I have a city in another world

Chapter 4326 The Sea Chase

Chapter 4326 The Sea Chase
Somewhere by the sea, the blood on the ground is still wet.

Bandits with knives and guns completely occupied the pier, not allowing anyone to take a step closer.

They not only occupy the pier, but also send large ships out to sea, and there are speedboats cruising around.

Judging by the appearance of these gangsters, it is clear that they want to block the harbor and control all ships that go to sea and land.

It's just a group of bandits who dare to do such a thing, it's extremely arrogant.

If it was on a normal day, no matter how arrogant the gangster was, he would not do such a thing.

The appearance of the Pirate King's treasure was like a burning torch thrown into a boiling oil pan.

The flames were raging and there was no way to control them, causing the chaos to intensify.

The military reacted quickly and launched attacks more than once in an attempt to recapture the port terminal.

But every action has ended in failure, and a tragic price has been paid.

The result of such a war was beyond everyone's expectations. Facts are enough to prove that the official army is not as strong as imagined.

Or, for some reason, the army was unable to exert its full combat power, and the rebels were by no means as weak as expected.

After the two sides fought several times, the official army stopped attacking and decisively chose to encircle and defend.

Obviously, the previous actions caused too much damage, but did not achieve the expected results.

To stop launching military offensives is obviously to preserve strength, and it is best to wait until the pirate king's treasure is owned.

By that time, the bandits occupying the port will inevitably withdraw automatically, and the military will be able to recover the port wharf without any effort.

As for the rebellious bandits, they can be cleaned up slowly, and there is no need to rush for a while.

The official decision was actually influenced by Yuanzu players. The seemingly monolithic official organization has been corroded and riddled with holes.

In the interior of the wharf port, ships were controlled and refitted and were preparing for ocean voyages.

It is by no means an easy task to build a fleet that meets the requirements in a short period of time.

If the speed is a little slower, it is possible to miss the treasure hunting event.

The most effective way is to seize the pier, where all the resources needed to go to sea are available.

Actions of this level cannot be accomplished by one player, and must be done by working together.

More than [-] Yuanzu players chose to cooperate, and they used all their strength to take down the port as quickly as possible.

Immediately afterwards, a fleet was formed, and they went to sea to intercept and strive to obtain the treasure of the Pirate King.

There is still a group of people left to defend the port, and another group of people will be sent to patrol the coast.

I don't know how many people tried their best to get into the sea by boat, and there were even more people guarding the coast.

As long as someone lands, they will be attacked and seized, so as not to miss the treasure of the Pirate King.

Not every organization has the ability to enter the depths of the sea, including Yuanzu players.

Organizations that are not strong can only choose to sit on the sidelines and wait for a rabbit, hoping that good luck will come to them.

Compared with the treasure hunters who entered the sea, their chances of success are very low, but they still have a chance.

The truly powerful treasure hunters have all entered the sea now, and they are chasing and intercepting like casting nets.

The target they were chasing was now wandering the sea, looking for a suitable landing place.

He didn't sail indiscriminately in the ocean because this kind of behavior is not advisable. Once the supplies are exhausted, he can only wait to die.

This is also the reason for not going to other continents, that is, insufficient supplies when going to sea.

Another reason is that the players on other continents do not have enough strength to protect themselves.

The result of rashly going there is likely to never return, and to be busy for others in vain.

Knowing that the road ahead is difficult and dangerous, he can only bite the bullet and return.

In order to ensure a smooth landing, they made a lot of deployments, such as sending people to meet them on the coastline, and letting their accomplices ship to deliver supplies.

It would be great if they could go ashore smoothly, otherwise they would rely on sufficient supplies to continue cruising on the vast sea.

The boundless sea is an unfettered lawless place, and it may also be a terrible cage.

The advantage of gamers is that they can pass news by committing suicide, and take the opportunity to collect enough information.

During the fleet's return voyage, gunshots were often heard, and some pirates would commit suicide inexplicably.

The indigenous people did not understand the reason and thought that those who committed suicide were mentally ill, but they did not know that the other party was trying to convey a message.

Although this would waste a character account, but for the treasure of the Pirate King, such a sacrifice is totally worth it.

But there are also some guys, who are purely enemy spies, who will kill themselves every once in a while to inform their accomplices about the location of the fleet.

It is hard to guard against house thieves, and under the influence of a group of youngsters, the fleet can only be forced to keep moving.

They even ordered to monitor each other. Once someone is found trying to commit suicide, the other party must be tied up and his jaw removed.

Try every means to prevent the other party from committing suicide.

In this way, avoid the pursuit from the treasure hunters and gain precious time as much as possible.

Such passive avoidance cannot solve the fundamental problem. As time goes by, the encirclement of treasure hunters continues to shrink.

Finally on a certain day, the two sides met on the ocean.

Without any nonsense, the battle began immediately, and the artillery continued to emit flames.

Guns, rockets, and burning oil altars smashed at each other one after another.

As a treasure holder, he is definitely not willing to engage in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy, as that will only increase his own danger.

After a wave of confrontation, the pirates holding the treasure fled immediately.

The two sides launched a frantic pursuit on the ocean, and neither of them would easily admit defeat.

One after another water jets splashed from the sea, and the burning ships kept emitting thick smoke.

From time to time, there are unlucky ones, screaming and falling into the sea, and are quickly swallowed by the raging waves.

It didn't last too long, and new competitors joined to participate in this sea chase.

Looking at the current situation, one knows that the future situation will get worse, and there will only be more and more treasure hunters.

It is very likely that the hard-earned treasures cannot be kept, and in the end it will be cheaper for others in vain.

"Damn bastards, if you continue to chase after me, I will throw the treasure into the sea!"

A player from the Yuan clan was wounded by a shell, and his intestines flowed out. It seemed that he couldn't hold on for too long.

Angry and annoyed, he simply smashed the jar.

As soon as these words came out, I immediately felt regretful, feeling that I was simply extremely stupid.

Even in this wave, if the treasure is robbed by others, they should not choose to sink into the sea.

The big deal is to be born again and snatch it back from others, instead of completely cutting off the opportunity.

Not only can others not get it, but you also can't get it yourself.

The treasures of the game world are the benefits of all players, and they can be obtained by virtue of their abilities.

If things are done absolutely, it may be difficult to gain a foothold in the future, and other Yuan players will never spare him.

"I will take a step first, and I will bring people to support me soon. You must persevere!"

The injured Yuanzu player shouted at the other accomplices, with a hint of unwillingness in his tone.

His injuries were extremely serious, and there was no possibility of rescue. Instead of wasting time waiting to die, it would be better to commit suicide and be reborn as soon as possible.

"Hurry up and get out, remember to bring more people here, and teach these grandchildren a good lesson."

"That's good, maybe we can still get a ray of life, not like now, the longer the delay, the worse the situation will become!"

"Go, go, if you can't keep it later, I will accompany you to die."

Hearing his companion's response, the injured player from the Yuan clan cursed secretly, with a helpless smile on his face.

"Don't be stupid, and you must not throw the treasure into the sea, otherwise I will fight you all hard."

The injured Yuanzu player cursed, raised the gunpowder gun with a hot barrel, pointed it at his head and pulled the trigger.


A shot was fired and the head exploded.

At the same time, hundreds of artillery pieces of the enemy opened fire at the same time, bombarding the sky with shells.

(End of this chapter)

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