I have a city in another world

4319 - Princess Battle

4319 - Princess Battle

Tang Zhen had a plan of action, so he stopped keeping a low profile.

Seemingly avoiding the enemy's tracking, but deliberately leaving some clues so that the other party can follow.

This is laying a trap, waiting for the prey to take the bait.

At the same time, new rumors emerged, related to the escaped daughter of the duke.

It is said that the duke's daughter knew about the pirate's treasure because her grandfather was once the official pirate king.

Holding an official certificate, wandering around the vast ocean, specializing in robbing those merchant ships and coastal aborigines.

Accumulating countless wealth, he can be called the uncrowned king and has a great reputation.

He flourished and declined, was framed by traitors, and finally died by hanging.

This happened because the rich and powerful took a fancy to his wealth.

The pirate knights under him were not willing to be slaughtered, and chose to rebel without hesitation.

With a huge amount of wealth, he hid in the vast ocean and buried it in an unknown place.

Later, someone found the warship of the Pirate Knights in the sea, but there was no one on board.

The disappearance of the Pirate Knights made the whereabouts of this treasure unknown, causing countless people to sigh with regret.

Originally, people thought that the treasure would be lost forever, but they didn't want such a turning point.

The escaped princess represents the treasure, and those who had been standing by on the sidelines are now thinking of intervening.

Wealth touches people's hearts, especially this kind of legendary treasure, even if one percent is obtained, it is enough to make people rich.

In a short period of time, the news spread all over the world, attracting the attention of countless people.

Players and natives are like flies and hungry wolves, coming in endlessly, wanting to reap the benefits.

As the center of the storm, Tang Zhen's situation naturally became extremely difficult, as if a small boat sailing in a stormy sea would be destroyed if he was not careful.

The ensuing fighting broke out almost without stopping for a moment.

Not all of them were aimed at Tang Zhen, and various organizations also fought against each other, just to eliminate competitors.

In the process of arresting and tracking, they often clashed with each other, fought each other, and the hatred became deeper and deeper.

There were heavy casualties along the way, which caused a huge sensation, and the officials and the army also got involved one after another.

Firstly, it is the responsibility, it is necessary to maintain social order, and secondly, it is also coveting the treasure of the Pirate King, hoping that it can fall into his own hands.

Relying on the strength of the army, the government and the military continue to attack to capture and kill players and natives in the game world.

But I didn't want to do this, it had the opposite effect.

Red-eyed gamers are lawless in the first place, but now faced with overwhelming wealth, they naturally have to use all means to seize it.

The battle between the two sides can be said to be tragic and abnormal, and the casualties caused are even more shocking.

As time passed, the situation became more and more critical and gradually got out of control.

The robbers and bandits led by the player, as well as the hidden rebels everywhere, all make their debut at this moment.

Some participated in the fight, snatching clues to the treasure, and some attacked the city and seized the territory, wanting to take the opportunity to seal the territory and crack the soil.

A world with players participating is destined to be impossible to be safe and stable. The chaotic situation has long existed, but this time it was completely ignited.

If you successfully rise to the throne and become a prince and king, the benefits you will get will never be less than pirate treasures.

It would be great to be able to have both.

The distance from Kyoto is getting closer and closer, and the competition is becoming more and more intense, with enemies participating in the interception everywhere.

Every road, as well as the nearby wilderness, is guarded by personnel from various forces to prevent the princess from sneaking into the capital.

There are many organizations among them, all of which are controlled by players from the Yuan clan, and possess great strength.

After the news of the treasure was released, a large number of players from the Yuan clan were attracted, and they organized people to come to the game world one after another.

As the top nobles, members of the Yuan clan have extremely high summoning power, and they only need to give an order, and the subordinate players of the subordinate races will respond one after another.

There are many people of the Yuan clan who have character files in the game world, and most of them have a certain status.

When the player exits, the saved characters will live normally, just like the natives of the game world.

Archived characters need to spend extra money, calculated according to time, without enough savings, it is impossible to support them.

If the game character dies, he must come again, and the previous efforts will be wasted.

Compared with other ordinary players, these senior Yuanzu players are really dangerous. They have more resources in the game world, and they also have stronger combat effectiveness.

Those idle gamers are impossible to be opponents at all. They will either be crushed out of the game, or they can only obediently choose to join.

The outskirts of Kyoto is the last hurdle. If you can't catch the princess, you may never find another chance.

The players naturally knew that, and tried their best to grab the princess.

At the same time, the Duke also sent troops to try to take his daughter home.

Being willing to pay a high reward is enough to prove that the relationship between father and daughter is not bad, and the escape is only because the daughter is dissatisfied with the marriage.

Hearing the news from outside, the Duke took immediate action and dispatched his capable men to try to rescue him.

It's just that this incident caused too much commotion. Even with all our efforts, we still couldn't successfully rescue Princess Dai Na.

All forces gathered around the capital, and when Tang Zhen showed up with the princess, the fierce battle finally broke out.

The train station outside the city of Kyoto instantly turned into a battlefield of purgatory, where countless people fought.

Not long after the battle started, the mysterious player who was extremely powerful and escorted the Duke's daughter along the way was hit directly by a cannon.

Accompanied by a loud noise, it exploded into minced meat all over the floor.

Those players who watched the battle applauded loudly at the same time, and secretly rejoiced that they had eliminated a formidable enemy.

If it weren't for Tang Zhen's guards, the princess would have been caught long ago, and it would be impossible to get here.

I don't know how many players have launched attacks on Tang Zhen, but they all died in his hands.

There are also some unlucky ones who have died several times in a row, which has caused serious psychological shadows.

Not only ordinary players, Yuan clan players also failed to fulfill their wishes, some were killed on the spot, and some failed to escape.

Many Yuanzu players hated Tang Zhen because of this, and wanted to kill him at all costs.

They tried all kinds of methods, and even formed gangs to act together, but they still couldn't get what they wanted.

Unexpectedly, this Kyoto station is actually the place where Tang Zhen's bones are buried, which makes people feel extremely happy.

Without Tang Zhen's guards, the eldest princess would become a piece of meat on the cutting board, which could be robbed by various forces.

The already fierce battle escalated again at this moment, and one after another took action to snatch Princess Dana.

After going through ups and downs all the way, getting used to death and conspiracy, Princess Dana has obviously grown up.

Even in a dangerous situation, he remained calm and calm, watching the major forces fight each other with cold eyes.

This princess who knows the treasures of pirates is very aware of her own value, and her living self is invaluable, and anyone who kills her will become a target of public criticism.

Just wait quietly, sooner or later there will be a result.

No one noticed that there was an imperceptible sharpness in the eyes of this Princess Dina.

When looking at the Yuanzu players, a strange smile will appear on the originally indifferent face.

This tragic fight finally determined the winner. The Treasure Hunting Alliance formed by ten Yuan clan players successfully defeated the other competitors.

Under the cooperation of the outside world, the members of the alliance successfully broke through the siege and fled in the opposite direction from Kyoto, trying to find the treasure of the King of Pirates.

Compared to pirate treasures, the reward of [-] gold coins is nothing at all, and these Yuanzu players are willing to gamble once.

The princess, who was only one step away from going home, was carried away by the gangsters and went to a distant place again, completely unaware of what hardships awaited her in the future.

But if you observe carefully, you will find that the troubled princess is not flustered, and her calmness is even terrifying.

Occasionally looking at Yuanzu players, there was a trace of strangeness in his eyes, as if he was sizing up his prey.

(End of this chapter)

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