I have a city in another world

Chapter 4372 Desperate Time

Chapter 4372 Desperate Time
Tang Zhen's actions stunned the onlookers.

They really didn't expect that there was such a thing as tearing off the monster's organs and transplanting them to themselves.

It's unbelievable, but it really happened before my eyes.

The survivors didn't understand, they were shocked and terrified, and they looked at Tang Zhen with more fear.

Only when one reaches a certain level, or has a corresponding talent, can one understand the reason.

In fact, this flying monster was originally a survivor, but it was just a demonized mutation.

Before Tang Zhen, he also had a similar body alienation. The difference was that he had scales and animal horns, but the opponent had a pair of bone wings.

Although they belong to different worlds, they actually have the same root and origin, and they are all relatives of Tang Zhen.

Although the images are different, they are connected by blood, which means that the mutated organs can be used in common.

However, only Tang Zhen can successfully complete this transplantation method, and the other survivors don't know the mystery of it at all.

It requires meticulous operation and guidance of blood vessels and meridians. Too many errors will inevitably lead to transplant failure.

The main reason for the successful transplantation is that there is too much life energy in the body, and it has not been filtered and cleaned.

The biggest feature of this special life energy is that it is easy to breed flesh and blood, and it has a strong vitality, which can heal wounds in an instant.

It was for the above reasons that an incredible scene was created, allowing Tang Zhen to have a pair of wings in an instant.

The wide wings flicked slightly, and then swung violently. With a gust of wind, Tang Zhen had already left the roof.

But in a blink of an eye, he appeared on the street, smashing a supply box with his foot.

The shot was as fast as lightning, and the items inside were grabbed.

The monsters around rushed forward frantically, trying to tear Tang Zhen to pieces.

But Tang Zhen, who jumped at him, was nothing more than a phantom, and the main body had already left.

In just a few flashes, Tang Zhen smashed many supply boxes and put away all the supplies inside.

Then he turned around again, returned to the top of the building, and swept away the monsters on the outer wall by the way.

The wings are as sharp as knives, and with just one swipe, it leaves deep marks on the wall, cutting the monster in half.

Tang Zhen returned to the top of the building, took out the pills in the box, and threw them to the old, weak, sick and disabled.

"Eat it, one pill per person."

The decisive battle is approaching, and every pill is extremely precious. Tang Zhen's behavior once again attracted everyone's attention.

Some frowned in thought, some dismissed it, and even sneered mockingly.

From their point of view, Tang Zhen just had a brain problem and wasted precious pills on a bunch of trash.

But that's good too, the lack of these pills will inevitably affect Tang Zhen's combat power.

The worse Tang Zhen's situation is, the safer they are, and they wish they could do more stupid things like this.

It is better to put yourself in danger for guarding waste, and finally die because of pedantry and compassion.

They have seen some idiots like this, but kindness is often only exchanged for violent death.

They never dreamed that the seemingly most powerful existence was actually such a Mercy Mother.

The battle is still going on, the fatal red circle continues to shrink, and the crisis of survival forces the monsters to gather at a high level. At this moment, they are already like stacking arhats.

Survivors on the periphery had to move desperately, trying to approach the central area.

It's just that not all of these survivors have grown wings, and they don't have super defenses that are invulnerable.

If you want to break through the blockade of monsters and go to a safer area, you must pay a terrible price.

The buildings in the central area naturally became the target of competition.

Tang Zhen's terrain advantage was revealed at this moment, and he became the coveted target of everyone.

There are already daring guys who have begun to try to get close to the building, taking advantage of the chaotic environment to continuously shift.

The strength shown by Tang Zhen is indeed frightening, like a fierce tiger frightening all beasts.

The red circle directly represents death. If you can't avoid it in time, you will definitely end up dying.

There is no need to say more about how to choose.

For such a scene, Tang Zhen just waited and watched indifferently, because it was an inevitable result.

Whether you like it or not, you have to make a choice.

These survivors who were driven away by the red circle, in order to save their lives, must start a desperate fight with Tang Zhen.

They didn't know that they actually had another way to go, which was to choose to cooperate with Tang Zhen and accept his command.

Kill all the monsters until you get the final clearance qualification.

From the very beginning, they were misled by the controller, thinking that survivors cannot coexist.

The partners who fought side by side did not dare to give enough trust, and even secretly guarded against them.

At the last moment, he will decisively kill his companions in exchange for his own independent life.

But how did they know that the controller had a vicious mind and deliberately played tricks on these poor guys.

Even if someone discovers the secret and spreads the word, not many survivors will believe it.

Tang Zhen knew this, so naturally he would not waste his efforts.

He will also use these survivors as a ladder for his promotion until he becomes the ultimate Gu king.

The rules are like this, Tang Zhen can't be blamed for his indifference, if he has the ability, he will save him, but now he can't protect himself.

He knew very well in his heart that even if he became the Gu King, it was only the first step.

Tang Zhen didn't know what would happen next, but he knew that it would definitely be harsher and crueler.

The pain suffered during the period must also far exceed the present.

There are more and more monsters rushing up, especially the approaching survivors.

In several nearby buildings, survivors have already started fighting, and mutants are also involved.

During the transfer process, survivors continued to die and were swallowed by the tightly packed monsters.

Such an extreme environment caused monsters to start killing each other, just to gain living space.

Such a chaotic scene gave the survivors a chance to obtain supplies along the way.

There are too many supply boxes, but any survivor who can break through the blockade will more or less gain something.

The acquisition of supplies can make them live longer.

The large-scale death in a short period of time burst out a huge amount of life energy, which was absorbed by the fighting survivors.

At this juncture of life and death, they kept breaking through the shackles and promoted to a higher level.

Needless to say, the joy in my heart dispelled the fear and hesitation at the same time, and even had the idea of ​​competing with Tang Zhen.

I think that at this moment, I am completely different from before.

Looking at the building in the center, and Tang Zhen standing on the top of the building, all of them showed grinning expressions.

"dash forward!"

Sounds like this kept ringing out around them. The surge in strength gave them the confidence to replace Tang Zhen as the master of the building.

As long as you hold it, you have a chance to become the final winner.

Including monsters and mutants, also aware of this, frantically gathered towards the most central building.

The inner stairs were collapsed, so they climbed from the outer wall, and the outer wall was covered with fierce monsters, scrambling to the top of the building.

The surface of this building was also stained and discolored by blood, and viscous blood continued to flow downward.

The corpses of monsters and survivors also kept falling down, and were buried and covered by piles of monsters in an instant.

Unknowingly, the gathered monsters and piled up corpses formed a slope.

The red circle became smaller and smaller, and the decisive moment finally arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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