I have a city in another world

Actively participate in it

Actively participate in it
Accompanied by the raging flames, this nest of parasitic monsters quickly burned and collapsed.

Tang Zhen had discovered before that there was too much oil in the nest, which was obviously extracted and accumulated from humans and animals.

A few magic fireballs were thrown, the grease was quickly ignited, and the raging flames shot up into the sky.

Most of the controlled parasitic monsters have taken advantage of the chaos and fled. They are not fearless of life and death, but they are extremely obedient.

When the leader is beheaded, he will subconsciously flee and avoid it.

For the fleeing monster, Tang Zhen did not continue to pursue it, he simply didn't have that much time and energy.

Only the chief culprit can be killed, and the rest of the monsters are handed over to the aborigines.

In the dilapidated city, the residents who were once imprisoned by monsters and used as targets for transformation are now free by luck.

Looking at the burning insect nest, the survivors were extremely excited, and they all felt relieved.

"Benefactor, where is the benefactor?"

Some survivors came to their senses and shouted loudly, but Tang Zhen was nowhere to be seen.

"The benefactor saved us, but did not receive a word of thanks..."

Someone sighed, regretting that they did not communicate with Tang Zhen, and kowtowed to him to thank him for his kindness.

"I remember Engong's appearance, and I will find a pen and paper to draw it later, and then we will burn incense and worship day and night to thank Engong for his great kindness."

A scholar shouted loudly, attracting loud echoes from the crowd.

Just as the survivors were discussing and thanking Tang Zhen for building a temple, he had followed the instructions of the mission and headed for the distance again.

In the following days, one insect nest after another was continuously destroyed by Tang Zhen.

More and more survivors were rescued by Tang Zhen, and they took up weapons to fight against the monsters.

It's just that the parasitic monster is too powerful, and ordinary people are no match at all. Even if they are rescued now, they will fall into the abyss again sooner or later.

If this is the case, Tang Zhen's busy work will be in vain.

Such a miserable result was definitely not what Tang Zhen wanted, and at the same time he realized that what he had done was not enough.

In order to avoid a repeat of the tragedy, Tang Zhen began to do some extra things.

While beheading the parasitic monster, he also conducted crack research on the monster to figure out the corresponding structure of the monster.

In the eyes of ordinary people, parasitic monsters are quite terrifying, and they should be avoided as much as possible.

But in Tang Zhen's view, it is the most powerful way to turn the tables. If he wants to get rid of the threat of parasitic monsters, he must finally find a way from the monsters.

Through Tang Zhen's transformation, a new type of parasite appeared, which cut off the connection with the mother and became an independent individual.

They don't know how to think, they only know how to eat and grow.

The first step has been completed, and the next thing to do is to combine the bugs with the human body and transform them into new powerful fighters.

Although it imitates the upgrade of the parasite, it is in a controllable state. As long as the promotion is maintained steadily, the reformer's strength will become stronger and stronger.

a certain city.

"Your Excellency, the experimental site is ready."

A young man walked into the room and whispered to Tang Zhen, with deep reverence in his eyes.

Just half a month ago, Tang Zhen fell from the sky and destroyed the devil's nest that looked like hell.

Tens of thousands of imprisoned people were able to escape from their cages and see the light of day again.

The young man was also a rescued person, and after seeing Tang Zhen's great strength, he felt great admiration in his heart.

When he heard that Tang Zhen was preparing for an experiment to find a way to fight against parasitic monsters, the young man volunteered to offer help, even if it was a sacrifice.

There are many volunteers like this, and Tang Zhen selected a group from them, including several practitioners.

They are all low-strength casual cultivators, do not belong to any sect, and are also not eligible to evacuate.

Facing the parasitic monster, it is not an opponent at all, and it is only natural to be captured.

Through collecting information, Tang Zhen also learned a lot of things. It turned out that seeing the situation was not good, the major sects chose to evacuate collectively.

Before leaving, he announced that he would return when he was ready, and then kill all the parasitic monsters.

Now that the world has fallen, there is devastation everywhere, but there is still no sign of the major sects returning.

