4249 - Yuan Clan
With Tang Zhen participating, the war became extremely easy.

Practitioners like wolves and tigers easily broke through the defense and entered the group headquarters to launch a swift attack.

The firepower points were easily destroyed and removed, and all the resisters were beheaded.

Practitioners' attack methods are often extremely cruel, and the mentality of treating all living beings like ants makes them have no scruples in their actions.

The war has progressed to this point, in fact, there is not much suspense.

The most difficult battle, enough to cause the greatest casualties, is now easily completed.

The ground battle was brutal and complicated, like a meat grinder, lengthy and bloody.

It is a painful torture for both the enemy and us.

But with Tang Zhen's participation, the battle that was supposed to be littered with corpses suddenly changed.

The martial arts of the ground troops are completely abolished, and they dare not use dark energy at all, and can only rely on technological weapons to attack.

But in this way, it is tantamount to giving up the strongest means, and there is no advantage at all in battle.

Facing the fierce cultivator, he was completely crushed by one side.

The many prisoners who were previously ordered to hide in the headquarters played an important role at this moment.

With their guidance and persuasion to surrender, the resistance on the ground became weaker and weaker, and most of them chose to disarm and surrender.

It was really a practitioner's performance, which was too shocking. The powerful defense system of the headquarters was easily disintegrated.

Such a powerful enemy, they can't be opponents at all, since they can't beat them, there is no need to work hard.

It doesn't involve national hatred and family feud, but if there is a chance of survival, no one will choose to fight to the end.

Another important point is that in today's group headquarters, senior leaders are all focused on eliminating.

Without a command system, no matter how powerful the armed force is, it will instantly turn into a mess.

Facing the attack of a strong enemy, it will not last long at all.

It was supposed to be a fierce war, but it ended hastily. With Tang Zhen's authorization, the prisoners quickly took over the group headquarters.

In just a short time, the headquarters began to operate again, and various tasks were carried out in an orderly manner.

Whether it is the group of prisoners or the camp of practitioners, Tang Zhen has absolute authority.

His orders will be carried out without compromise, and no one dares to disobey them.

After all, Tang Zhen's wealth and life are in Tang Zhen's hands. If he wins the war, his followers will also benefit.

When the war ended, the delegation also entered the headquarters smoothly, preparing for the next step.

Analyze the sealing particles, deduce the damage that can be caused, and collect information about the enemy at the same time, and prepare for war.

A huge war must be well-prepared, and it is absolutely impossible to start it casually.

A little negligence may lead to the failure of the war, which in turn will lead to a series of serious consequences.

A large part of the strength of the monks in Loucheng stems from their profession.

The course of the war was seen by the delegation. From a professional point of view, this war was not too brilliant.

The main reason is that Tang Zhen is too strong and has laid the foundation for victory with his own strength.

War is like this, there are not so many rules to talk about, if you can kill the enemy with one fist, there is no need to knead slowly with your fingers.

It can only be said that the participants were lucky. They met Tang Zhen, a great god, and were willing to help this war.

What the representatives are more concerned about is the performance effect of the sealing particles. Although they have a preliminary understanding, the data is far from enough.

They also need to collect samples, conduct various deduction, and communicate and discuss with Tang Zhen.

As the information uploader and No.1 who discovered the sealed particle, Tang Zhen's importance is irreplaceable.

It is perfectly possible to bypass Tang Zhen and act alone, but you must bear the corresponding consequences.

There are indeed some guys who want to have exclusive use of sealed particles, but in today's environment, this kind of thing is almost impossible to accomplish.

Whether you like it or not, you must participate in the cooperation before making further plans.

Tang Zhen received the delegation and selectively released some intelligence information, which is part of the benefits given to collaborators.

After being tortured by Tang Zhen, the race behind the elders of the group has now obtained some clues.

This mysterious race is named Yuan, and no one knows the true origin, not even members of the race.

Within the Yuan Clan, this is the top secret, and ordinary people have no chance to get in touch with it.

The captured elders of the group were ordinary people of the Yuan clan.

The Yuan Clan encourages them to go out and venture out, and is willing to provide various supports, including the technology of sealing particles.

Just tens of thousands of years ago, more than [-] residents of the Yuan tribe went out to fight, and finally established a group organization.

They were lucky, the star field they chose to stay in did not have a very strong cultivation civilization.

The sealing particles took effect, quietly destroying the monk civilization, and the founders of the group began to harvest.

A huge practice civilization must have accumulated a huge amount of resources, which eventually became the spoils of the group.

With the starting capital, the group has grown rapidly and its strength has become stronger and stronger.

After tasting the sweetness, the group continued to expand and invaded some practice civilizations one after another.

Every incursion has yielded rich rewards.

The growing group began to give back to the race. In addition to handing in some special resources, it also began to assist in completing some tasks.

In addition to sealing the particles, the group also acquired a technology capable of manipulating the planet.

No matter what type of stars they are, they can be gathered and cleaned to create a pure starry sky.

It is even possible to control the stars and arrange them as they wish, forming a special spectacle like a starry sky prison.

This kind of technology is very strong, but it is not very practical, unless there is a special purpose, all the stars need to be gathered.

This time, when they were attacked by foreign enemies, the elders of the group immediately asked the race for help, but they did not receive a timely response.

But it is certain that the Yuan Clan will never ignore it, perhaps reinforcements are already on the way.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, reinforcements have arrived, but now they are lurking in the dark and secretly observing.

It is not surprising if this is the case, and it is not an exaggeration to be careful when encountering a powerful opponent like Tang Zhen.

Whether the reinforcements from the Yuan clan arrive or not will not affect the overall situation. What needs to be cleaned up must continue to be cleaned up, and the preparations that need to be made cannot be interrupted.

Be fully prepared to avoid the Yuan Clan's surprise attack.

When they realize that the danger is approaching, the Yuan Clan will definitely not wait for death, and will definitely deal with it with all their strength. If their own strength is strong enough, the Yuan Clan may take the initiative to launch an attack.

Before the war begins, the Yuan Clan will definitely launch investigations and collect all kinds of relevant intelligence information.

With enough intelligence, it is possible to formulate corresponding countermeasures instead of launching attacks blindly.

There is also a possibility that Yuanzu will choose to defend and evade.

The existence of the Loucheng World represents the pinnacle of force in the practice world, and it is definitely not something that ordinary organizations can resist.

Facts in the past are enough to prove that the final result of a war with Loucheng World is quite miserable.

If the Yuan Clan collects information, it is impossible not to know about this matter, and this will also become the best reference to measure each other's strength.

After confirming that they are not opponents, Yuanzu will definitely choose to avoid and avoid fierce conflicts with monk Loucheng.

If this is the case, the Yuan Clan will be hit by relentless pursuit, and if they don't get what they want, the monks in Loucheng will definitely not give up.

Once these two behemoths collide, it will inevitably be an earth-shattering event.

(End of this chapter)

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