Conspiracy Tang Zhen
In his own territory, Earl Duguang has the highest authority, just like the creator of gods.

Through this powerful ability, he can control everything in the dark, even gods can suppress it.

A side effect of this ability is that light is not allowed to exist, but can be perceived in alternative ways.

Not all creatures have organs such as eyes, but it does not affect their perception of the world.

The subordinates of Count Wuguang all have such special abilities, and the darkness will not affect them.

Only in terms of living habits, there must be differences, and the image and body will also change accordingly.

In the extreme darkness, they live like ducks in water, but for outsiders, this place is a real hopeless situation.

When an outsider broke in, Lord Wuguang immediately noticed and issued an arrest order.

The ubiquitous dark forces, as well as the reformed god puppets, are his most loyal minions and servants.

The battle between the two sides lasted less than half a minute, and the outsider who sneaked in was captured and subdued.

After being tortured, the enemy's identity information was obtained.

"The Fourth War Zone of the Loucheng World launched an attack on the Yuan Clan..."

In the lightless darkness, a huge figure muttered to himself. It was the owner of this territory, the third-class Earl of the Yuan Clan, Lord Wuguang.

The target being tortured and interrogated was a practitioner in the realm of gods and spirits. He broke into the territory to investigate, but obviously underestimated the Yuan Clan's methods.

They were discovered just after entering, and they were besieged by a group of puppet gods. They were even more powerful in the dark, and they easily suppressed them.

The captured god monk originally had the means to escape, but at the critical moment, he couldn't use it at all.

It wasn't until this moment that he realized that something was wrong, and tried his best to escape.

But after a few breaths, he became calm, like a puppet who lost his sanity.

The Yuan Clan has mature methods and can easily deal with practitioners. Even monks at the level of gods will be reduced to arbitrary slaughter.

The gods who sneaked into the investigation were also not spared, and were completely reduced to enslaved puppets.

At the last moment when his divine sense remained, his heart was full of remorse. If he had known the result earlier, he would never have taken this action.

The horror of the Yuan Clan far exceeds expectations.

Under the questioning of Lord Dull, the infiltrator confessed the information he knew, including the offensive actions taken by the fourth theater.

Tang Zhen, as the initiator, was also mentioned by the infiltrators and provided quite a lot of intelligence information.

This situation is enough to show that he maintains a high degree of attention to Tang Zhen, and there is a great possibility that he still has hostility.

That's exactly what happened.

After interrogation, it was learned that the other party came from the Temple of the Gods, a rather mysterious organization of monks.

The members of the pantheon are all over the heavens and worlds, their identities are kept secret, and all the senior members are gods.

The members of the temples have their own code names, and there is also a system of rewards and punishments, which has a long history.

In the heavens and worlds, there are many major events, and behind them are the shadows of the temples of the gods.

The large-scale operation in the fourth war zone has attracted the attention of the temples, and at the same time discovered the extraordinaryness of the Yuan clan.

Whether it is sealed particles or special dark energy, they are all great threats to practitioners.

For the existence of Yuan Clan, it is impossible for the temples to turn a blind eye and take action at the fastest speed.

The infiltrator in front of him accepted the task of investigating the Yuan Clan, and discovered the Dark Territory by accident.

Every territory of the Yuan clan has great value, and it is necessary to investigate deeply.

I never dreamed of it, I didn't get the information I wanted, but I put myself in it.

Earl Wuguang was not shocked by Yuan Clan's exposure, it was actually a matter of time.

Once the higher civilization is attacked, the hidden Yuan family will be exposed to the eyes of the world and become the public enemy of practitioners.

For the Yuan Clan, this is a test of life and death. If you resist, you will have a chance to become the lord of the heavens. If you fail, you will inevitably suffer great losses.

The wealth accumulated over the years is likely to be wiped out and become the spoils of the practitioners.

Being exposed suddenly, although a little caught off guard, it will definitely not hurt the bones.

It is equivalent to making an early appearance on the stage. The various means that have been prepared for a long time are now time to display them.

However, the Yuan clan is insidious by nature, and prefers to use intrigue and tricks to obtain the maximum benefit at the minimum cost.

Personality affects style of conduct, and so does the Dust Lord, but more than that.

Through the captive's confession, he saw an opportunity.

Tang Zhen and the members of the Temple of the Gods obviously have an undying hatred. This is a very important piece of information.

If you make good use of it, you can achieve the effect of driving tigers and wolfs away.

Although he didn't know Tang Zhen well, and the information he got was not comprehensive, Earl Wuguang had a premonition.

The god named Tang Zhen poses a great threat to the Yuan Clan, and we must do our best to eliminate it.

Judgment is not only based on premonition, but also includes some post-war analysis. As the commander of the Loucheng coalition forces, Tang Zhen obviously has unknown methods.

Based on the existing information alone, it is impossible to judge Tang Zhen's specific means, but we must maintain a high degree of vigilance.

Winning the two territories of the Yuan Clan without fear of the invasion of dark energy and sealed particles is actually enough to explain the problem.

In Earl Wuguang's view, Tang Zhen's threat even surpassed that of the coalition forces, and he had to find a way to kill him.

It might be possible for Yuan Clan to do it himself, but it is not the best choice.

It is the most correct way for the Temple of the Gods to get rid of Tang Zhen's hidden danger.

According to the captives, the Temple of the Gods had conducted secret operations before, but they did not kill Tang Zhen.

If you want to make another move, you need the Yuan Clan to push the flames and provide some help in the dark.

For this kind of thing, Lord Wuguang is very good at it, but he has never encountered a prey at the level of a god king.

For Lord Dull, this was quite a challenge, and it also made him very excited.

If the plan can be successful, killing a god-king powerhouse will definitely get extremely generous rewards.

If he had a god king puppet, he would also become an eye-catching existence among the aristocratic group of the Yuan clan.

Lord Wuguang couldn't refuse such a temptation.

After making up his mind, he began to use his divine brain to deduce and formulate a set of detailed plans.

It didn't take long for the captured captives to regain their "freedom" and quietly left the Dark Territory.

All traces of the Yuan Clan have been erased, and even if the soul is forcibly probed, it is still impossible to discover his experience in the Dark Territory.

The purpose of doing this is naturally to prevent regular inspections.

In advanced cultivation civilizations, similar inspections are very common, not only to screen out traitors, but also to prevent hidden dangers.

There are many practitioners who have long been controlled by demons, but they themselves know nothing about it.

Through this inspection, processing can be found.

The mission of the traitor is to instigate the conflict between Tang Zhen and the temple, and use the power of the other party to kill him.

The members of the Temple of the Gods who had a great feud with Tang Zhen and participated in the assassination were the primary targets of cooperation.

During the operation, Earl Wuguang will cooperate and take the opportunity to control and attract more practitioners.

They will become the knives of the Yuan Clan, helping to eliminate the greatest threat, and eventually become the puppets of the Yuan Clan.

At the same time, the information obtained was sorted out by Earl Wuguang and passed directly to the ancestral land of the Yuan clan.

Regarding Tang Zhen's harm, Earl Wuguang gave a key mark to avoid suffering from ignoring this important person.

Earl Wuguang naturally despised Viscount Haoqi who underestimated the enemy and made himself captured.

It is a disgrace to the noble class of the Yuan Clan to say that the other party is too useless, but for the overall benefit of the Yuan Clan, he is still willing to provide a helping hand at this moment.

At the same time as sending the message, he had already sent a team of messengers to assist in the defense of Viscount Juqi's territory.

(End of this chapter)

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