I have a city in another world

Chapter 4381 Magical Cornerstone

Chapter 4381 Magical Cornerstone
The rune crystal in front of me is called the cornerstone, and it has quite magical abilities.

It can be used as a basis to build a building out of thin air, and it can also be continuously strengthened and upgraded.

By paying the corresponding price, you can also trade with the cornerstone platform in exchange for various materials.

The more wealth you provide, the more advanced the materials you exchange for, and some items can even destroy the world.

After sorting out the information in his mind, Tang Zhen felt extremely shocked and wondered if he was hallucinating.

Does such a heaven-defying ability really exist in the world?
But everything in front of him is so real that there is no room for doubt.

“Whether it’s true or not, you just have to try it!”

Tang Zhen made up his mind, quickly crawled out of the secret room, and went to the place where his money was hidden.

Opening a box, there are more than [-] silver ingots hidden inside, and each silver ingot weighs more than ten taels.

Returning in a hurry with the silver in hand, Tang Zhen activated the cornerstone platform, and the surrounding scene changed instantly.

As if in an instant, they came to a mysterious shopping mall.

There are various items placed around, which can be picked up and checked at any time, and corresponding information will also be displayed.

Not only is it 100% restored, but it also has texture and touch, which is no different from holding the real thing.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Tang Zhen showed joy. He didn't expect that this cornerstone platform was so powerful.

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Tang Zhen checked the items that could be exchanged.

In the shopping mall on the cornerstone platform, he can buy all kinds of supplies, not only daily necessities, but also various weapons and equipment.

There are not only swords forged from fine steel, but also strong bows and crossbows, as well as firearms that can shoot projectiles.

There are even cannons, which are black and thick in shape, and look very powerful.

All kinds of armor, powerful and thick.

Seeing these armor weapons, Tang Zhen frowned slightly, knowing that these were officially prohibited items.

If someone discovers it, he will definitely get into trouble.

Although these equipments are excellent, they cannot be easily revealed, otherwise it is very likely to cause a fatal disaster.

However, Tang Zhen also heard that there was a war breaking out outside, and he was afraid that the war would spread soon.

Once war breaks out, banditry will inevitably become rampant, and laws and regulations will lose their restrictive effect.

In order to save the lives of the whole family, it is indeed necessary to make some preparations in advance.

Tang Zhen is not in a hurry to buy, but is going to have a look first, before he fully understands, he will not be in a hurry to make a decision.

Soon, another piece of jade plaque appeared in front of his eyes, displaying various words on it.

These are skill jade cards. As long as they are purchased and activated, you can obtain the corresponding abilities.

Tang Zhen was more interested in the skill jade tokens than the equipment and materials.

It takes a long time and energy to master an ability, and proficiency will also be affected by factors such as talent.

There is no end to learning, and diligence is the key to success. This is a well-known truth.

But this kind of skill jade tablet completely breaks the rules. You only need to pay a certain amount of wealth to obtain perfect skills.

With excitement and curiosity, Tang Zhen searched carefully and found that the number of skill jade tokens was overwhelming.

There are too many skills in it, he has never heard of them, and he doesn't even have permission to view them.

You must be promoted to a certain level, or meet certain conditions, to be eligible to view and purchase.

It was obviously telling Tang Zhen that everything should be done step by step and never be rushed.

Tang Zhen was indeed not in a hurry, and even had a calmness far beyond his age, like an old man who had experienced vicissitudes of life.

Just before today, he was not like this, but as soon as he woke up, he was completely transformed.

Tang Zhen was actually very curious about the abnormality in his body, but he couldn't figure out the real reason.

After rummaging through the skill jade cards, Tang Zhen chose the product he wanted.

A set of body protection exercises, called Gang Qi Iron Cloth Shirt, can enhance one's own defense.

It can't be cut by a knife, can't be shot by an arrow, and its life-saving ability is first-rate.

