The target being followed did not find Tangning behind him.

The other party shuttled through the building, obviously looking for something, walking from the first floor to the top floor, with a leisurely and calm attitude.

Obviously, inside the magic city, he can really relax without having to be vigilant all the time.

After buying a lot of items, the tracked target left the mall and wandered around the city again.

Tangning continued to follow, but did not call for support from her companions, so as not to alarm the target being followed.

With her super strong memory ability, Tangning recognized the identity of the person being stalked and had a secret connection with the poisonous demon.

The outside world didn't know about it, but Tangning happened to know about it.

Originally, she had guessed that the poisonous demon was hiding here, but now that she saw the relevant target, Tangning became more convinced of her previous inference.

After tracking for a long time, the target circled around and finally entered a building.

Tangning hid herself and continued to observe, not rushing to a conclusion.

These cunning guys must not be underestimated in the slightest, otherwise they will be the ones who are unlucky.

For the next two days, Tangning did not move and waited silently.

Contact the team during the period to inform your findings and prepare your peers.

Once locked onto the target, a thunderclap will be unleashed.

After waiting for another three days, the target finally appeared again, this time still visiting the mall.

I also bought a lot of refining materials from some demon cultivators, apparently to refine certain items.

After the purchase was over, the other party swaggered and walked in another direction of the city.

The place I went this time was not the residence where I stayed before, but another independent courtyard.

Living inside the magic city, the house can be equipped with a shielding circle to prevent outsiders from peeping.

If the administrator needs it, the shielding circle will be invalidated instantly, allowing outsiders to enter and exit freely.

Although the courtyard is ordinary, it cannot be detected from the outside, and it is not known what is going on inside.

Whether the poisonous demon is here, there is no way to be sure.

Although this is a demon city, the identity of the poisonous demon is very sensitive. Even in the sinful paradise, it is still impossible to show up easily.

Even if you go out to act, you must cover yourself.

Tangning had to first determine whether this was the lair of poisonous demons before taking further action.

Success or failure, there is only one chance.

Tangning's judgment is very important. If there is a mistake, the operation will fail completely.

Not only will he be held accountable by the magic city, but it may also affect the next action and expose more intelligence information.

There are mixed fish and dragons inside the magic city, and it is possible that any magic organization will secretly contact other Loucheng territories.

If the other party knows the news, he will definitely send a notice as soon as possible.

If other teams enter the arena, it will definitely mess up the plan, causing the only clue to be cut off.

Tangning was aware of this, so naturally she didn't dare to be negligent, and continued to deduce and analyze.

At the same time, the results will be analyzed and sent to the team for a second review by the peers.

In the end, it was concluded that the poisonous demon was hiding in this place.

Although it took half a month, as long as the Poison Demon was locked down, no amount of effort would be worth it.

When Tangning sent the signal, confirming that the poisonous demon was hiding at this time, the team members also immediately started to act.

The spaceship landed in the wilderness, and a group of Loucheng monks sneaked into the city, quietly approaching the target building.

The Poison Demon is a powerful general, if he wanted to capture him alive, he must not use ordinary means.

In the hands of the members of the operation, there are special rule runes, which can control the monks of the gods.

Once the talisman is activated, the target will be unable to use divine power for a short period of time.

The team members took this opportunity to control the Poison Demon with special shackles, making it completely incapable of resisting.

The gods are indeed powerful, but it doesn't mean they are invincible, especially in the world of Loucheng, there has long been a set of mature tactics for killing gods.

Not to mention the rule talisman, and the shackles that lock the gods, are all refined by Tang Zhen himself.

If used properly, it is enough to crush all god generals, and even pose a threat to the god king.

Because of this artifact, the action team members are full of confidence.

Once the members of the operation were deployed and confirmed that there was no problem, the battle began immediately.

A strong light flashed, and the defensive circle was instantly destroyed.

"who is it?"

There was a roar, and the target that Tangning had been tracking before rushed out of the yard aggressively.

As a result, at this moment, a flying sword shot out, directly piercing through the opponent's chest.

The attacker was taken aback, and slowly collapsed to the ground, the despair in his heart was beyond words.

Obviously, they did not expect that someone would dare to initiate an attack in the inner area of ​​the magic city.

Moreover, these attackers are obviously not ordinary monks, otherwise they would not be able to instantly kill themselves.

A monk in Loucheng stepped forward and quickly completed the make-up, completely eliminating the hit target.

At the same time, the Rule Rune was activated and thrown directly into the yard.

"Damn, what is your origin?"

The poisonous demon hiding inside the building, waiting for the manager to arrive, let out a furious roar.

The moment the rule talisman exploded, he had already realized that something was wrong, and subconsciously wanted to escape from this place.

As an important criminal wanted by multiple civilizations, the poisonous demon has countless enemies. When he is attacked, he immediately guesses the identity of the enemy.

It's just that monk Loucheng was cautious and did not disclose any relevant information, so that the poisonous demon could not make an accurate judgment.

The only thing that is certain is that the rule talisman is so powerful that even he cannot resist it.

You must escape quickly, otherwise you will be doomed.

As soon as the idea came up, the Poison Demon was shocked to find that his divine power had been completely blocked.

"What kind of talisman is this, why is it so powerful?"

The poisonous demon was extremely frightened and furious, he did not expect the enemy to be so fierce, and it was far more difficult to deal with than imagined.

This is the first time the poisonous demon has encountered such a powerful rule talisman, and he has no power to resist.

The poisonous demon was terrified, aware of the determination of monk Loucheng, using such a magical weapon, he would definitely not let it go.

"Damn it, why hasn't the city lord appeared yet?"

At this moment, the poisonous demon only thought about one thing, the controller of the demon city appeared quickly.

As long as the other party appears, he can get out of the crisis.

But he didn't expect that at this moment, figures rushed into the courtyard and chopped down all his servants.

There was also a monk who took out something like a helmet and put it on his head.

"Confinement Artifact!"

The poisonous demon roared, and subconsciously wanted to dodge, but found that he couldn't do it.

At this moment, the poisonous demon is like a statue, imprisoned by the power of rules.

"If I get out of the predicament, I will definitely smash your corpses into thousands of pieces, so as to relieve the hatred in my heart!"

The angry poisonous demon screamed and cursed, his heart was full of unwillingness.

"Don't worry, you don't have that chance!"

A voice came, with a touch of teasing in its tone, it was Tangning who was holding the artifact of confinement.

Although the scene of the battle was tense and dangerous, Tangning felt an indescribable sense of relief when he saw the angry poisonous demon.

"You should feel lucky that you were able to fall into the hands of monk Loucheng and put a perfect end to your sinful career."

Hearing this, the Poison Demon immediately widened his eyes, showing a shocked expression.

"It turned out to be a monk in Loucheng, damn it, when did I offend you?"

The poisonous demon has countless enemies, and it can be said that they are enemies of all heavens.

But if you observe carefully, you will find that among his enemies, there are no really powerful organizational forces.

Apparently, he also knew very well what organization he couldn't offend, otherwise he would have been killed long ago, and he couldn't have been at ease until today.

In the list of not to be provoked, there is definitely the name of Loucheng World, which is avoided on weekdays.

In the end, he didn't expect that instead of provoking monk Loucheng, he was approached by the other party instead.

Using such means is obviously inevitable.

Thinking of the methods of monk Loucheng, the poisonous demon became more and more frightened, knowing that this time he might be doomed.

"Tell me, let me know exactly where I offended you!"

The poisonous demon roared loudly, his mood became more and more urgent, he didn't understand why the Lord of the Demon City didn't come for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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