Implanted organs
The Loucheng Allied Forces, which were fighting, received an order from the commander to capture more puppet monks.

If you can capture them, try not to kill them.

Regarding this order, the monks were a little puzzled, but they still chose to do their best to carry it out.

In previous battles, there was no habit of keeping captives, but all of them were wiped out.

These puppets controlled by the Yuan clan have no purpose at all, and containment will only increase unnecessary burdens.

Now that I have received the order, I won't be particularly resistant, but the way of fighting will change.

At the same time, arrange enough personnel to be responsible for guarding prisoners of war to avoid accidents.

The war continued without much impact.

Soon the monks in Loucheng discovered that the number of captives became more and more, and more monks had to be taken into custody.

This is also a helpless move. After all, the environment here is different. Under the influence of dark energy, many control methods cannot be used.

In the past, it only took a thought to suppress the captives, but now it needs to be done by yourself.

There will certainly be trouble, but the mission must be carried out.

This road continued to advance, and the Loucheng coalition forces broke through the blockade set by the Yuan clan like a bamboo.

When they finally arrived at their destination and entered the camp planet, they discovered that the number of captured enemies had already exceeded [-] million.

The number is about half of the coalition forces, and their strength varies from high to low, but there is not a single prisoner at the level of a true god.

Sure enough, they were all cannon fodder, and even the puppet gods were not stationed there.

Such a large group of captives looked extremely spectacular, but it was also embarrassing.

It should be known that these puppet monks are also practitioners, but they are in a state of involuntary control.

After the family is destroyed, they will be driven by slavery.

Fighting against the Loucheng Allied Forces may not be out of heart, but just a tool used by the Yuan Clan.

After the Loucheng army arrived, they immediately went to different areas to rest, trying to recover to the peak in the shortest possible time.

The abundant energy of heaven and earth made the monks in Loucheng very happy, as if a dragon was trapped in the sea.

With this great gift, the previous deficit should be able to make up.

When the monks of the coalition army were resting, the gods and generals of the major legions gathered together to make preparations for the organ implantation.

Knowing the usefulness of implanted organs, the gods will naturally cooperate actively.

The transformation process is not complicated. Tang Zhen personally operates it, and the commanders of the major armies are responsible for building passages to connect with the subordinate monks in Loucheng.

The commanders of the major legions did not know the real structure of the organs, because Tang Zhen had set a rule code.

No one else can reproduce it at all until the code is cracked.

There is no way to dissect and verify the specific purpose of the organ, as well as the principle of operation.

No one knows at all that the dark energy absorbed by this organ has actually undergone a silent transformation.

To put it bluntly, it is a supporting organ. If it is replaced with normal dark energy, there is no way to absorb it.

This is Tang Zhen's secret and will not be announced to the outside world. It is also his trump card.

Through this kind of operation, Tang Zhen can use dark energy in a fair and honest way, instead of being unable to use it with all means.

Don't be afraid of being found abnormal, at least there will be no problem in the short term. Even if someone finds out later, Tang Zhen has a reason to explain.

As the supreme commander, one must have a hole card, and it is impossible to announce everything.

If someone follows suit, all conditions must be met, otherwise there is no possibility of success at all.

The possibility of successful cracking is very small, so for a long time, the initiative will be in Tang Zhen's hands.

Since the transformation is not harmful, but will enhance the combat effectiveness in a special environment, the monks in Loucheng naturally have no reason to object.

A large-scale implantation operation was carried out under the auspices of Tang Zhen, and all the monks in Loucheng participated in it, feeling the formation of organs in the body.

Installing organs to hundreds of millions of monks was the first time such a thing had happened in the war history of the Fourth Theater.

Participants feel fresh and thoughtful at the same time, after all, this is a new mode of warfare.

When you can't fight against the environment, start from your own changes. This is not a compromise, but for the ultimate victory.

The communication and cooperation were in place, and the implantation operation was successfully completed without any accidents.

Since it is a divine creation, there is no rejection reaction, and it can be used normally immediately.

After the transformation, the monk Loucheng wanted to experience the feeling of dark energy assisting the battle, but he received another notice.

There are restrictions on the use of special organs, and Tang Zhen is required to control and open them, during which a large amount of God's Origin will be consumed.

Even if the implantation is completed, it cannot be used normally now. You have to wait for Tang Zhen to open it.

To put it bluntly, it is a combination of organs, which cannot function alone. Tang Zhen is the most critical link.

Such usage restrictions make the gods feel sorry, and at the same time greatly reduce the value of implanted organs.

If it can be used independently without Tang Zhen's hands, it is a real weapon of war.

It is quite difficult to be able to do this, as there are not so many perfect things.

I believe that as the war progresses, more effective means will be discovered, which will not only cause heavy damage to the enemy, but will not have so many restrictions.

Regarding the matter of organ transformation, it was naturally passed on to the fourth war zone. As for their opinions on this, no one gave Tang Zhen any feedback.

In fact, this time the war was originally led by Tang Zhen, and basically no one would object to the decision made.

Firstly, he didn't want to overwhelm the host, secondly, Tang Zhen was also a real authority, and he cared more about the victory of this war.

Regarding the future and destiny, Tang Zhen will never be perfunctory.

Of course, in private, research will definitely be carried out, trying to crack and copy.

Even by cracking the organs, he obtained Tang Zhen's research results and learned more about dark energy.

Tang Zhen was well aware of this possibility, and he didn't care about it either.

If you have the ability, go ahead and crack it, provided you don't get caught by Tang Zhen.

There is a connection between these special implanted organs and Tang Zhen. Once they lose contact or are forcibly cracked, Tang Zhen will definitely feel it.

If there is a chance, I will definitely look for clues and send them to my door to ask for advice.

After the organ implantation was completed, Tang Zhen started the second operation.

A large number of captives will also be personally transformed by Tang Zhen to serve as servants and thugs.

The transformation of the puppet monk is not the same as that of the Loucheng monk. The parasitic monster itself can transform dark energy.

In terms of dark energy conversion efficiency, it is not particularly high, and it cannot support long-term and fierce battles at all.

The disadvantages in this aspect are the same as those of practitioners.

Of course, if it is a long-term battle, the puppet monks still have the advantage. Although the transformation efficiency is lower, it is better than practitioners who cannot absorb the energy of heaven and earth.

The most primitive flying immortal Gu worms do not have this ability to transform, it should come from later evolutionary development.

Of course, it is also possible, this is Yuanzu's transformation operation, and the transformation of dark energy is only one of the transformation projects.

The most important transformation is to implant the obedience instructions to Yuan Clan.

Only through such transformation can the puppet monks be able to obey unconditionally and willingly serve as cannon fodder for the Yuan clan.

It should be noted that these puppet monks are not incapable of thinking, but their thoughts are extremely paranoid.

This kind of paranoid performance just fits the habits of Feixian Gu worms, making Tang Zhen more convinced of one thing.

The flying immortal Gu worms cultivated in the mission world must have a special connection with this parasitic monster in the real world.

It is even very possible that they are species of the same root.

A group of puppet monks were selected and sent to the mind for anatomical analysis in the Kingdom of God, and the desired results were quickly obtained.

Although there are many differences, in essence, they are all the same creature.

Perhaps its creator, who modified it in the later stage, may also be the work of Yuanzu.

The existence of this difference makes cracking a lot more difficult, but it doesn't mean it's impossible.

As a creator, no one is more familiar with Flying Immortal Gu than Tang Zhen, and it will be a matter of time to crack it.

(End of this chapter)

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