A set of close combat boxing techniques, the name is Bone Crushing Fist. The punch is so powerful that it can break bones and tendons when hitting the body.

These two sets of martial arts skills cost 200 taels of silver, which is definitely a sky-high price for ordinary villagers, and they may be cursed secretly as a prodigal.

Their annual expenses are only ten taels of silver.

If you have such an idea, you don't understand the value of the exercises. Otherwise, you will have to buy a set if you want to sell them.

But apart from Tang Zhen, it is impossible for outsiders to have this opportunity.

Tang Zhen made this choice to protect himself, because some bandits were eyeing his own property.

Not long ago, bandits sent people to extort money, but they didn't get what they wanted.

Before leaving, I put down my words, and I will form a team to go down the mountain in the near future, and bloodbath the whole village.

Because of this incident, everyone in the whole village was in danger and looked gloomy.

I reported it to the government, but there was no response, as if nothing happened.

Now that the opportunity has come, the bandits who were originally feared no longer seem to be so scary.

Tang Zhen pondered to himself and soon came up with a way to deal with it.

But before that, he still needs to test whether the skill jade token is really effective?
Decisively choosing to pay, two jade tokens appeared in front of people, containing a dazzling light.


The two skill jade tokens shattered and turned into light and flew into his body. Tang Zhen's body immediately changed.

The muscles, bones, flesh and blood swelled, and the body became taller, becoming more robust and steady.

The changes are not only in the appearance, Tang Zhen's aura is longer, and his body seems to contain infinite power.

With a fierce punch, there was a sound of piercing through the air.

"it is good!"

Feeling the changes in his body, Tang Zhen couldn't help laughing.

The Skill Jade Card was indeed extraordinary, but in the blink of an eye, Tang Zhen mastered two sets of perfect level martial arts.

He has obviously become more confident in dealing with those bandits.

The excitement gradually disappeared, and Tang Zhen began to study the main functions of the cornerstone platform and think about how to build a building city.

Only when the building city is successfully established can it have the ability to protect itself and not be afraid of threats from the outside world.

To successfully build Loucheng, you need a piece of land, a group of your own subordinates, and a sacrifice of 1000 taels of silver.

Tang Zhen has land and money in his hands, but now he still lacks a group of subordinates.

Those villagers who were intimidated by bandits and filled with worry were obviously the best choice.

As long as Tang Zhen stood up and explained his interests to the villagers, he would definitely obey the command obediently.

Once the villagers join, all the required conditions will be met, and the building city can be successfully built.

In order to avoid long nights and dreams, Tang Zhen decided to act immediately.

Tang Zhen left the secret room, chose to automatically close the door, and jumped out of the gap in the secret passage without any effort.

After arriving in the front yard, Uncle Fu happened to lead people back. When they saw Tang Zhen standing in front of them, Uncle Fu and others were stunned.

However, in a short period of time, Tang Zhen grew taller and his aura also changed.

It was originally just a calf, but now it feels like a fierce tiger, exuding a thrilling power.

"Master, are you alright?"

The old Patriarch had just passed away, and the young master had undergone such a change, which really frightened the elderly Uncle Fu.

"I'm fine, don't worry."

With a smile on Tang Zhen's face, he said in a comforting tone. There seemed to be magic in his words, which really calmed everyone down.

"The bandits are coming soon, we must not sit idly by, we must find a way to fight and protect ourselves.

If you believe me, go and call all the villagers together to discuss how to deal with bandits.

If you don't want to, then you can only ask for your own good luck. If you are kidnapped and killed by bandits, you can only blame your own bad luck. "

Several villagers froze in place, looked at each other, and quickly turned around and ran towards the village.

"Master, do you want to..."

Seeing this scene, Uncle Fu asked in a low voice, not knowing what Tang Zhen was going to do.

"Don't worry, you'll find out later."

Tang Zhen chuckled and looked up at the sky, but his eyes were like an abyss.

(End of this chapter)

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