I have a city in another world

Chapter 4306 Ming Xiu Plank Road

Chapter 4306 Ming Xiu Plank Road
Brother Lou Cheng did not refuse the Yuan Clan's request for negotiation.

It would be a good choice to resolve a possible war through negotiations.

The current situation is indeed not suitable for war, otherwise it will affect the income.

Cultivator Loucheng, as the winner, took the initiative in the negotiation, and he won if he got the benefits, and he was determined not to suffer the losses.

By negotiating this way, we can enhance our understanding of the Yuan Clan. If the two sides can't reach an agreement, it's okay to continue fighting.

In the hearts of the lords, they tend to negotiate and reconcile, so that they can securely obtain benefits.

Of course, if they had the opportunity to swallow the Yuan Clan in one gulp, they would open their mouths without hesitation.

The negotiation site was quickly selected, a Death Star located on the outskirts of the base, without any obstructions nearby.

The Yuan clan once used secret techniques to clean up this star field, making the nearby starry sky clean.

There is no way to hide in a place far away from the base like this, which is obviously the best place to talk.

The weapons owned by both the enemy and the enemy can launch ultra-long-range attacks, and they also have the ability to destroy the Death Star.

Although he has the ability to launch an attack, there is no need to use it, otherwise it will only make the situation worse.

In the case of high alert, even if a sneak attack is really launched, it may not be able to achieve the expected results.

The heart of defense is indispensable, and the security checks that should be there are essential.

Tang Zhen personally took action and scanned the negotiation area to confirm that there were no ambushes or hidden dangers.

When dealing with the Yuan Clan, it is necessary to be cautious, this is a group of shameless guys who have no bottom line.

After the investigation, the negotiating team sent by Loucheng World arrived at the negotiating place by spaceship.

The members of the negotiating team are all experienced negotiating experts from the major territories of the fourth war zone.

The real high-level leaders of the two sides will not appear at the first meeting.

However, the progress of the negotiation will be monitored throughout the whole process by means of divine sense and other methods, and various questions and requests will be raised.

The real decision-maker is actually the high-level coalition forces.

The size of this death star is not small, but it has one-tenth of the defect, and it is full of large and small holes.

Obviously, it has been mined, but now it is completely abandoned, and there is no value for continued use.

When monk Loucheng arrived, the spaceship of the Yuan clan also appeared. It was a biological spaceship with a strange shape.

It is like a giant beast, but its surface is covered with metal armor, and it is constantly shining with strange light in the sea of ​​stars.

This is to show their attitude, there is no hostility in themselves, otherwise they would not show such a ostentatious posture.

But beautiful things themselves represent danger, attracting prey to take the bait, and then launch a lore attack.

The spaceship appeared in an instant, without any warning before, and even avoided the detection of monk Loucheng.

This method alone is enough to make people more vigilant.

It can also be understood that this is the Yuan Clan's display of strength, trying to give Loucheng monks a blow.

"These stupid guys are making useless things."

In the command hall of the base, a group of gods gathered to watch the whole process of the negotiation.

The means displayed by the Yuan Clan drew the ridicule of a general.

Such means are indeed worthy of praise, but if they want to launch a sneak attack based on this, they will underestimate the monk Loucheng.

In this empty star field, it can be operated by Xiuxiu. If it is changed to the residence of monks in Loucheng, it is impossible for the other party to approach quietly.

If you don't believe in evil, you will definitely be beaten to death.

Tang Zhen was also watching, and did not participate in the discussion, but kept deducing in his heart.

Whenever he encounters a major event, he will continue to deduce it, which has long been a habit.

After the two sides met, they landed in a basin in the realm of death at the same time.

The area here is tens of thousands of kilometers, and because of the impact of strange forces, the land has become extremely flat.

After investigation, it can be determined that this is a technology of the Yuan clan, which precipitates minerals through stamping, making them crystals that can be obtained directly.

This special mining method is suitable for collecting surface mineral deposits, and minerals ten kilometers below the surface can be directly mined.

This huge basin is left over from mining.

The unfathomable giant potholes are also caused by mining, and their depths are far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Representatives of the enemy and us met on the surface of the Death Star.

These Yuanzu negotiators wore various armors, and their styles were not particularly uniform.

But on their bodies, there are badges, representing the same faction they belong to.

Looking at the monks in Loucheng, they also wear different armors, but because they belong to different territories.

When the representatives of the two sides met, they first introduced their identities to each other, and then went straight to the topic.

The Yuan Clan's request is very simple, to return the occupied base and unconditionally release the detained people of the Yuan Clan.

The Yuan Clan must be compensated for the loss, otherwise the Yuan Clan will never let it go.

The Yuan Clan's attitude can be said to be very tough, and they put on an appearance that they are not easy to bully.

For such a request, monk Loucheng laughed secretly.

As the party who was beaten violently, he opened his mouth to make such a request, and he didn't know where the confidence came from.

The conditions must match the strength, otherwise it will be just talking nonsense, which will only attract mocking ridicule.

In the eyes of monk Loucheng, the Yuan Clan is just strong on the outside, trying to bluff people with a tough attitude.

Of course, negotiating this kind of thing is just like buying vegetables in the vegetable market. There must be a step of asking prices.

The higher the price, the more room for bargaining.


After Yuan Clan made a request, he was directly rejected by monk Loucheng, and said that he should not even think about it.

Although the base was successfully captured, the monk Loucheng was the victim. As the culprit of the output damage, the Yuan Clan must compensate.

The specific battle damage has been calculated. If the Yuan Clan wants to continue the negotiation, they must first pay the war reparations.

Wait until the compensation is paid before discussing other issues.

During the communication, a screen appeared out of thin air, and a list of war damage and compensation appeared in front of my eyes.

Seeing the materials above, the representative of the Yuan clan exploded with anger. He was the one who suffered the loss, but he was blackmailed for compensation in turn.

These Loucheng cultivators are simply shameless.

Although they feel angry, it will not affect their work, and the negotiation will continue.

Cultivators in Loucheng are shameless, and the Yuan Clan is also not noble. They are very clear about what their side has done.

"You launched an attack for no reason and robbed the property of my Yuan people, and now you are asking for compensation in turn.

Looking at the heavens and the world, is there such shameless behavior? "

Yuan Clan's negotiator refuted with a sneer, obviously not agreeing with the compensation plan.

Wanting them to compensate is simply wishful thinking.

"What is an attack without a reason? Don't you know what you have done?"

Cultivator Loucheng retorted with an angry look on his face.

"I have a list here, which is the list of victims, all of whom are closely related to Loucheng World.

It can be said that your actions have already touched our interests, and in order to rescue the captives, it is natural to take corresponding actions. "

For the list of victims, the representative of Yuanzu was full of disdain, this kind of thing is not reliable at all.

They naturally understand the methods of practitioners very well.

Victims can always make it up if necessary, and it is guaranteed that there will be no loopholes.

But in this way, the problem of the unknown division was solved, and the attack on the base became a matter of course.

But anyone who understands knows that even if there are real victims, it is absolutely impossible to make such a big battle and gather hundreds of millions of monks to rescue them.

They are all the same breed, pretending to be messengers of justice.

Negotiations continued, the two sides wrangled with each other, and no substantive results were achieved.

While the negotiations were in progress, a ghostly ship was quietly approaching the base.

At the same time, Tang Zhen, who was watching the negotiation progress, smiled as expected.

(End of this chapter)

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