Anyone who understands knows that it is just a high-sounding excuse to cover up their shameless behavior.

Practice in this world, at the top of the pyramid, and use blood-sucking methods to obtain various cultivation resources.

When encountering danger, he escapes faster than anyone else, unwilling to take on the responsibility of guarding.

Tang Zhen has long been familiar with things like this. Practitioners are not saints, and there are shameless people who bully the weak and fear the hard.

Practitioners cherish life more, know how to seek good fortune and avoid evil, and are more selfish and indifferent.

After all, in their view, all mortals are ants, they are slaves who support their own cultivation, and they will not hesitate at all when giving up.

Human life is worthless.

The thing that really hurts must be the paradise of cultivation, and the foundation of the sect that has been accumulated for many years.

Tang Zhen got up slowly, put away the items in his hands, and followed them outside the house.

Already, hundreds of followers gathered around the center of the table and saluted Tang Zhen in unison.

Like young people, they are full of admiration.

Tang Zhen nodded slightly, and came to the center of the courtyard, where three young people who voluntarily reformed lay.

Clothes have been removed, waiting for the experiment to start.

In the cage next to it, there were a few low-level parasites, screaming uneasily.

Without the control of the mother body, the parasitic monsters will panic and disorderly, they will choose to run around, find a new mother body and return to gather.

Tang Zhen reached out and grabbed it, pulled out a parasite, and threw it directly into the wine tank next to it.

The originally ferocious parasite froze instantly after falling into the wine tank, as if it had died.

"Parasite monsters are afraid of alcohol, and their resistance will increase as their level increases, but even high-level parasite monsters still hate alcohol very much.

Keeping this firmly in mind, carrying a jug of spirits with you at ordinary times may save your life at critical moments. "

Hearing Tang Zhen's warning, everyone around smiled and decided to spread the news.

There will inevitably be more people rescued because of this method.

Tang Zhen continued to speak to the crowd as if he was teaching: "The next thing I have to do is to remove some of the parasitic monster's organs and cut off its connection with the mother's body.

Just cutting it off is not enough, some containment measures must also be used, because the parasitic monster has a strong regeneration ability, and it will grow again after cutting it off.

I will teach you some methods to curb this regeneration, but it needs to involve some refining and alchemy skills.

Those who are talented in practice can try to learn, which is also an indispensable part. "

Everyone nodded at the same time, indicating that they already knew.

Tang Zhen didn't talk nonsense, he directly fished out the parasite, and started the operation with a knife.

In order to let everyone see clearly, Tang Zhen deliberately used his magic technique to project the operation process above the courtyard, ensuring that no details would be missed.

After completing the organ removal, Tang Zhen began to operate on the experimenter.

The process is also simple, even without much manipulation, the tentacles of the parasite will automatically pierce the body.

In a very short time, the tentacles will be connected to the heart nerves, including the brain will be directly controlled.

In a normal state, after being parasitized, it will become a puppet, which needs to provide nutrition for the parasitic monster, and the monster will also paralyze and control the host's body.

The host is not afraid of pain and has infinite strength, and does not care about fractures and muscle strains at all, and the body's self-protection functions will also be completely shut down.

After the operation, the monster is no longer under the control of the mother, and it will not release the toxin that paralyzes the host.

However, some beneficial poison sacs are still preserved, so that the reformer's combat effectiveness can be improved.

The key to the success of the transformation lies in the inhibitory potion and Tang Zhen's specially formulated essentials for advanced practice.

This is the real key. Without super powerful means, it is impossible to deduce such a perfect advanced list in a short period of time.

Under normal circumstances, there must be countless monks going forward, using sacrifice and exploration to improve the upgrade system.

But now with Tang Zhen, things became simpler. Things that would have taken thousands of years to complete were now shortened to a few days by Tang Zhen.

This is not a matter of time, but a life in a desperate situation. With the ferocity of these parasitic monsters, how can it be possible to give survivors a thousand years of buffer time.

Tang Zhen's actions are of immeasurable merit.

(End of this chapter)

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