I have a city in another world

Chapter 4356 come to the door

Chapter 4356 come to the door
In a short period of time, Tang Zhen's business boomed.

People are scrambling to spread the word, attracting more viewers and creating an extremely lively scene.

Seeing this, many vendors gathered together and took the opportunity to sell their products.

Because there are enough people, the business is also very hot.

The officials and rich people who watched with cold eyes were greatly shocked in their hearts. They did not expect such a hot scene.

The hot sales scene means huge wealth, which makes them all feel excited.

One after another, they inquired about related news, both openly and secretly, looking for opportunities to replace them.

The stench of copper that wealth emits is the most attractive to those corrupt flies.

For such a situation, Tang Zhen couldn't be more clear in his heart, but he didn't take the initiative to launch a counterattack.

He just spent money to hire people and set up a temporary team to help him resolve the ensuing troubles.

As long as you have money in hand, there are very few things you can't do.

Tang Zhen didn't pay much attention to money and other external things. If it can help the plan to be implemented smoothly, it doesn't matter if he gives up some benefits.

"Boss, the wealthy businessman in the city wants to see you, saying that he has something to talk to you about."

The subordinate hired by Tang Zhen walked up to inform him, his eyes full of admiration.

The young people in front of them are creating a miracle.

"not see."

Without raising his head, Tang Zhen replied coldly.

Such huge benefits will inevitably attract countless flies, and competition is inevitable.

Without sufficient ability, there is no qualification to participate in it at all.

There is no need to pay too much attention to such overwhelmed businessmen, because they have no qualifications at all.

If you rush into the vortex rashly, not only will you not get the desired result, but you may even lose your life.

It was actually a good thing for Tang Zhen to drive them away, and it might indirectly save someone's life.


After receiving the order, the subordinate immediately turned and left, and told the waiting businessmen.

The merchants were shut down, and their expressions became very ugly. Some people sneered, and some muttered to themselves.

In the eyes of these businessmen, Tang Zhen just wanted to eat alone and was unwilling to share the benefits with others.

This kind of thinking is correct, but when it depends, a guy like Tang Zhen who has no foundation can't hold on to such an industry at all.

This is their territory, and no one else is allowed to be presumptuous.

"Wait and see!"

After leaving a word, the merchants left one after another.

They had already made up their minds to find trouble as much as possible so that Tang Zhen's business could not proceed normally.

You can also take cooperation, copy this business model, and go to other cities to make money.

It is not a monopoly business, everyone can operate it, why can't I do it if you do it.

With such a mentality, it will cause vicious competition, which will lead to a disorderly market environment.

If things go on like this, it will inevitably cause a lot of trouble, and Tang Zhen's business will also be seriously affected.

Tang Zhen didn't care about this possibility, he knew that those businessmen couldn't succeed.

It is impossible for the government not to manage such a profitable business, and it is only a matter of time before they intervene.

Sure enough, early the next morning, someone found Tang Zhen, claiming to be from the official yamen.

There is something important that needs to be discussed with Tang Zhen.

Tang Zhen did not refuse this time, but met with the other party and knew his identity.

The son of a local high-ranking official wants to start a joint venture business.

He is another jealous guy, who wants to lose capital but has to sell shares, his greedy nature is undoubtedly revealed.

Tang Zhen's business is very clean, but if he wants to run it smoothly, he must compromise.

Tang Zhen didn't care, and promised to give [-]% of the net profit, and the other party was responsible for solving any problems.

The other party is also happy, and after getting the benefits he wants, he will not continue to push forward.

The cooperation between the two parties was reached, and indeed no one harassed Tang Zhen anymore.

After doing business for ten consecutive days, the convoy began to transfer, ready to go to the next city.

In the past few days, there have been similar lottery activities in other places, but the scale is far smaller than Tang Zhen's business, and the lottery draws are constantly operated in secret.

A business like this is destined not to last long.

The huge and cool convoy travels, attracting the attention of countless people along the way, and some even chase the convoy.

Some want to do business, and some just want to watch a play.

There are also a large number of lottery players who follow the convoy all the way, hoping to continue their struggle in the next city.

Everyone wants to win the big prize and get rich overnight.

Because of their reputation, the team has attracted much attention, and it caused a sensation before reaching the goal.

Followers include not only officials and wealthy businessmen, but also local ruffians, all wanting to take advantage of the opportunity.

It seemed that there was a lot of crisis, but Tang Zhen didn't care.

He knew very well in his heart that as long as he was willing to give up his benefits, there would be nothing he couldn't solve.

But his purpose is not to earn wealth, so naturally there won't be too many disputes.

Before leaving this time, he sent people to other cities to negotiate with the local dignitaries.

It is difficult for a strong dragon to overwhelm a local snake. If you want everything to go smoothly, you must have proper management.

The local snake is in charge of handling everything, while Tang Zhen is only responsible for earning money from the show, and then divides the accounts according to the ratio.

Tang Zhen is generous enough, but there are some guys who are astoundingly greedy.

Halfway through the journey, news came from the men in charge of the negotiations that the local dignitaries not only wanted a share of the performance, but also wanted [-]% of the team's shares.

The funds for purchasing shares need to be included in the dividends.

The other party didn't take a penny, but still wanted [-]% of the shares. It was greedy to the extreme.

At the same time, the other party issued a warning that if they did not agree to the above conditions, it would be absolutely impossible for Tang Zhen's team to move forward.

Everyone, including Tang Zhen, may be imprisoned.

When the subordinate was talking about it, his expression was extremely angry, obviously he had never seen such a shameless person.

At the same time, in the words, there is still too much helplessness and worry about this matter.

It is indeed very profitable to follow a boss like Tang Zhen. This is the feeling of every subordinate.

It is absolutely impossible for other bosses to be so forthright. Not only can they not give such a high salary and bonus, but they will even try their best to deduct it.

If they can choose, they all hope that the business will last for a long time, and cooperate with Tang Zhen to make money.

Faced with this unreasonable request, Tang Zhen just pondered slightly, and did not reply immediately.

For a businessman, this is an intolerable request. If Tang Zhen agrees immediately, it may arouse suspicion from others.

Hesitation and consideration is also a matter of course.

The subordinates nodded and left, leaving only Tang Zhen sitting quietly in the car.

At this moment, Yoyo's voice came from my ear.

"Are you angry?"

Tang Zhen turned around and looked back. There was no one around, and the voice seemed to sound out of thin air.

"who are you?"

There was a slight tremor in Tang Zhen's tone. Few people could remain calm when faced with unimaginable things.

The role he plays now is just an ordinary wealthy businessman.

"It doesn't matter who I am, you just need to be clear about one thing, I can help you solve all your troubles, and there will be no future troubles."

The voice spoke slowly, with a high-ranking tone, as if those dignitaries were just ants.

Hearing the other party's answer, Tang Zhen frowned slightly.

"Then what am I going to do?"

If there is nothing to show courteousness to, if it's either rape or steal, the other party must have a plan.

"You follow my list, go to different places, and make it as big as possible.

If the funds are insufficient, I can still provide it for you, and I won't ask you for a commission.

As long as you are obedient and obedient, you will definitely make more money, otherwise not only will you not make money, but you may even lose your life. "

These words were aimed at Tang Zhen with a strong threat.

Tang Zhen was silent for a few breaths, and nodded slightly.


The cold voice sounded again.

"Choose wisely, and soon you will have good news."

In the quiet car, only Tang Zhen sat alone, showing a mocking smile.


(End of this chapter)

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