Pirate Ruins
The island in front of him is indeed in a moving state, and he can feel it when he is approaching.

The outline of the island is slowly changing, obviously due to the deviation caused by movement.

Because they knew about it a long time ago, the pirates didn't pay too much attention to it, but instead looked forward to it more and more.

I can't wait to go to the island immediately and harvest the treasure of the pirate king.

In the process of approaching, you can also see the colorful water, wriggling under the orchid sea.

Everyone knows that it can't be sea water, but something terrible.

There is even a huge black shadow passing under the ocean, which makes people feel like their scalp is tingling.

There are far more giants in the ocean than imagined, and all kinds of terrifying legends have been circulating among pirates.

If you are unlucky and become the target of a giant, you can only blame yourself for being unlucky.

After all, the existence of this level cannot be resisted by manpower, let alone kill it to protect yourself.

Whenever this happens, prayer becomes the only choice, hoping that the god of luck can protect himself.

Fortunately, these deep-sea monsters had no intention of attacking, which relieved a group of pirates.

Looking for a suitable place, manipulating the big ship to dock slowly, a group of pirates couldn't wait to land on the island.

This movable island is indeed different from other places. Even large ships can easily approach it without worrying about being stranded.

After landing on the island, I immediately felt a strange fragrance.

There are colorful flowers everywhere, and strange creatures can be seen everywhere, and it feels like falling into a fairyland.

A group of pirates had bright eyes, they knew that the more this kind of place, the easier it is to find precious treasures.

The Knights of the Pirate King were also lucky to have found such a magical place where it is really safe to hide treasures.

But at the same time, be more careful and vigilant.

According to Princess Dana's narration, the Knights of the Pirate King were attacked by terrible monsters when they were evacuating on this island, and finally they were wiped out.

If he hadn't tried his best to escort a companion to escape, perhaps the secret of the treasure would have been sealed forever.

The other party didn't explain what kind of monster it was, but it must be quite terrifying to be able to wipe out a group of top pirates.

In the next action, we must be more vigilant, and we must not take it lightly, so as not to repeat the tragedy of the year.

However, for this operation, a large number of sea and land robbers were gathered, adding up to thousands of elite soldiers and generals.

Even if it is to attack the city, it is definitely more than enough, and there is no need to have too many scruples when acting.

Even if there were monsters, with so many people, they would definitely be able to fight, and even completely kill the monsters on the island.

A group of greedy pirates will never give up easily when faced with the legendary treasure.

Under the guidance of Princess Dana, the pirates walked through the dense forest and kept moving forward, and they entered the depths of the island without knowing it.

Soon they discovered that there were man-made ruins in the depths of the island.

Looking at the shape and weathering traces, it will take at least a thousand years, or even longer.

The builders have long since ceased to exist, leaving only these non-perishable things to tell the stories of what happened to the later generations.

If it were an archaeological expert, they would be very happy, but it is a pity that the discoverers were a group of pirates.

The pirates are not interested in what happened in the past, they just want to find the pirate king's treasure as soon as possible.

In the process of advancing and exploring, a huge ancient city appeared in front of my eyes, the houses and buildings were covered by vines, and the streets were criss-crossed.

Judging from the scale, we can tell that there must be a lot of residents in this deserted city.

It's just that time has passed, and the residents have long since disappeared, leaving only empty city relics.

Seeing the god statue by the roadside, inlaid with a lot of gold and precious stones, the pirates immediately changed their minds.

Soon there were greedy guys who quietly picked and dug and put these valuable things into their pockets.

On many of the walls, there are also weird runes, which are also inlaid with precious metals.

Many races have a behavior, the more expensive things are, the more they are willing to give them some ethereal functions.

It is not uncommon for items such as gold and gems to be used as items to please the gods.

The pirates are naturally not polite to these valuable things, but whenever they have the opportunity to get their hands on them, they must seize them and take them away.

For such behavior, those leaders did not stop it, and even took it for granted.

As a bandit, he was supposed to burn, kill and loot. How could he miss this opportunity to make a fortune?

If you open your mouth at this moment to prevent the pirates from making a fortune, it will definitely arouse the dissatisfaction of the other party.

These bastards are likely to hold grudges because of this, and even commit acts of betrayal.

After entering the city, lured by various relics, the pirate team slowly dispersed.

At the beginning, no one cared about this matter, but soon discovered that something was wrong.

The team is too scattered, and once they are in danger, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Don't run around, gather them all together!"

The leader who noticed something was wrong, hurriedly shouted to his subordinates, trying to reverse the disordered state.

The same is true for the other leaders, who issued the same order one after another, with a hint of urgency in their tone.

It is no problem to search, but you have to wait until the task is completed. Now that the situation is unknown, it is really not appropriate to be too scattered.

The order did not have much effect, and more and more treasures were found in the ruins of this unknown city.

In many houses, there are pots and jars, or decayed wooden boxes.

There are immortal gold coins inside, as well as colorful gemstones, shining with charming brilliance.

The pirates are experts who can discern the value of the treasure and know that this time they made a fortune.

If you sell it outside, you will definitely make a fortune and live a life that everyone envies.

With treasures at their fingertips, the pirates naturally refused to give up, and pretended not to hear the orders from the leader.

Keep sweeping around the city, even running behind walls to hide from bosses.

Not long after, something even more terrifying happened. A humanoid monster emerged from nowhere and attacked the pirate members like crazy.

The ruins of the city, which was built on an unknown island and had been silent for an unknown number of years, kept roaring and screaming.

The gate to hell opens quietly at this moment.

I don't know how many monsters with human bodies crawled out from hidden corners, attacking the pirates fearlessly.

Pirates searching for treasure have become key targets.

It seems that these greedy pirates robbed the inheritance of humanoid monsters, completely annoyed these terrible guys.

Facing the chaotic situation, the Yuan clan players who were guarding Tang Zhen immediately cursed angrily.

Under such circumstances, they had no way to keep guarding Tang Zhen, so they could only give priority to rescue and help their own subordinates.

Without their help, the next action cannot continue, and it will only make the situation worse.

After discussion, the Yuanzu players dispersed and went to different areas of the city to provide rescue.

As a result, at this moment, Princess Dai Na, who had always been honest, suddenly took advantage of the chaos and fled.

She moved extremely fast, but in the blink of an eye, she had already disappeared from everyone's eyes.

"Damn it, catch her right away!"

Seeing the important person fleeing, the players of the Yuan clan became more and more annoyed, and issued arrest orders one after another.

Although the island has been found, Princess Dana is still very important. Without her help, it may be difficult to find the treasure of the Pirate King.

The current situation is extremely chaotic. If Princess Dana is killed by a monster, no one can afford such a loss.

"This damned woman, after I find the treasure, I will definitely throw her into the sea to feed the fish!"

The angry Yuanzu players could only rescue and recruit their subordinates while rummaging for Princess Dana's whereabouts.

But how did they know that during their search, Princess Dana was also secretly watching.

The long-awaited hunt finally officially began at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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