic sincerity, showing that one is a friend rather than an enemy.

The two sides looked at each other, and after a few breaths of silence, the figure on the other side opened the mouth.

"Your Excellency's method is not simple, it must come from a powerful force, and your enemy is also not simple, which makes me feel scared.

After thinking about it, I still feel that I should not interfere, so as not to cause trouble for myself. "

The figure chuckled and said loudly to Tang Zhen.

"Your Excellency, I don't know what advice you have?"

Tang Zhen knew very well that the other party was indeed apprehensive, but that was not a reason to let him sit on the sidelines.

Such things as fragments of the divine body contain huge benefits, and it is impossible for the other party not to see them.

Facing this kind of temptation, but still being able to control himself, it either shows that the other party has extraordinary determination, or there is a bigger conspiracy.

I don't want to offend myself, a powerful enemy, and affect the acquisition of greater benefits.

"I received news that there was a war here, so I hurried over to check it out.

When I arrived here, I realized that everything is under your control, and at the same time I was pleasantly surprised, I didn't expect to meet such a strong person as you.

No matter the refined spaceship or the ghoul army, they are all exquisite to the extreme, showing the demeanor of a top master.

It is extremely lucky that the Alliance can recruit Your Excellency, and I am also extremely happy. "

When the monk said this, it was tantamount to revealing his identity, and he was the mysterious leader of the Alliance of Descendants.

The number of the other party is zero, and he rarely appears on weekdays, but he did not expect to be a true god.

Tang Zhen was a little apprehensive about the strength and identity of number zero, and thought of a possibility.

"If my predictions are correct, the lord should not be the descendant, right?"

Tang Zhen spoke directly, revealing the other party's identity.

"You are right, I am not a descendant, because this God Realm was my former home.

It's just that when I go home now, I have to enter as a descendant. There is no difference between everyone on this point.

Perhaps the only exception is that I have limited access to theocracy and use some of the power of the gods. "

Zero explained with a smile that he proved his strength to Tang Zhen in exchange for an advantage in the negotiation.

At the same time, it also hinted at Tang Zhen that if the two sides failed to reach an agreement, he would always have the means to make things right.

Regardless of the strength of the deity, in this God Realm, he is the supreme ruler.

"Why don't you tell me first, if you have anything to ask me."

Tang Zhen knew the other party's plan, but he didn't like it in his heart. This kind of behavior, like taking advantage of the fire, made him feel very uncomfortable.

But at this moment, his best choice is to cooperate, otherwise it will only make things worse.

"I want to go to the center of the impasse and open the tomb of the god king, and I need someone to help me crack it.

You have such ability, I am very sure of that.

As long as you are willing to help, I will let you go, and there will be a gift. "

Zero made the request while staring at Tang Zhen closely.

If Tang Zhen didn't cooperate, he would act immediately and snatch the fragments of the divine body into his hands.

With the fragments of the divine body, Tang Zhen would not cooperate if he didn't believe it.

"Opening the tomb of the god king, you have a big appetite, do you still want to devour the Lord and usurp the throne?"

Tang Zhen sneered, and finally knew the purpose of No. [-], but he didn't think that the other party could succeed.

Take Tang Zhen himself as an example. Although he was able to kill the ancient god king and refine the fragments of the god's body, it was impossible to inherit the other party's realm.

Being able to advance to two or three ranks is quite a surprise result, and it still takes a long time to lay the groundwork.

It is impossible for a mortal to grow into the size of an elephant if he eats an elephant, and if he punctures a balloon, all that is left is the broken rubber.

The situation of a fallen ancient god king may be worse than the fragments of the god body. Even if there is a chance to refine it, the benefits obtained are very limited.

But after thinking about it, I feel that this is not the case.

If the other party can really obtain the godhead and control this side of the God Realm, there are indeed many benefits that can be obtained.

If you successfully control the rules, you can clean up the descendants, and then take all the Kingdom of God into your pocket.

Controlling a God Realm, and then practicing slowly, maybe it is really possible to climb the peak.

The picture of number zero should be like this.

With Tang Zhen's existence, he could see through the truth of the matter at a glance, and covering up and concealing it had no effect.

Knowing this, No. [-] didn't care about Tang Zhen's ridicule, but admitted his purpose frankly.

"That's right, I just want to gain divine power and control this side of the God Realm.

Once I succeed, you can leave directly and take away the reward I gave you.

If you don't believe me, we can make a soul contract. "

It can be said that Number Zero regards Tang Zhen very highly, and even has an unspeakable secret joy.

Judging from his experience, none of the rune masters he met in the past could compare with Tang Zhen.

A rune master in the alliance is not even worthy of carrying shoes.

The great god who couldn't even ask for it, now took the initiative to deliver it to his door. This can definitely be regarded as a great opportunity, which can help him realize his dream.

The unbreakable rune circle is the biggest problem facing No. [-]. With Tang Zhen's help, the success rate will be greatly improved.

His heart was extremely urgent, but he didn't dare to show it, lest Tang Zhen would find out and cause twists and turns in his plan.

Signing the soul contract can provide guarantees for both parties and cut off the possibility of turning their faces after the matter is completed.

If you have malicious intentions, you dare not raise this condition at all, which is also a proof of sincerity.

Sufficient sincerity, coupled with generous rewards, should be enough to impress Tang Zhen.

"Since you dare to sign the contract, I am naturally willing to help."

Tang Zhen nodded and agreed, but he didn't ask for the reward at all.

Looking at the current situation, there is no room for him not to agree, otherwise Number Zero will definitely go berserk and make trouble.

Regarding the ancient god king, no matter how crazy his behavior is, he can understand it.

Although the other party didn't show it, Tang Zhen was able to analyze the emotional situation of No. [-] through empathy.

Compared with himself, number zero is actually more nervous.

Hearing that Tang Zhen agreed, Number Zero was overjoyed, and a contract was formed in a single thought.

Tang Zhen reviewed it correctly, input a trace of spiritual power, and signed the contract.

"Hahaha, good, great!"

After the contract was signed, Zero couldn't help laughing, as if a heavy burden had been lifted from his shoulders.

(End of this chapter)

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