I have a city in another world

Chapter 4397 The chance of Sun Lao 5

Chapter 4397

As a bandit who is prohibited by law and lives a life of licking blood with the tip of a knife, he naturally has to understand the affairs of the world.

Rats have ways of rats, thieves have ways of thieves, thieves who seem to be lawless may not dare to do anything.

Bandits rob houses, and their ultimate goal is to survive and enjoy life, and they will never be as unscrupulous as a lunatic.

Robbery of auction proceeds from river mines is one of the taboos, and such a thing rarely happens.

First of all, there are endless troubles. Even if you can grab it, you may not be blessed to enjoy it.

Whether it's an official wanted order or a robbery from a fellow soldier, it's enough to make people unable to have a moment's peace.

Not to mention that such money will be sent to each other by elite experts, and ordinary thieves will not be able to rely on it.

Sun Laowu had heard that teams like this escorting huge sums of money would be dispatched to explore the road ahead, and they would be followed by experts on both sides.

There are military sharpshooters in the team who have bows and arrows in hand at all times. Once a suspicious target approaches, they can shoot them directly.

After a thorough investigation, it was confirmed that they were not thieves, and the compensation was only ten taels of silver at most.

Ten taels of silver for one life is really extremely cheap.

When encountering such a vehicle passing by, it is best for ordinary people to stay away from it, otherwise it is easy to cause lawsuits.

A business without capital like this, unless there is a hole in the brain, the black wind bandit will never touch it.

If there is even the slightest mistake, Heifengzhai will be destroyed.

Now that he is a prisoner, it is even more impossible to participate in this kind of thing. First of all, without this ability, it is also possible to implicate Loucheng.

Thinking of this, Sun Laowu said coldly to the man: "Hurry up and shut up, get out of here, maybe you can save your life.

If you take a step too late and fall into the hands of this fairy mansion, I will discipline you to live or die! "

Sun Laowu's words were intended to scare the other party, and he also did not want to cause trouble for himself.

Now that he has an idea and intends to become a resident of Loucheng, he must make a clean break with the past.

Hearing Sun Laowu's threat, the man was stunned and subconsciously looked at the Loucheng soldiers not far away.

Just at this time, the Loucheng soldier came over, as if he had already discovered his existence.

"Since this is the case, take care of yourself."

The man left a word, turned and left without hesitation.

Sun Laowu sneered, he never thought about it from the beginning to the end, and counted on the other party to save him.

Even if he really wanted to escape, he couldn't count on this guy. His real purpose was to inquire about the news of the Immortal Mansion.

If you get the news you want, how can you care about the life and death of the Black Wind Bandit.

Thinking secretly in his heart, Sun Laowu decided to report this matter, so that Tang Zhen would not be caught off guard after something happened.

It should be noted that when such a big event happens, nearby forces will be affected, and Loucheng will certainly not be able to stay out of it.

After making up his mind, Sun Laowu immediately went to the soldiers in Loucheng, saying that he had something important to report to Tang Zhen.

Hearing Sun Laowu's narration, the soldier didn't dare to be careless, and hurriedly took out the walkie-talkie at his waist.

After saying a few words, he heard a message from the opposite side, telling Sun Laowu to return to Loucheng immediately to report the details.

Sun Laowu was allowed to return to Loucheng alone, and soon met Tang Zhen.

For the young city lord in front of him, Sun Laowu was extremely respectful and did not dare to belittle or conceal it.

Tang Zhen showed bravery, and single-handedly picked Heifengzhai, which made Sun Laowu terrified and admired.

The life of the residents in Loucheng made Sun Laowu confirm that Tang Zhen really wanted the residents to live a good life.

His status as a disciple of the immortal doubled Tang Zhen's worth, and he was born with a noble aura.

Due to the influence of multiple reasons, Sun Lao Wu's loyalty is extremely high, which is not inferior to the existing few hardcore residents.

After listening to Sun Laowu's narration, Tang Zhen remained silent, apparently in deep thought.

"What are you talking about about this river mine auction?"

Hearing Tang Zhen's inquiry, Sun Laowu quickly replied: "The auction of mountains, rivers and mines is a rule set by the emperor, and it will be auctioned every three years.

The imperial court contracted out the mountains rich in ore and the rivers rich in water resources in the form of auction.

After the auction is successful, the benefits generated during the period will all belong to the contractor. "

When Sun Laowu said this, he couldn't help smacking his lips, and said with a very yearning expression: "It is said that the gold and silver obtained from each auction are piled up like a mountain, and it takes a long time to be transported to the national treasury.

The richest man in the world is our emperor, and his wealth is unmatched by anyone. "

Tang Zhen shook his head slightly, and said in a flat tone: "This kind of auction method can indeed accumulate a large amount of money in a short period of time, but it will inevitably leave infinite hidden dangers."

Sun Laowu nodded quickly, expressing that it was indeed the case, because the emperor's operation caused the common people in the world to live in dire straits.

Bandits and bandits are rampant in many places, and some people even rebel. The border countries are also eyeing each other, and the friction and confrontation have never stopped.

The reason why the dynasty can stand still is because it has an elite army under it, invested countless money, and is invincible in battle.

Sun Laowu was just the bandit leader and didn't know many things, but it was enough for Tang Zhen to understand the general trend of the world.

The world is not in chaos yet, but it is not far away.

"Since it is ill-gotten wealth, it should not be sent to the emperor. It is better to keep it to help the poor."

Tang Zhen spoke suddenly, but Sun Laowu was startled by what he said.

"City Lord, do you want to..."

Tang Zhen nodded, looked at Sun Laowu and said, "I'm going to send you out to investigate and collect relevant information. I wonder if you can complete the task?"

Sun Lao Wu immediately nodded in agreement, patted his chest and said there was no problem, the city lord wanted this fortune, and he would definitely do his best to help it.

It is better to fall into the hands of the city lord than to hand it over to the dog emperor.

"All you have to do is to find out the specific timeline, the specific information of the guardians, and the specific information of the actors.

When the task is completed, I will allow your family to become Loucheng residents and enjoy the same benefits as other residents. "

Hearing Tang Zhen's promise, Sun Laowu was very excited and said that he would definitely complete the task.

Checking Sun Laowu's loyalty value, he found that it was almost at the top, which was obviously related to the reward Tang Zhen promised.

Such good residents must be given better protection.

"I have a skill jade card here. After breaking it into pieces, you can get the skill. It was originally a reward for completing the task, but now I will give you one in advance."

While Tang Zhen was speaking, he took out a skill jade token and gave it to Sun Laowu.

Sun Laowu was dumbfounded. Looking at the skill jade card in his hand, he felt that it was more precious than a thousand taels of gold.

Without any hesitation, the jade tablet was broken into pieces on the spot.

A cloud of cyan light appeared, wrapped around Sun Laowu's body, and transformed it at an extremely fast speed.

After a few breaths, the light disappeared without a trace, and Sun Laowu was completely transformed.

He has strong muscles and strong legs, exuding a powerful aura.

Sun Lao Wu has practiced hard for many years, and he is already close to a third-rate warrior. Now that the opportunity comes, he has directly touched the realm of a second-rate warrior.

Sensing the changes in his body, Sun Laowu was so excited that he knelt down on the ground without hesitation.

This reward alone is enough for him to show his loyalty.

Tang Zhen's rewards were not limited to these, he also took out some technological equipment and taught Sun Lao Wu how to use it.

After mastering it proficiently, Sun Laowu bid farewell to Tang Zhen.

He found his wife first, told himself to carry out a secret mission, and then left Loucheng quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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