Chapter 4299
In a short period of time, the huge prisoner-of-war camp was cleaned up.

Before they can be transformed, these captured puppet monks can only be regarded as a group of burdens that cannot be thrown away.

The order from Tang Zhen must be carried out unconditionally, which is also the duty of the monks in the coalition army.

If it cannot be ordered and prohibited, the huge coalition forces will not be able to carry out operations at all.

But in my heart, I must have some criticisms, and I don't understand why such a decision was made.

But now, the command to capture prisoners is full of approval.

In a short period of time, the major legions have added a lot of practitioners, alleviating the dilemma of insufficient combatants.

In this kind of super-large-scale war, the greater the number, the greater the advantage. Being bullied by the Yuan Clan's crowd tactics, the monks of Loucheng will naturally try to retaliate.

It is actually very troublesome to increase the number of troops in the major territories. Unless it is necessary, it is impossible to send more people in a short time.

The overseas battlefield of the fourth war zone is not just one place in front of you, it needs enough manpower to maintain it everywhere.

At least in a short period of time, it is impossible to gather all the troops and deploy them on the battlefield against the Yuan Clan.

Besides, until now, the loss of personnel in the major territories has always been within an acceptable range.

The newly joined servant army will only make Loucheng monks even more powerful, and the chances of winning in battle will be higher.

The major legions dispatched elites to train the servants so that they could adapt to the tactics of the Loucheng monks in a short period of time.

Although the quality varies, it does not affect the performance of the monks in Loucheng, and the tasks undertaken by the two sides are also different.

Legion-level wars pay more attention to unity and cooperation, and the courage of the common man will even cause bad things.

When the allied forces went out again, the servant army had changed drastically, possessing satisfactory combat capabilities.

The monks in Loucheng, who had finished their rest, were gearing up for a long time and couldn't wait to start a big battle with the enemy.

In the last war, the fight was really aggrieved, and even half of the means were not used.

Fortunately, there was no defeat, otherwise the statement would be damaged, and I'm afraid it would be aggrieved for a long time.

In the eyes of monk Loucheng, the Yuan Clan is purely a villain, and if it is a real battle with real swords and guns, it is guaranteed to kill the opponent without leaving a single piece of armor.

But I have to admit that the battlefield is like this, there is no fairness at all.

Where there is room for use, it must be used to the extreme to deal the deadliest blow to the enemy.

The monk who was in charge of training the servant army was holding back his energy secretly at this moment, and only waited until the war started before hitting the enemy hard.

Let the idiots of the Yuan Clan see that they are obviously a pack of hungry wolves, but they have raised them to be watchdogs.

For monks, this is the greatest shame.

When the two sides face each other, it is time to compete to see who is weaker and who is stronger.

In some special cases, wars are not pursued for spoils, but purely for the purpose of exhaling.

Just like my younger brother who was bullied by the wicked, as the eldest brother, he must help find justice.

The current monks in Loucheng hold such an idea and want to save the practitioners who are in the quagmire.

If expectations can be achieved, the legion's lineup will continue to expand, and even no support from the rear will be needed.

If the cost of the war is reduced, the beneficiaries will naturally be those participating in the war. After the war is over, they will definitely get more war dividends.

If the cost of war increases, it will be apportioned to all participants in the final calculation.

If you rely on the servant army to win, the cost can even be ignored. Compared with the orthodox Loucheng monks, the servant army has almost no cost input.

There is no need for early training, and no need for posthumous pensions. You bring your own dry food throughout the process, and your loyalty is beyond doubt.

Partners like this are hard to find even with a lantern on, so naturally the more the better.

This time the war has not yet started, the Loucheng coalition forces have a harvest target, and they regard the puppet monks as short-term trophies.

It is also interesting to say that when the major legions were selecting puppet monks, they almost had a fight because of the uneven distribution.

If there is a choice, it is natural to choose a higher-level monk, so that a higher-level battle formation can be operated.

They all had the same idea, and the fight naturally broke out. If it weren't for the military regulations, they might have fought on the spot.

In the end, they all held back their energy and prepared to show it on the battlefield, and compete through actual combat to see who can capture more prisoners and be stronger.

This is the division of the strong, who regards the enemy as worthless, and has already distributed the spoils before the war officially begins.

Although the previous war was blocked, the monks in Loucheng also knew that the Yuan Clan base was not invincible.

It was not won in one fell swoop, purely out of safety considerations, while minimizing casualties as much as possible.

Otherwise, Tang Zhen would take action himself and lead a group of gods to assist him. Even if the Yuan Clan base was fortified with iron walls, he would definitely be able to smash it into pieces.

Under the leadership of Tang Zhen, the Loucheng Allied Forces advanced rapidly, with overwhelming momentum along the way.

The monsters and puppet monks who were ambushing on different planets and trying to stop them did not have the expected effect at all.

In front of the monks of the gods, it was like weeds crushed by a hurricane, and they were defeated and harvested in pieces.

After a simple screening, it will be directly collected in the Kingdom of Mind, and will be transformed when the time is right.

The major armies that followed seemed to be traveling in a group, and they had no chance to make a move at all.

But that's fine too, if you end up relaxed and at ease, you'll get a lot of military merit in the end.

These god-level powerhouses definitely disdain to compete with ordinary monks for credit, and all the credit they get now will eventually be distributed to their subordinates.

The true god participated in the war without any suspense, and reached the destination all the way.

The Yuan Clan had already received the news, and now they are waiting for work at leisure, ready to deal a head-on blow to the monks of Loucheng.

When the war broke out before, the Yuan Clan had been watching and recording, and then formulating corresponding tactics.

This silent wolf showed its sharp fangs and made up its mind to make the monks of Loucheng come and go.

Before the arrival of monk Loucheng, the Yuan clan had already made complete preparations.

In the core area of ​​the base, a group of Yuan people were watching the battle from a distance. Although they were beaten to the door by monk Loucheng, the internal operation was stable.

The battlefield data analysis is very gratifying. Under the influence of dark energy, monks in Loucheng have almost no advantage at all.

The sealing particle is indeed a divine object, no matter what level of cultivation civilization, it is helpless when encountering it.

The base intends to take advantage of the advantage to resist the attack of the monks of Loucheng, and then wait for the reinforcements to arrive.

At that time, the two sides will attack together, and the monks in Loucheng will undoubtedly be defeated.

With this kind of mentality, the atmosphere of Yuan Clan in the base is relaxed. They gather together and enjoy the war like watching a play.

Regardless of whether they are fighting for life or death, they don't need to go into battle in person, only one order is needed, and countless subordinates will desperately attack.

Under the influence of this environment, the people of the Yuan clan formed a self-centered mentality, completely indifferent to the life and death of other creatures.

Over the years, countless souls died because of the Yuan Clan. The crimes of this race are too numerous to write down.

Encountering monk Loucheng now didn't make them too flustered, and they even took a hint of luck.

If all the monks in Loucheng were wiped out before the reinforcements arrived, they would definitely be rewarded generously by the elders of the Yuan clan.

He can even be promoted to a higher level, obtain a higher title, and become the lucky one that everyone envies.

Greedy nature, the same strain.

Even in the face of Loucheng World, an extremely terrifying opponent, he still imagines that he can get enough benefits.

But how did he know that this time he was already dying.

(End of this chapter)

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