I have a city in another world

Chapter 4275 New Clues

Chapter 4275 New Clues
The ancient god king evacuates, and the gods will chant loudly.

I was envious in my heart, the other party only came for a few minutes, and earned a huge amount of God's Origin.

This is making money based on real skills, and the gods can only envy, there is no possibility of imitating.

"Next, let us reveal the answer."

Tang Zhen laughed lightly, and the spiritual thoughts spread over him, and he began to explore the hidden memories of the captives.

If Tang Zhen had dared to operate like this before then, the Yuan Clan's defense system would have been activated.

The target being tortured will become an idiot in an instant, and will not get any gains.

Even if some memory can be obtained by using the secret method, it is actually just a trap deliberately set by the Yuan Clan.

If you believe it is true, you are very likely to fall into the pit.

Poison Demon is an expert in counterfeiting. He was controlled and subdued by the Yuan Clan many years ago, and has been willing to act as a hawk dog, wandering around to carry out sabotage tasks.

As a loyal eagle dog, he has harmed multiple civilizations, which can be said to be an unforgivable crime.

In order to prevent the leakage of secrets, the Yuan family also tampered with him to prevent important secrets from being leaked.

Fortunately, the commander acted prudently, and did not rush to torture, which would inevitably lead to the loss of an important source of intelligence.

But now, after being dealt with by the ancient god king, all hidden dangers have been eliminated.

Tang Zhen read the information he wanted without any effort.

At the same time, representatives from other territories were also staring at Tang Zhen intently.

They also want to know the information related to Yuan Clan.

But at this time, Tang Zhen shook his head slightly, and then chose to share the information.

The representatives' hearts sank, and they didn't say anything, but quickly checked the memory they had just obtained.

After watching it, their expressions are the same.

"This Yuan Clan is really cunning, to be so cautious!"

A representative of the territory scolded, with helpless anger in his words, and at this moment he finally understood why Tang Zhen shook his head and sighed softly.

It turned out that these Yuan Clan captives also didn't know much information.

They only know that there are many secret bases in Yuan Clan, but they never know where the headquarters is.

The other party also knows nothing about the clues of the sealed particles, and all they have is the right to use dark energy.

One thing to note is that the Yuan Clan has a distinct hierarchy, and ordinary people are just commoners or lords.

There are also higher titles, and even princes and monarchs, with strict and huge classes.

The higher the level of the people, the more rights they enjoy. The vast majority of the people of the Yuan clan are like wage earners.

Just like the group veterans before, they are a group of entrepreneurs, just the most ordinary civilian class.

As a citizen of the Yuan Clan, they can obtain resources from nobles, and after they develop, they must return them in multiples.

The few captives in front of them are also commoners of the Yuan clan, providing services for a nobleman of the Yuan clan named Gore.

They don't know much about their employers, and they just do things according to the requirements of the other party.

Borrow information and resources, and after success, you will get the corresponding profit share.

The intelligence information obtained this time is indeed valuable, but it is far less surprising than expected.

Fortunately, the other party has a base and a large group of accomplices. If they can conquer and capture them, they will be quite pleasantly surprised.

As for the Yuan Clan's headquarters, it still needs to be investigated slowly, and it cannot be rushed.

The representatives of the major territories completed the memory reading one after another, and they also had ideas in their hearts.

Regardless of the value, as long as the target is discovered, action must be taken.

When one is found, the other is destroyed. Through this method of cannibalism, the Yuan Clan is constantly cleaned up.

The loss of one place or two may not hurt the bones, but if it is cleaned up continuously, even the Yuan Clan can't bear it.

In order to avoid further losses, Yuanzu will definitely take measures to avoid further deterioration of the situation.

If Yuan Clan did this, it would be tantamount to falling into the trap of the monks of Loucheng. As long as they were caught, the monks of Loucheng would definitely pursue and attack.

Without too much discussion, a decision has been made to immediately attack the Yuanzu base.

This place in the magic city can be used as a temporary base, leaving some Loucheng monks stationed for a long time.

These are small things, and naturally someone will take care of them.

After the discussion, the coalition forces are ready to go out again.

Under the relieved eyes of the monks of the Demonic Dao, the Loucheng Allied Forces set off again, heading straight for the secret base hidden by the Yuan Clan.

There are four city lords in each magic city, and three city lords go out with the army.

It sounded like a bad thing, but when they received the notice, several city lords were relieved.

This is an opportunity for the four masters of the magic city, which means that the past is wiped out. If they refuse to participate in the action, they must bear the punishment of the monks of Loucheng.

Because of the rebellion of the three city lords, the four lords of the magic city are in a difficult situation. If the monks of Loucheng are not relentless, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Now that they have the opportunity to perform, they naturally dare not refuse.

There is also a city lord left to provide assistance to the monks in Loucheng. As the rear base of the coalition forces, he is bound to take on more tasks.

It can be said that in the quiet, the magic city has successfully changed hands, becoming an overseas territory in the fourth war zone.

It is an inevitable step, and it is also the practice of monks in Loucheng to fight. It is really stupid to let such a rich place not be closed.

Don't underestimate Thieves Star. If this place is managed properly, it can provide massive cultivation resources and enough information.

The strength of Loucheng World not only stems from its internal prosperity, but also from countless overseas territories.

Without the accumulation of fuelwood, it is impossible to let the flames burn blazingly, and the possession of the magic city will only make the flames more vigorous.

The investigative teams of the major territories will leave first to be responsible for investigation and spying.

The same is true for Tang Ning, who is about to go to the front line.

As a result, at this moment, the team members received an order, and a high-level executive was about to come to check and express condolences.

For such things, team members have become accustomed to it.

Due to the previous excellent performance, the investigation team received a lot of appreciation, and also received generous rewards.

Every team member is very satisfied with the reward, knowing that his blood was not shed in vain.

There are feelings, benefits, fairness and fairness, who would not maintain such a camp?
Loucheng monks have strong cohesion, loyalty and bravery, which are inseparable from the generous reward mechanism.

Especially the Fissure Territory, they are not stingy about rewards.

Because of the late start and the weak foundation, the overall ranking of the Rift Territory has always been at the bottom of the fourth theater.

Tang Zhen is too strong, in exchange for a high ranking in combat power, but it does not affect the overall strength.

In order to solve this matter, Tang Zhen decided to hide the wealth among the people and distribute most of the resources to the residents of the territory.

This kind of generous behavior is indeed quite effective, and the strength of the residents of the territory has been rapidly improved.

When the residents of the territory grow up, they will feed back the territory and grow up with each other.

This is a virtuous circle. As long as you can firmly control it, you will gain more and more benefits in the future.

This thing is easy to say, but it is not easy to do it.

After all, there are many territories, which are actually special cash machines for high-level monks. They often use all their resources to cultivate more high-level monks.

Over time, more and more high-level monks need to be trained, and the proportion of resources allocated is increasing, and the resources allocated by ordinary monks will naturally decrease accordingly.

Although there are such disadvantages, the big families in the major territories have great achievements. Even if the resources of the bottom monks are reduced, it will still not affect their own strength.

The Fissure Territory is different. There is a self-sufficient and powerful lord who not only won't draw blood in the territory, but also denies it from time to time.

Due to the short establishment time, the number of senior monks is not particularly large, and the proportion of resources occupied is not particularly large.

Not to mention that over the years, the Rift Territory has continued to expand its territory and has a large number of overseas bases.

The weak fissure territory grew rapidly like this, and elite monks emerged in groups like weeds in early spring.

(End of this chapter)

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