I have a city in another world

4309 - Escape Hopeless

4309 - Escape Hopeless
In a short period of time, Viscount Hao Qi experienced great ups and downs.

He was originally ambitious and wanted to become famous in one battle, so he took the monk in Loucheng as a stepping stone to his success.

As a veteran nobleman, Viscount Haoqi thought that he was strong enough to achieve his goal.

But what happened in reality made him uneasy and extremely angry at the same time.

"These despicable things are destroying my property, and they must pay the price in blood!"

Viscount Haoqi was heartbroken, and his only thought at the moment was to kill all the monks in Loucheng.

As time passed, watching the monks in Loucheng continue to break in, the original anger turned into panic.

He now has no hope of defeating the monk Loucheng, and only hopes to escape from the battlefield as soon as possible.

If you continue to delay, the situation will get worse, and it is really possible to fall into this.

At that time, not only property will suffer serious damage, but life may even be threatened.

Although in many cases, the Yuan people insisted that property is more important than life, but when it comes to life-threatening situations, they run away faster than anyone else.

The lives of others can be sacrificed, but not your own.

When monk Loucheng invaded the battleship and triggered a crisis alarm, Viscount Haoqi was ready to escape.

After escaping, he can make a comeback, but if he falls into the hands of monk Loucheng, he may have no chance of turning around.

The battle between the two sides became intense in a short period of time. The warship of the Yuan clan seemed to have fallen into the abyss and was surrounded by monks from Loucheng.

As long as a small gap is torn open, the monks of Loucheng will break into it and launch a devastating attack.

The transformed Yuan Clan has very strong fighting power, not even weaker than advanced practitioners.

But in front of the monk Loucheng, it has no effect at all. Since the confrontation between the two sides, they have been crushed one-sidedly.

In a short period of time, the casualties were extremely tragic.

The Yuan Clan's special troop composition allows it to withstand greater battle damage, and can even persist until there is only one soldier left.

But these war cannon fodder, after all, need someone to control, otherwise it will be a mess.

When the commander has no intention to fight again, no matter how many advantages he has, he will never be able to win.

"Damn it, bastard, it's all a bunch of trash!"

Viscount Haoqi was furious, feeling that he had raised a bunch of trash.

For the legion under him, he had a high degree of self-confidence, thinking that he could deal with various challenges.

But this time, Viscount Haoqi found out to his horror that the monks of Loucheng were far more terrifying than he imagined.

"Evacuate, immediately evacuate the battlefield!"

At this moment, the Viscount Haoqi no longer had any fantasies, and only wanted to escape from this damned place as soon as possible.

The attention of the Senate, as well as the rewards for victory, made them all hell.

This task is a big pit, and anyone who encounters it will be unlucky.

Looking at the generous rewards, you can tell how difficult it is to complete, but I am so obsessed with ghosts that I really think I can catch it with my hands.

The people of the Yuan clan standing by their side felt as if they were being pardoned at this moment, and activated the evacuation mode without hesitation.

The situation is critical at this moment, and even if it is delayed for a moment, it may lose one's life.

When he really planned to escape from the battlefield, another accident happened.

The battleship seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, unable to move smoothly at all, even if it tried its best, it couldn't be done.

Such a strange situation made the members of the Yuan clan become more and more panicked.

Such a thing has never been encountered in the past, even if all the means are exhausted, it is still impossible to break through the confinement.

Seeing that the situation was getting more and more critical, the monks of Loucheng kept breaking into the core area, and the fear of death finally broke out completely.

Abandon your post, look for a safe place, and try to escape from this dangerous place.

Although the battleship is huge, comparable to a small planet, there is no safe place.

Once the monks of Loucheng win and completely occupy this planet, even if they drill into the center of the earth, they will still be found out.

The Yuan Clan is very clear about the monk's methods, and even more aware of how strong the other party's hatred is.

Once the war fails and falls into the hands of monks in Loucheng, they will inevitably encounter a fate that is worse than death.

Under the influence of this thought, the management of Yuan Clan quickly collapsed, and one after another joined the fleeing team.

As the owner of the battleship, Viscount Haoqi has the highest authority and is very clear about what happened.

While cursing and angering, there was nothing he could do.

I can only be ruthless in my heart, and after this incident, the betrayer must pay the price.

"Friar Loucheng, wait for me!"

Seeing that the general situation was over, Viscount Hao Qi had no choice but to reluctantly abandon the battleship and activate the exclusive safe evacuation ship.

Every member of the Yuan Clan actually has a similar escape device. When their lives are threatened, they can directly activate to escape.

This kind of escape device will be carried by the Yuan people, and it is quite simple to activate and use.

But in a blink of an eye, a cylindrical device appeared in front of him, which was equivalent to the area of ​​a building.

After verification, Viscount Hao Qi entered it, and then saw the light and shadow changing.

In the next instant, the escape device disappeared, as if entering an unknown dimension.

Viscount Haoqi's escape seemed to push the dominoes, triggering a series of reactions.

The subordinates couldn't contact the chief, and guessed that the other party had fled, so naturally they could no longer fight with peace of mind.

Seeing that the situation is getting worse, in order to save their own lives, they will naturally choose to escape.

This is the case from top to bottom, in order to save their lives, one by one escaped faster than anyone else.

According to the internal rules of the Yuan Clan, many crimes can be mitigated by spending money, such as fleeing the battle when they are defeated, they don't need to bear too serious punishment.

The specific penalty standard needs to be decided by the senior management of the Yuan Clan, and there has never been a fixed standard.

It's just that the rules of the Yuan Clan have always been lenient towards themselves, unless it is a particularly serious crime, they will not be punished too harshly.

If you run, I will run too. Let's run away together.

The command system completely disintegrated, leaving only cannon fodder like walking corpses, resisting the monks of Loucheng in vain.

An enemy like this can't stop the monk Loucheng at all, and can be defeated without any effort.

At this moment in the battle, there is no suspense in winning, it just takes a certain amount of time.

At the same time, wavy lines appeared in the starry sky around the battleship.

Like a deep pool, occasionally a fish would appear, causing faint ripples.

These cunning fish and shrimp tried to escape from the snare of war, and used special means of escape.

I thought it was clever enough to hide, but in the eyes of hunters, it was so obvious and clumsy.

Of course, under normal circumstances, these traces are impossible to show, and ordinary gods may not be able to see them.

But if Tang Zhen took action, the situation would be completely different. He had already laid a net of heaven and earth without making a sound.

The Yuan Clan who participated in the war were all caught in the net.

At the beginning, the escapees didn't realize the danger, but soon discovered the abnormality.

They tried their best to escape, trying to stay away from the battlefield, but they kept circling in a fixed area.

This situation shows that the danger has not been eliminated, and the situation is even more severe.

As the people of the Yuan clan, they are worth far more than cannon fodder. They have obviously received the attention of monks in Loucheng, and they have used unknown means to intercept them.

Realizing this possibility, members of the Yuan clan became more and more panicked. If they could not escape smoothly, the consequences would be unimaginable.

But when they entered the shuttle state, they couldn't help themselves, they could only scurry around like headless flies.

The sense of despair in my heart became more and more intense.

(End of this chapter)

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