I have a city in another world

Chapter 4287 Difficult situation

Chapter 4287 Difficult situation
At this moment, Tang Zhen once again thought of a possibility.

Is the kind of parasitic monster that can parasitize monks and even manipulate gods related to this incident?
Sealing particles, oscillating god gold, and this parasitic monster are all the Yuan Clan's sharp weapons against the cultivation civilization.

There is a relationship between each other, which is naturally a very normal thing.

If this kind of parasitic monster was also invented by a teenager, that would be the real shocking thing.

If such a talent is used for evil, it will definitely be a terrible disaster.

If you think about it carefully, the possibility is extremely high.

When the boy was weak, he created monsters that could parasitize monks and attack them.

After completing the parasitism, it will be controlled by the teenager and attack other practitioners.

With this kind of parasitic monster, and careful layout, it is possible to completely destroy a cultivation civilization.

Tang Zhen has a deep understanding of the power of parasitic monsters, and knows that once such monsters become popular, they are definitely not something that ordinary cultivating civilizations can fight against.

When the strength is strong, the boy may create shock gold, and even seal particles, destroying the cultivation civilization indiscriminately.

Of course, there is also a possibility that the young man only targeted this cultivation civilization, and all the things that happened later were only done by the Yuan Clan, and had nothing to do with the young man.

Not all of these terrifying things were made by the teenagers, but were obtained and assembled by the Yuan Clan.

Thinking of this, Tang Zhen couldn't help sighing softly.

The more you fear a danger, the more it tends to come uninvited and have uncontrollable catastrophic consequences.

Whenever this happens, there will be too many things that are no longer under the control of personal power.

In fact, it is the trend of the times, or it is doomed to escape.

For example, at this moment, when Tang Zhen was trying to complete the task, he thought of cultivating parasitic monsters.

If you want to complete the task, you must use external force to kill practitioners more efficiently.

There is no limit to the method, it may be a parasitic monster, or it may be a powerful weapon.

In this practice civilization, the chance of cultivating parasitic monsters is higher than the chance of developing nuclear weapons.

Cultivating parasitic monsters requires sufficient opportunities and considerable risks.

This kind of terrifying parasitic monster can never appear out of thin air, but has been continuously improved.

It is very much like that kind of Gu worm, constantly evolving and devouring, making itself more perfect and powerful.

However, to develop nuclear bombs and more powerful energy weapons, sufficient technological accumulation is necessary.

If there is no complete technology tree and enough research accumulation, it is much more difficult to create a destructive energy weapon than to achieve a god.

Tang Zhen also confirmed his direction of action through analysis, weighing the pros and cons of the conditions.

Breeding parasitic monsters is a very good choice, at least it seems to be the case so far.

If it doesn't work, find another way.

It's just that such an operation will inevitably make Tang Zhen doubtful. Could it be that this parasitic monster was invented by himself?

If this is the case, it would be too bizarre.

In order to deal with the Yuan Clan, he used an artifact to make a wish, and entered an unknown time and space to complete the task.

In order to complete the task, parasitic monsters were invented, and even shocking god gold and the biggest culprit, sealing particles, were created.

Many years later, the Yuan Clan took control of these things and put themselves in a difficult situation.

Such a cycle sounds a bit possible, but when you think about it carefully, it is quite outrageous.

If Tang Zhen really participated in the manufacture of these things, it is impossible for him to be ignorant of them.

After becoming a god, one's own fate line and karma will automatically emerge.

What the gods have to do is to cut off all of them, so that they will not be bound by the rules of fate.

Tang Zhen can be sure that there is no involvement related to this in his own fate line.

It can only be said that Tang Zhen had a very high degree of participation in this mission, and mistakenly thought that everything was related to him.

In fact, from the very beginning, all the things I experienced came from the real experiences of teenagers.

Because of the choices of the participants, many things have changed, but the general direction has not changed.

Even if Tang Zhen joined the orthodox sect and became a high-ranking practitioner, sooner or later he would become an enemy of the monks in the world and try to destroy all the practitioners.

Another conjecture also surfaced in Tang Zhen's mind.

After completing the task by myself, will it affect the real world and destroy this cultivation civilization?
If he cultivated a parasitic monster during the mission, would he be able to control the parasitic monster in the real world?

Tang Zhen is still unable to make a judgment on the truth.

Although there are many doubts in my heart, I still have to do what should be done, after all, there is no other choice.

Tang Zhen wanted to try to make weapons like nuclear bombs to see if they could have an impact on the future.

But the world he was in forced him to give up this choice.

Fate is like this, whether you like it or not, you must be dragged forward.

Only by becoming a god can one be freed from bondage.

The boy played by Tang Zhen has no ability to get rid of the rules of fate, so he can only obediently follow the requirements.

Just when the Tianxia Zongmen issued a warrant to hunt down Tang Zhen as a demon, he also began to try to breed parasitic monsters.

Regarding parasitic monsters, Tang Zhen had done research on them before, and even carried out transformations himself.

As long as the conditions are right, it can be cultivated completely.

Regardless of whether everything in the mission is related to the real world or not, Tang Zhen has to try it.

Since he had this idea, cultivating parasitic monsters became Tang Zhen's only choice.

Tang Zhen is also no stranger to such things as refining Gu and biological improvement. After all, he is a monk of the king of gods and can create all kinds of strange lives.

He has an extremely in-depth understanding of all kinds of life.

Although Tang Zhen at this time could not use the Divine Kingdom in his mind, nor could he rely on the power of rules to decompose and combine, but his consciousness and insight were by no means comparable to that of ordinary monks.

Only in such a realm can one be able to create parasitic monsters that can be called incomprehensible, making the entire cultivation world helpless.

Then drive the tigers to devour the wolves, let the practitioners kill each other, and finally end up dying together.

With this in mind, Tang Zhen began to collect all kinds of poisonous insects, as well as various creatures that could be used.

These alone are not enough, and all kinds of elixir and minerals are needed for auxiliary improvement.

Things like this are the resources that practitioners value, and they are basically controlled by the practice sect.

In fact, there are also folks, but the number is pitifully small.

If one wants to obtain these things, one must deal with various sects, which also makes Tang Zhen enter various sects frequently.

His behavior like this was naturally regarded as a provocation by the various sects, and he became more and more resentful and annoyed.

First beheading the monks of the sect, and now rushing into the major sects to rob the cultivation resources, Tang Zhen's behavior can be said to be more arrogant, completely ignoring the monks in the world.

The irritated sect boss once again issued an order that Tang Zhen must be captured and beheaded.

In order to avoid being chased by the sect and conduct experiments more conveniently, Tang Zhen began to look for a secret base.

The secret base was established, and the experiment was able to proceed smoothly, and every once in a while, he would go out to find various materials.

It's just that the process of nurturing is far more difficult than imagined, because of the limitation of ability, he is often troubled by various problems.

From time to time, he was hunted down and forced to move to a safe place, which caused previous efforts to be wasted.

With Tang Zhen's identity and knowledge, he would feel a headache, which shows how difficult the situation of the young man was.

It must have gone through all kinds of difficulties and dangers, and the completion of the experiment is close to death, and there is a possibility of losing one's life at any time.

It was this difficult environment that intensified the youth's hostility and strengthened his determination to kill all the monks.

(End of this chapter)

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