I have a city in another world

Chapter 4293 will come to an end

Chapter 4293 will come to an end
Another city was easily occupied by the puppet army.

Before the war started, heavy troops had been assembled here, and everyone in the city held swords and spears.

Since there is no way to retreat, the only option is to fight to the death.

There are also many sect monks who also gather here, trying to block the attack of the puppet army.

The battle started suddenly, and it caught people off guard. The seemingly perfect defense system did not achieve the expected effect.

When the puppet army appeared all over the mountains and attacked like a flood, the hearts of the defenders were also filled with despair.

The original belief and confidence disappeared in an instant, knowing that this war would undoubtedly be defeated.

Sure enough, when the battle started, the defender quickly collapsed, and the whole city turned into a Shura field.

Those terrifying bugs are crawling around in the city, looking for a host that will satisfy them.

After being parasitized by insects, mucus will be discharged from the surface of the body, which is the dissolved organ nerves in the body and the toxin dirt accumulated over the years.

The first step in parasitism is to wash the tendons and cut the marrow to help the host reborn.

The acid will dissolve the clothes and the skin will all fall off, forming a tough film.

The host devours various bone metals, ore and other things, so that the exoskeleton can grow rapidly and form a set of hard external armor.

The higher the growth level of the parasite, the more ferocious and cool the shape, and the lowest-level parasite looks more like a skinned monkey.

After occupying the city, a new mother body was selected soon, devouring all kinds of food non-stop, and began to expand in size without limit.

The mutated flying immortal Gu worms were bred and produced one after another, turning the entire city into a super insect nest.

Looking at the development trend, one can tell that the outbreak of Fei Immortal Gu is unstoppable, and sooner or later this world will completely fall.

Practitioners who have nowhere to escape must either leave this world, or they can only wait for death obediently.

To kill the flying immortal Gu and regain control of the world is definitely more difficult than ascending to the sky.

Tang Zhen's mission is also coming to an end.

Things have developed to this point, the task has already emerged, which is to cultivate the source of disasters such as Fei Immortal Gu.

The origin of Fei Immortal Gu has also been clearly understood, which is definitely a surprise.

It should be known that his initial goal was to figure out how to make the Shock God Gold, but he didn't want to accidentally know the origin of the puppet monster.

It can be regarded as buy one get one free, and it is full of sincerity.

Tang Zhen had a feeling that this book was done on purpose, eager to reveal more secrets.

Taking advantage of the mission, Tang Zhen saved a lot of time by giving away some private goods.

What is the purpose of doing this?
Is it to restrain the Yuan Clan and eliminate these scourges that have poisoned the practice world, or to let myself follow suit and become a disaster in the practice world?

There are not many clues, Tang Zhen doesn't know the truth, and he won't be overly entangled either.

No matter what the real intention is, it will not affect Tang Zhen's decision. The thing is in his own hands, and how to use it depends entirely on his own will.

The thing to do now is to ensure the smooth implementation of the plan and let all the practitioners in this world die.

There was no choice in this matter, either they were all dead, or Tang Zhen was trapped and died in the mission and couldn't escape.

In order to complete the task, Tang Zhen was not polite when he started.

The sniping against the high-level members of the alliance has achieved quite good results, and the alliance is now completely in chaos.

The capable ones were all killed by Tang Zhen, and the timid ones stayed behind, making the practitioners mistakenly think that there was still hope.

Affected by them, the alliance has already lost its ability to resist, like a group of wild beasts fleeing in terror.

If we work together to fight against the catastrophe of annihilation, we may be able to persist for a while.

But this situation is no longer possible.

There are many practitioners who are trying to escape from this world. When they can't beat the enemy, fleeing becomes the best choice.

I can't blame these monks, after all, they have worked hard before, but unfortunately they didn't get the expected results.

Escaping and saving your life became the only option.

Tang Zhen continued to pay attention in the dark, and would also take the opportunity to intercept it at the right time. In order to ensure the completion of the mission, no fish that slipped through the net could appear.

As the cultivator of Flying Immortal Gu, Tang Zhen didn't have to worry about being attacked, and he could even give instructions to the Gu insects.

For the parasite, Tang Zhen is the mobile mother body with extremely high authority.

Under Tang Zhen's secret command, the originally scattered puppet army has now become more and more fierce in combat effectiveness.

Like a real legion, they attacked the city all the way, and no one could stop them.

The monks of the Puppet Legion are not real puppets. The higher the level they have, the stronger their autonomy will become.

When it reaches a certain level, its sanity will completely recover, no difference from before being parasitized.

But the mentality has changed, and there is no way to reverse it, and treat yourself as a whole new race.

From this, Tang Zhen guessed that the relationship between the puppet monks and the Yuan Clan was likely to be in a state of cooperation, not the slaves of the other party.

The two sides have a basis for cooperation, and perhaps for some reason, the puppet monks are naturally close to the Yuan Clan.

Such a thing cannot be done, as long as the command is implanted in the blood of the flying immortal Gu, it will affect the puppet monk.

With Yuan Clan's means, maybe it can be done.

If you want to erase and change the instructions, you must have a cultivation level higher than that of a god. Perhaps because of fear of this kind of thing happening, the Yuan Clan imposed restrictions on the puppet gods.

Let them be like real puppets, unable to restore their original sanity, so that they can obey orders obediently.

Although in this way, the combat effectiveness of the puppet gods is seriously affected, but compared to the danger of losing control, these shortcomings are completely acceptable.

Tang Zhen benefited a lot from this mission. After cultivating the Flying Immortal Gu himself, many problems were solved.

Today's Tang Zhen has several plans, which may be able to solve the problem of puppet monks.

When the task progressed to this point, Tang Zhen was no longer in a hurry, but commanded in a leisurely manner, slowly waiting for the last moment to arrive.

The performance of these remaining practitioners is getting worse and worse, and now they have reached the point where they will be defeated in one blow.

They had no intention of fighting at all, they just ran away desperately, unable to defend the safe zone, they fled to the area occupied by the puppet monks.

Those places are sparsely populated and very suitable for hiding. As long as you hide honestly, you can definitely survive for a while.

Of course, it was just a plate of Chinese food. After the big piece of meat was eaten, they would not escape being cleaned up.

Two months later, the last group of monks from the monk alliance was trapped deep in a valley.

On the outskirts of the valley, puppet monks are everywhere, completely enclosing the place.

In the most central area, there are also a large number of puppet monks who were once members of the alliance.

Now he is wearing bone armor, with a strange and noble posture, looking indifferently at his former fellow disciples.

In today's world, the practice sect no longer exists, and only some lucky guys are left to survive.

After killing them, the practice world will no longer exist.

"Why, you want to act as lackeys of monsters, wantonly killing fellow clansmen and clansmen!"

The besieged practitioner roared helplessly, but he also knew that it was futile.

I don't know how many monks have asked questions like this, but they have never received an answer.

Looking at the puppet monks who swung their knives, they felt nothing but anger and unspeakable grief.

"Why, why don't you tell me the answer, let me die clearly!"

Before dying, a monk raised his head to the sky and screamed unwillingly, and collapsed to the ground in despair.

"Because a mortal boy feels that all practitioners in the world deserve to die."

Tang Zhen stood on the top of the mountain, looked at those fallen figures in despair, and said in a light tone.

Many practitioners have heard this answer.

They were perplexed, and felt extremely absurd. Such a catastrophe of annihilation originated from a mortal like an ant?
"I'm not reconciled..."

The mad and unwilling wailing gradually subsided, and a civilization of practice came to an end.

(End of this chapter)

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