I have a city in another world

4242 - Who is weak and who is strong

4242 - Who is weak and who is strong

Following an order, several veterans launched an attack, and the first move was the strongest killing move.

Life and death fights are like this, temptation is inevitable, but if you really attack, it must be a lore.

If you can't kill the enemy with one blow, the one who dies is probably yourself.

Not to mention that Tang Zhen in front of him destroyed the entire group organization and turned them into bereaved dogs.

The degree of danger is extremely high, and it is necessary to attack with all your strength, and there must be no reservations.

The items thrown by the elders are somewhat similar to the Shocking God Gold, it is also a thin piece of paper.

On the surface of the paper, there are fine lines and incomprehensible obscure runes.

It is another secret weapon, a combination of technology and cultivation civilization, mixed with some essence of destroyed civilization.

They floated around Tang Zhen, like maggots attached to the bones, there was no way to expel them.

After approaching Tang Zhen, they quickly lined up and released terrifying power.

This special weapon is not affected by the rules and is obviously made for the gods.

Looking at the tacit cooperation of the elders, we know that this kind of operation was done more than once, and other gods were beheaded because of it.

In fact, Tang Zhen suffered a double attack, and the number of weapons far exceeded other gods.

The results of the brain deduction shocked the elders and regarded Tang Zhen as their strongest opponent.

The means of strength are far superior to the gods of the past, if you don't go all out, there is no possibility of winning.

The elders have no doubts about the deduction results of Shennao, not to mention that they also have similar guesses.

If there is no strong means, how can it be possible to destroy the group and let them escape in a very embarrassing situation.


With the order issued, the floating talisman burst instantly, releasing endless dark energy.

This special weapon obviously uses dark energy to erupt into tides to imprison and suppress practitioners.

This is the most ideal tactic. It has been tried and tested in the past, and it is also the ultimate means to deal with practitioners.

The appearance of Tang Zhen was purely accidental, which left a group of elders with no time to change their tactics and could only use the strongest means.

With a gambling mind, I think there is a high chance of success.

After all, apart from this, other means may not be effective, which is equivalent to making a joke of one's own life.

At the same time as the attack, the strongest attack of the battleship was also activated, no matter whether the dark energy weapon was effective or not, it would launch a full blow to Tang Zhen.

Looking at Tang Zhen who was attacked again, his figure became sluggish and stagnant, obviously affected by dark energy.

Dark energy is invisible, but it has a substantial restraint effect, like falling into the bottom of a quicksand pit.

This alone is not enough to kill practitioners.

Dark energy will also fill the space, preventing other energies from entering, and can achieve real isolation and shielding.

Even if there is the origin of God, it will be bound tightly, and there is no way to release it.

If the divine power cannot be used, and the divine body cannot move, isn't it just being slaughtered by others.


Suddenly, Tang Zhen's performance was seen by the elders, and his heart was suddenly ecstatic.

Originally still uneasy, he became full of fighting spirit in an instant, wishing to tear Tang Zhen into pieces.

"Continue to attack, we must kill him, and we must not give him a chance to breathe!"

The veterans really wanted to find out what secrets Tang Zhen had and how it could affect the sealing particles and dark energy.

But the complicated and harsh situation made them choose to give up.

In case of an accident, the one who dies will be himself, and he must not take this risk.

"Battleship attack!"

Following the elder's order, the alien battleship that had already completed its energy storage let out a piercing roar.

A strangely shaped spear shot out from the head of the battleship, heading straight for the imprisoned Tang Zhen.

This spear is not simple, not only is it simple and mysterious in shape, but also covered with runes and energy circuits on the surface, and various types of energy are intertwined and intertwined.

That is, there is transformed dark energy, there is also energy from heaven and earth, and even some obscure and weird energies.

This weird spear is clearly an energy complex, possessing extremely terrifying power.

It is called the Spear of Punishing God, once it locks on the target, it has the effect of absolute hit.

The refining process is extremely complicated, and the cost is extremely high. It is an ultimate weapon that will not be easily used.

Among the warships of the group, only the alien warships of the veterans are eligible to be equipped with this super weapon.

Being able to die under this spear means that one's own strength is extraordinary.

The Spear of Punishing God was launched, breaking through the blockade of dark energy in an instant, and appeared in front of Tang Zhen.

Until this moment, Tang Zhen still didn't respond, and watched helplessly as the spear of killing God came.

"Die, hahaha!"

Seeing this, the elders roared proudly, as if they saw the scene where Tang Zhen was killed.

But in the next moment, Tang Zhen, who was supposed to be waiting to die, suddenly showed a smile.

There was both sarcasm and cold killing intent in the smile.

Seeing this smile, the hearts of the elders trembled, and the original complacency was swept away.

Only a cavity of despair suddenly filled my heart.

Then they saw that the Wanzhang God stretched out his hand and grabbed the God Punishing Spear.

The terrifying speed and strength, and the ease with which he restrained the God-killing Spear were all enough to explain one thing.

The previous performances are most likely Tang Zhen's deliberate performances, teasing the enemy like a cat catching a mouse.

The purpose is to see what cards the veterans have.

Now that the cards are all out and there is no more sharp means, Tang Zhen naturally won't waste time.


There was no need to communicate at all, and a group of elders turned around and fled, each of them doing their best.

At this moment, they no longer have the slightest fighting spirit, and only want to escape smoothly.

In the process of fleeing, there was a strange noise from behind, and something was approaching rapidly.

When he turned his head to check, he saw a streak of light locking on to him, clearly carrying the power of rules.

Looking at the appearance of that streamer, it is clearly the Spear of Punishing God!

Not only was he locked in, but so were the other elders, desperately avoiding the pursuit from the light spear.

However, these light spears, as if they had eyes, chased after them relentlessly.

It seems that in the next moment, it will pass through the heart.

The elders were terrified and fled the battlefield desperately, using various means to try to block the shooting of the light spear.

Such a scene is actually quite ironic.

The group is good at using the method of consumption to exhaust the practitioners, and then imprison or kill them.

The same is true for the light spear, chasing after him frantically will only make the elders experience the same treatment.

The elders knew it well, and one could imagine their anger and fear.

Those who kill people will be killed by others, and those who humiliate others will also be humiliated by others. This is retribution, and it will come sooner or later.

It didn't take long for the elders to discover the anomaly. No matter how hard they tried, they were always circling in an area.

"This is... rule power!"

The elders roared in despair. They had obviously released the sealing particles, but they did not achieve the desired effect.

The rules prevailed, and they became beasts in a cage. Now affected by the rules, they were trapped in a fixed area and could not escape.

It turned out that they were the ones being teased from the very beginning, otherwise Tang Zhen's thought would have been enough to imprison them in place.


Accompanied by a muffled sound, an elder was shot by the light and let out a tragic and desperate howl.

But in an instant, his body was torn apart, and then he was suppressed and subdued by an invisible force.

Seeing the fate of their companions, the other elders became more frightened and mournful, knowing that they might die today.

"If you bully people too much, sooner or later you will pay the price and end up in a situation where life would be worse than death!

And the civilization behind you is also unable to escape a catastrophe, and you will bear heavy sins, just because you provoked all the disasters! "

A veteran hissed and roared, he was exhausted, and his spear was only an inch away from his body.

A little further forward is the ending of the soul flying away.

Perhaps he knew very well that Tang Zhen would not show mercy, so he cursed directly.

"Really, maybe there will be that day, but unfortunately you will never have the chance to see it."

With a taunt, the light spear suddenly accelerated, blasting the madly cursed elder into pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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