4321 - Chapter [-]
The person Tang Zhen feared was naturally the gods of the game world.

This is the opponent's kingdom of God, with supreme authority, and it only takes a thought to suppress someone.

Tang Zhen's avatar at this time is just a star general. If he is really suppressed, it is very likely that he will be destroyed forever.

Unless the deity makes a move, there is a possibility of leaving.

Under the low eaves, I have to bow my head. Now that I am in someone else's territory, I must abide by other people's rules.

In the game world, Tang Zhen also had to follow the rules, and then hoodwink the sky at critical moments.

Using the means of the king of gods, he instantly blocked the perception of the creator, and brought the residents of the Yuan clan into the kingdom of God in his mind.

Actions must be made carefully, with proper timing, and only against individual targets at a time.

Tang Zhen didn't take any action when facing more than a dozen Yuan Clan, just to avoid the surveillance of the Lord of the World.

If there were no scruples in this regard, these dozen or so people from the Yuan clan would have already become Tang Zhen's prey.

That's right, Princess Dai Na is Tang Zhen's disguise, and the deity has been included in the Kingdom of God in his mind.

Tang Zhen, who was shot to death at Kyoto Station earlier, was actually just a stand-in.

It was Tang Zhen who caught the gangster, used secret techniques to change his appearance, and controlled him to actively seek death.

With one trick, he deceived everyone.

Princess Dai Na, played by Tang Zhen, continues to deal with the players in order to seek greater benefits.

What he has to do now is to lure a group of players out to sea, and take the opportunity to find a chance to do it.

There is always a long way to go, and there will always be a chance to strike. None of these players from the Yuan clan can escape.

Under Tang Zhen's flickering, a group of Yuan clan players were really fooled, and they tried their best to prepare for the sea operation.

It took only three days for the boats to berth on the coast, a total of four wooden boats, large and small.

Before leaving the village, several Yuan clan led their men to wash the village with blood.

The villagers who had been relieved and thought everything was safe, screamed and fell into a pool of blood and dust.

After venting frantically, several Yuan Clans showed satisfied smiles, as if they had done a very ordinary thing.

The establishment of the game world was originally a place for the Yuan clan to vent their anger. They can kill here, but they will also be killed by the natives.

The difference is that when the natives die, they will enter reincarnation. If these game players die, they will lose some property at most.

So there has never been any fairness between the two.

Although the natives in the game world are all created by gods, they also have emotions and desires, and know what pain and sorrow are.

Looking at the village full of corpses, Tang Zhen just smiled coldly, and followed a group of gangsters onto the big boat.

These unlucky guys will pay the price sooner or later.

The sails are raised, and the big ship goes out to sea, only rushing towards the endless waves.

Compared with the ruggedness on land, sailing on the sea needs to bear greater risks. Once encountering strong winds and huge waves, there is a risk of ship destruction and death.

Fortunately, there are experienced sailors in charge this time, who can avoid accidents and troubles as much as possible.

Perhaps it was a long time coming. Not long after going to sea, the fleet was attacked by pirates.

The gangsters floating on the ocean, burning, killing and looting everywhere, are all real outlaws.

Once caught by the authorities, they basically end up being hanged.

In order to punish these pirates, the officials also invented a hanging sentence, which will be carried out every once in a while.

At the beginning of the execution ceremony, the pirate will be hung upside down on a wooden frame, with a large glass water tank on his head.

The executioner poured seawater into the tank, and the pirates would suffocate and eventually choke to death alive.

The process of the pirate's death, as well as the ferocious expression on his face, will be clearly seen by the audience.

The cruel method of death penalty is to deter pirates so that they dare not continue to commit crimes.

Although the punishment was extremely heavy, it did not have much effect, and the number of pirates increased instead.

The occurrence of such a situation is naturally related to the chaotic world. If it can fill the stomach, who is willing to take the risk to do the business of beheading.

You may be hanged to be a pirate, but if you are not a pirate, you will be starved to death within a few days.

