I have a city in another world

4226 - Real Group Headquarters

4226 - Real Group Headquarters
Relying on the highest authority, Tang Zhen can move freely in the park.

This huge park is managed by intelligent races, and there are almost no staff members.

Tang Zhen felt like he was in his own backyard, he could go wherever he wanted, without encountering any censorship.

Facts are enough to prove that absolute self-confidence is actually a very dangerous behavior.

In particular, supervisory authority, once obtained by outsiders, will inevitably pose a fatal threat.

In fact, this matter is not the fault of the group controller.

Under normal circumstances, it would be almost impossible to break through numerous interception verifications and obtain the authority held by Tang Zhen.

However, Tang Zhen was too powerful. Even if there were no loopholes and the monitoring system, which was almost impossible to be affected, still failed to stop his intrusion.

The group's controllers probably never thought that there would be a strong man at the level of a god king sneaking into their lair.

Besides, for an existence like Tang Zhen, no matter how hard he tried to defend, it was impossible to successfully intercept it.

Tang Zhen actually knows a lot about technological civilization.The Holy Dragon War Zone he controls is the technological leader in the Loucheng world, which can be said to be a collection of hundreds of achievements.

Not long ago, he had come and gone freely in the lair of the eighth-level technological civilization, and rescued the remains of the bound gods.

The strict defense of the group headquarters is not worth mentioning in Tang Zhen's view.

In the industrial area where ore is refined, Tang Zhen studied the furnace and found that the group's refining methods are indeed extraordinary.

The fuel of the special furnace used for smelting is also a kind of dark energy, which is very similar to the energy called green glaze.

Tang Zhen also knew something about these dark energies.

Low-level civilizations cannot extract it, and cultivation civilizations rarely use it. Compared with the energy of heaven and earth, this kind of inert energy is not popular.

Even advanced civilizations are rarely used on a large scale due to various restrictions.

This organization called the Group is the group that Tang Zhen has known to use dark energy most frequently so far.

But after investigation, Tang Zhen discovered that the other party was not a real technological system.

On the bright side, the practice civilization is suppressed, but there are innumerable connections behind it.

The ore melting furnace in the park shows that there are practice runes inside, which is the most powerful evidence.

The practice runes are only auxiliary, and the main body is a dense energy circuit, as well as various supporting precision equipment.

Tang Zhen nodded secretly after seeing it. The group's application of dark energy has reached a very high stage.

Whether it is industrial production or the promotion of personal force, dark energy can come in handy.

It's a pity that this organization is born to be an enemy of the cultivation civilization, and has committed numerous bloody crimes.

Although Tang Zhen's interests were not touched, since he encountered it, he must not stand by and watch.

As a god-king powerhouse and a peak existence in the cultivation world, he should take the initiative to take on this responsibility.

Otherwise, if you let it wreak havoc, maybe one day, you will become a victim.

Not to mention that behind this incident, there is actually a hidden opportunity. The use of dark energy in a mature system is enough to benefit Tang Zhen enormously.

At the very beginning, Tang Zhen was going to leave with a grab, but now he has a new plan.

He wants to take over all the technology of the group, and then shoot this scourge to death, so as not to leave endless troubles and harm more cultivation civilizations.

There is another purpose, which is to keep the benefits in your own hands, so as not to let other competitors find out and snatch them.

For other civilizations, the group is a catastrophe to avoid, but in Tang Zhen's eyes, it is a very fat prey.

Although he has become a god king, Tang Zhen still hasn't forgotten his old profession. When he encounters a suitable prey, he can't help but prepare to hunt it down.

After walking around the smelting park, I have obtained all the information I want, and found the smelting area of ​​the shocking god gold.

Tang Zhen didn't collect it, and the small output didn't mean anything to him at all.

If there is less, it is not enough to use, and if there is too much, there are no factories.If you want to use it on a large scale, you must have enough ore veins, or decipher the rule structure of the vibration god gold.

As long as the deciphering is successful, you can have as many as you want.

Tang Zhen stayed here to wait for an opportunity to get more clues by following the clues.

Without waiting too long, the opportunity came quietly, and a group of group employees began to collect refined metal.

This is normal and will be collected every once in a while.

The refined and sealed Oscillating God Gold was all taken out of the warehouse, and then sent to the transport vehicle by the employees of the group.

Through the gravitational channel, he directly entered the space station and was sent to a transport ship.

In this transport ship, a group of special armed soldiers are equipped, and the equipment is obviously different from that of other group employees.

According to Tang Zhen's judgment, their bodies have been transformed, and they have quite powerful fighting power.

Outsiders couldn't find it, but Tang Zhen could see clearly that the armed soldiers had energy balls stored in their bodies.

Inside the energy ball is a special kind of dark energy, which can help the employees of the group obtain extraordinary power.

Regarding energy balls and transformation equipment, Tang Zhen has done research and discovered the root of the conflict between the group and the cultivation civilization.

This kind of dark energy that can be transformed and used is not naturally occurring, but is actually transformed from aura.

Sealing particles devour aura, not disappearing directly, but transforming into this special dark energy.

Between the two, only one can exist, and peaceful coexistence is impossible.

Just like water and fire, they are inherently incompatible.

The destroyed practice civilization is actually the group's vegetable field, which specializes in cultivating this special dark energy.

The group will use professional equipment to collect this dark energy and release it as a strategic resource.

The magical effect of sealing particles, combined with powerful technological means, allows the group to crush the enemy in battle.

This has led to a situation where the powerful dark energy is useless and has been hidden as a hole card.

Only middle and high-level managers are eligible to undergo body modification, and low-level group employees don't know about it at all.

The group really attaches great importance to the shock god gold, otherwise it would be impossible to send such a powerful armed force with a weight of less than one ton.

The more the group attaches importance to this matter, the more it can prove that this clue is of high value.

Before Tang Zhen left the headquarters, he connected through his divine sense and formed a hidden communication network.

All kinds of intelligence clues are constantly coming together.

They lurk in the headquarters, assume various identities, and help Tang Zhen collect various intelligences.

These are all secrets, and there is no need to risk your life to investigate them, as long as they are nailed to the headquarters.

One day, when Tang Zhen officially started the war, they would be able to play a great role.

They don't even need to participate in the war, just act as the leading party.

After the inspection was correct, the transport spacecraft entered the ejection channel and left the group headquarters in an instant.

Arriving at the new space station, the spacecraft slowly left the port and continued to the deep starry sky.

Tang Zhen noticed one thing, the planets along the way were very rare, as if they had been deliberately cleaned.

The starry sky in a normal state is like a cup of dirty water scooped from a river, but the starry sky in front of me has been distilled and purified.

Clean is a bit too much, this situation is really abnormal.

But not long after, the spaceship passed through the barrier of darkness, and a large mass of stars appeared in front of them.

In the outermost area, there are several stars suspended, which are obviously remodeled space fortresses.

After being authenticated, the transport spaceship went deep into it and was pulled forward by an invisible force.

As the spacecraft continued to advance, the hidden secret was finally revealed.

Inside the chaotic star body, there is indeed a hidden base, and the scale is extremely large.

A total of 36 stars are regularly arranged to form a nearly circular super cage.

In the central area surrounded by the planet, there are many behemoths floating, obviously in a restricted state.

The monks with their eyes closed were also imprisoned, and the number was too large to be counted.

Tang Zhen knew what this place was just by taking a look at it. It was clearly a terrifying prison where extraordinary beings were imprisoned.

(End of this chapter)

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