I have a city in another world

Prison out of control

Prison out of control
Everyone scoffed at Kate's words.

Before I first came in, I felt that the prison was nothing more than that, and I thought that I had the ability to escape from this place.

After entering, I realized that it was purely wishful thinking, and it was impossible to do it at all.

When you are so extravagant that you use the planet as your prison, this world is the biggest cage. If you don't have the means to fly to the sky and escape from the earth, what extravagant hope is there to escape?

The prison administrators are well aware of this, throwing prisoners to the ground and cutting off all possibilities of leaving the ground can ensure safety and worry-free.

No matter how hard the prisoners are, they are all within this planet anyway. Even those who try to escape from prison have to come back obediently in the end.

As soon as Kate arrived, she dared to speak wild words, which naturally drew a lot of ridicule.

It was as if the Kate in front of her was her original self, with a sense of self-confidence.

But I don't want to think about it, who is not a real elite who can be locked up here?

There are also experts who manufacture spaceships, but they still obediently serve their sentences here because this matter is impossible.

"I said that I can take you away, and there is only one chance."

When Kate said this, she spread out her palm, and saw a weed appeared in his palm.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, it grows and blooms rapidly, and finally bears a red fruit.

The sneering prisoners around looked at Kate in astonishment as if their throats had been choked.

How did Kate do this with a prisoner collar and in the middle of nowhere?
"I'll give you a taste of the fruit, and contact those who want to leave, especially experts related to sealing particles."

Kate picked the fruit casually, threw it into the doctor's hands, and slowly walked towards the center of the square.

I found the highest place and sat down, slowly waiting for the result.

Looking at the fruit in his hand, Dr. Edge smiled and threw it directly into his mouth.

Chewing recklessly, the juice splashed everywhere.

"Do as he says."

Swallow the delicious pulp, Dr. Aiqi said coldly.

"Is that guy believable?"

Companions questioned and couldn't trust Kate.

"So what if it's not trustworthy, do we still have a choice?"

Dr. Edge sneered, his eyes filled with hatred, like a volcano about to erupt.

In this prison, there are no secrets at all, and soon the prisoners all received the news.

Kate, who just came in, has a way to lead people out of this prison.

The prisoners were in an uproar, and their first thought was that it was not credible. There have been people trying for so many years, but no one has ever been able to do it.

A rookie, whose words are even more unreliable, is likely to be a madman who has been stimulated.

But in the battle just now, the prisoners all saw that monsters like the big stupid bear were easily killed by Kate.

This kind of combat power is enough to be among the best in the prison, and no one dares to verify whether he is really mentally ill.

Knowing that he can't beat him, but still looking for a dead end, it's like a hole in the head.

The point is that this incident happened so unexpectedly that the prisoners didn't have much time to think about it.

Dr. Edge and his staff, however, became very active and actively contacted those who wanted to leave.

Some people were clearly moved, while others hesitated.

There are also some prisoners who came to the secret place quietly and tried to use various methods to inform.

Naturally, there is no shortage of monitoring systems in this group's prison. Once an abnormal situation occurs, the monitors can find it in time.

An astonishing thing happened. It was written clearly enough, and even directly named Kate to escape from prison, but the manager never responded.

This abnormal situation made some prisoners think of a certain possibility, and looked at Kate with more fear.

But at the same time, there is hope in my heart.

When Dr. Aiqi was in action, he had been secretly observing, and the smile on his face became more and more intense.

In order to verify his guess, he went directly to the surveillance robot and kicked the patrol robot to the ground.

In the past, as long as he made such a move, he would immediately suffer punishment such as electric shock.

Sometimes a poisonous needle is injected into the body, which automatically dissolves inside the body, causing almost unspeakable pain.

But this time, the robot didn't fight back at all, as if it had completely failed.

Facts are enough to prove that the prison is out of control.

In Dr. Aiqi's view, this is an incredible thing, and it can't be accidental, but Kate is operating behind the scenes.

Originally holding the mentality of gambling, trying to survive the last fight, but did not expect such a surprise.

Dr. Ai Qi's confidence exploded at this moment, and he even let out a roar of excitement.

"Hahaha, idiots, open your eyes and see.

The supervision system has been abolished, we are the masters here now! "

After knowing the truth, Dr. Ai Qi didn't want to waste any more time, and wanted to solve the problem in the simplest way.

Then get out of here and take revenge on the enemies who framed you.

More prisoners discovered the abnormality and immediately fell into a state of restlessness. They didn't expect the surprise to come so quickly, which caught people off guard.

At this moment, the prison fell into a real carnival.

The prisoners roared and destroyed the surrounding buildings, looking for various weapons that could be used.

The vigilance in my heart has been raised to the extreme.

Although the original prison was strict, it could at least guarantee resurrection after death. Under the restrictions of the rules, no one dared to do some things.

But now it is different, without the existence of rules, anything can happen.

And if you die this time, you may not be able to be resurrected at all.

For example, even if that big stupid bear is sent to the medical warehouse, it will be a pile of stinky meat when it comes out again.

Without rules and without supervision, today's prisons are actually even more terrifying.

When the prisoners were all in danger, some rushed to Kate and Edge, and they had already guessed what was going on.

Kate didn't lie, he did have a way to take everyone away, and it was earth-shattering when he made a move.

Even the supervision can be isolated, which shows how powerful Kate's methods are, and he will definitely be able to escape by following him.

Kate's enemies, including Kate, have come together at this moment, and they don't want to miss the opportunity to escape.

In a short period of time, [-]% of the prisoners gathered and expressed their intention to leave with Kate.

The remaining [-]% belonged to people who were afraid, or who were about to be released after serving their sentence.

They dare not wade into the muddy water for fear of losing their lives.

After all, the group clearly stipulates that any employee has the right to shoot any prisoner who escapes from prison.

If he becomes a fugitive and is wanted by the group, he may never have a chance to stand up again.

Looking at the chaotic crowd, Kate frowned slightly, and then showed a smile.

"Stop arguing, no matter who it is today, you can leave with me.

Those who don't want to leave can just stay here and wait to die. "

Kate didn't explain too much, but reached out and pointed towards the sky, and then saw a battleship appear out of thin air.

Judging from its style and appearance, it is not a product of the group at all, and it is impossible to judge the civilization it belongs to.

The prisoners were hesitant. How could a spaceship of this size take everyone away?
"This is a spaceship built by the cultivation civilization!"

Dr. Ai Qi was both surprised and delighted. He is an expert in this field and knows practitioners very well.

Seeing the runes on the spaceship, I immediately thought of some kind of possibility, and my mood became more and more excited.

What he did at the beginning was to hope to integrate the cultivation civilization, rather than blindly suppress and eliminate it.

Using the methods of practitioners to create spaceships was also a topic that he had been studying at the beginning.

It's just that his proposition was not recognized by the mainstream, and he was even targeted for it, and was directly sent to prison by his enemies to serve his sentence.

This matter is not surprising, whether it is void ejection or sealing particles, they are all powerful means to defeat practitioners, and the group has benefited from it for many years.

It is almost impossible to overturn this model.

Dr. Edge originally thought that he would die in this prison, but he did not expect such a turn of events.

Realizing a certain possibility, Dr. Aiqi became more and more excited, and the flame of revenge burned even more.

(End of this chapter)

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