When you are in a desperate situation, you have no choice at all. The sad thing is that you need a certain opportunity to become a bandit.

Not to mention that there are still many players who voluntarily descend to become pirates, which is a lucrative no-cost business.

Wanton looting and looting, persisting until the settlement time, is a fortune.

Because of the joining of players and the Creator's intention to create a chaotic world, pirates have become more and more rampant.

These gangsters also know about the legend of the pirate king's treasure, and at the same time they are eager to have it.

Occasionally, some people will feel a little bit awkward when they think of the treasure of the Pirate King.

The legend about the Pirate King has obviously existed for a long time, but for some reason, it feels like it has just been heard.

This weird sense of separation is because the rules are not tightly integrated, which leads to this sense of disobedience in the world.

The treasure of the Pirate King was actually fabricated by Tang Zhen out of thin air, and it did not exist in the original history.

Tang Zhen used the power of the god king to deceive the creator of this kingdom of God, making him mistakenly believe that such a thing exists.

Like a super infectious source, whenever someone mentions the treasure of the Pirate King, it will automatically decompress in the mind.

Many related legends will emerge in the depths of the mind, making people mistakenly think that they have heard of it a long time ago, and spread it around.

One person infects a group of people, and a group of people will infect more people. In just a short time, a pirate king will appear in this world, and he will have treasures that are incomparably rich.

Possessing such an ability is enough to make it easier for Tang Zhen to set up hunting traps specifically for the Yuan Clan.

Although the method is very good, it cannot be used frequently, otherwise it will inevitably show its flaws.

It is like filling a container with sand, and water can be poured into it, but it must not be exceeded.

Otherwise, the water that cannot be absorbed will inevitably overflow out of the bucket, and the Creator of the Kingdom of God will find an abnormality.

The treasure of the Pirate King is now in effect, attracting players from the Yuan clan to keep coming.

The pirate who appeared at this moment was also the leader of a Yuan clan player, and wanted to snatch Princess Dana halfway.

The other party has been operating on the ocean for a long time, and there are thousands of pirates under his hands.

As soon as the two sides met, the battle broke out, and the sound of guns and guns continued to echo on the sea.

The player from the Yuan clan who kidnapped the princess was naturally shocked and angry. Once the other party succeeds, the astonishing wealth will leave him.

The ocean is like a cage, restricting people to small boats, and it is impossible to go or stay as one likes.

The battle became more intense, with casualties between the two sides, and the distance between the ships was getting closer.

The pirates prefer close combat, rushing to the ship controlled by the prey, hacking all the resisting guys to death.

These wolf-like guys soon got their wish and surrounded Tang Zhen's ship.

The gang-jumping battle ensued, and the vicious pirates, with a stench, rushed at the bandits on land viciously.

But in an instant, curses and screams erupted.

Blood splattered and stumps flew. Only after experiencing this kind of hand-to-hand combat on a ship can one know that it is far more cruel than imagined.

More than a dozen Yuan clan players are guarding Tang Zhen at this moment, preventing him from being snatched by the enemy.

At the same time, there are players from the Yuan clan who are responsible for negotiating with the enemy leaders to try to resolve this matter peacefully.

The situation at this moment is extremely unfavorable to them, so naturally they must try their best to reverse it.

In fact, it is relatively easy to communicate between Yuan clan players. If it is changed to a vassal race, there is basically no possibility of conversation.

Surrender or die, not worthy of negotiation at all.

When the battle was at its most intense, a group of Yuan clan players were forced to disperse, and the opportunity Tang Zhen was waiting for followed.

There was only one player from the Yuan clan left, and Tang Zhen made an instant move, bringing the opponent into the Kingdom of God in his mind.

In the next instant, an identical figure appeared, replacing the player from the Yuan clan.

He looked at Tang Zhen beside him, blinked his eyes lightly, and revealed a weird and sinister smile.

(End of this chapter)

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