Invasion Fusion
Dilapidated villages, old trees, old people.

Such a scene exudes a breath of corruption, giving people a feeling of twilight.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, who would have believed that the god who controls the game world is so down and out.

Ragged clothes, haggard face, like a dried old tree.

Burned by fire, eaten by insects, cut by birds.

After going through ups and downs, withstood swords and swords, and then turned into such a desolate appearance.

Just a light kick, and it will fall directly to the ground, turning into slag all over the ground.

The gods are so miserable, it is simply deplorable.

"Ha ha……"

Seeing Tang Zhen in front of him, the old man's withered face trembled, and then he lowered his head again.

Looking at the ants passing by, it seems that there are infinite mysteries, just like this to pass the boring time.

From this point of view, it is one day.

Because of the influence of the rules, the villagers forgot one thing. A long time ago, there was no such a hundred-year-old tree at the entrance of the village, and the old man was already sitting here.


Tang Zhen took the initiative to speak, but the other party did not respond.

Tang Zhen knew in his heart that the other party had discovered his identity, but he had not fulfilled his duties.

Expel Tang Zhen from the country, suppress it with rules, or directly crush it into powder.

The main god didn't do this, maybe he didn't have authority, or maybe he did it on purpose.

Even if there was no communication, Tang Zhen knew very well that the main god must be full of hatred.

This wave of hatred is aimed at the Yuan Clan, if possible, they will definitely do everything in their power to retaliate.

For a dignified monk of the gods, encountering such treatment, life is simply worse than death.

Witnessing the other party's tragic situation with his own eyes, Tang Zhen also felt the emotion of hurting others, and at the same time, he also had a sympathetic anger.

"If you are willing to cooperate, I can help you get revenge, or one day, help you rekindle the divine fire."

Tang Zhen said softly, as if talking to an old friend.

Regardless of the origin of the main god, both parties have a basis for equal exchanges, and Tang Zhen is willing to give each other a chance.

Even if the other party disagrees, the action will not be affected.

That twilight figure was silent for a few breaths before slowly raising his head.

When looking at Tang Zhen, there was only sadness and helplessness.

"it is good……"

The obscure and hoarse sound was like the friction between metal and sand grains, which made people's scalp tingle.

Without any emotion, but with a hint of expectation.

Tang Zhen nodded, stepped forward, reached out and pressed the opponent's head.

During the touch, a ripple appeared on the top of the old man's head, obviously resisting Tang Zhen's fusion.

This is a protection mechanism to prevent the main god from being eroded by enemies and robbing the control authority of the game world.

Under normal circumstances, not only would the defense system be activated, but a fierce counterattack would also be given.

But the main god in front of him didn't counterattack as he should, but just stared at Tang Zhen.

In the dim and cloudy eyes, there was a deep anger, and there was also an unspeakable humiliation.

I hate myself for being helpless, as if I am a waste.

"Don't worry, it will be over soon..."

There was a soothing breath in Tang Zhen's voice.

The originally glaring figure suddenly became peaceful after hearing the comforting voice.

However, his body has undergone strange changes, with chapped marks appearing constantly.

Like a stone sculpture, after years of weathering, it may collapse at any time.

During this process, his body trembled constantly, as if enduring extreme pain.

For the gods, Tang Zhen's move is equivalent to an invasion, which is absolutely unacceptable behavior.

But the main god in front of him suppressed his own reaction, preventing himself from confronting Tang Zhen.

This is the last thing a spiritual monk can do to ensure his own dignity.

Obviously agreeing to cooperate, but actively resisting the fusion, wouldn't that be backtracking and losing the face of the gods.

Even if he is down and out, or even dying, he still has his own persistence.

Seeing this scene, Tang Zhen let out a low growl.


In the game world, there was a thunder-like sound, causing countless residents to look up at the sky.

In a trance, they saw a giant face floating in the sky, with a distorted and painful expression.

A thunderous voice came from the opponent's mouth, as if the sky was about to collapse.

what's going on?
As soon as the thought arises, the painful face disappears, and the sky returns to normal.

The abnormality in the sky did not attract much attention, and everything in the world will go on as usual.

Only the players are puzzled, wondering why such a fantasy scene appears in a world that is clearly a sci-fi background?

However, the background of this world is controlled by the main god, whether it is fantasy or science fiction, it is a matter of one thought.

Perhaps it is necessary to change the background to have such an abnormal prelude.

What the indigenous people think is unbelievable, for gamers, there is no need to make a fuss at all.

Knowing the essence of the world, and being able to play life, the player's psychological endurance is far beyond imagination.

In the game world, life and death are just a dream.

So no one knew at all that the horror hidden behind this incident, the god who controlled the world, was now being swallowed by foreign invaders.

Because the divine fire had already been extinguished, coupled with active cooperation, the process of devouring was extremely smooth.

Otherwise, disasters and catastrophes will inevitably come to the game world, causing the sky to collapse and the earth to sink into extinction.

No one knew that in a short period of time, the game world had changed its owner.

Tang Zhen gained real authority, unlike the main god of the game in the past, he was just a poor puppet.

It's like a machine that mechanically executes the master's orders. Even in the face of foreign invasion, it has no power to fight back.

You must first inform the owner and get the other party's permission before you can take further action.

This kind of operation is extremely stupid, and it must be known that the war between gods and spirits will be completed between lightning and flint.

In the time of delay, it is enough to be killed by the enemy [-] times.

Not to mention these Yuan Clans, they can't understand the war between the gods at all, it's like a chariot driver instructing others how to fly a plane.

But this kind of stupid thing really happened in Yuan Clan's territory.

The occurrence of such a situation is related to the arrogance of the Yuan clan.

Crush the practice civilization, capture countless monks, and even the gods are just puppets and servants.

Under such an absolute advantage, it is naturally impossible to respect the gods. In order to satisfy the perverted mind, they even cut off the heads of the gods for deduction.

But in Yuan Clan's heart, they are still full of vigilance towards practitioners, worried that they will riot and fight back.

In order to ensure safety, it is natural to castrate wantonly to ensure that there will be no risks.

It was obviously a dragon, but it was grown into a worm, it was extremely sad.

But it was also because of this that Tang Zhen was given the opportunity to act, and easily merged with the main god of the game world.

If Viscount Haoqi had been here, the invasion process would never have been so easy, and there would have been some twists and turns.

However, this Viscount Haoqi has already fallen into the hands of Tang Zhen, and finally the highest layer of defense has completely failed.

Today's Viscountdom of Haoqi looks like an impregnable wall, but it is only aimed at outsiders.

For Tang Zhen, the Viscount of Haoqi has already opened the door, allowing him to choose to invade and choose at will.

(End of this chapter)

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