I have a city in another world

Chapter 4399 Ruixiang Firm's Opportunity

Chapter 4399 Ruixiang Firm's Opportunity

Maxima often has it, but Bole does not often have it.

Standing at the forefront, pigs can fly into the sky. As long as they master the channels, ordinary people can also create great achievements.

Some things are absolutely true, but they are not unreasonable.

Take Ruixiang Commercial Bank as an example, without Tang Zhen, it would be impossible to have the glory it is today.

The gentry and officials were all respectful and gave Ruixiang Trading Company respect far beyond their original status.

It seems to be highly praised, but the center of gravity is also unstable. If you are not careful, you may be thrown to pieces.

Once the cooperation between the two parties fluctuates or terminates, Ruixiang Trading Company will be instantly brought back to its original shape.

It is possible to replace it with any firm you choose. Even without going through a middleman, you can completely sell these products.

Rich family businessmen who know the goods will inevitably scramble for it, because they can also earn the price difference.

It is precisely because of this understanding that the female boss made this decision and was prepared to give up generous benefits in exchange for long-term cooperation.

Although this will significantly reduce income, the cooperation can be maintained for a long time.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, the hostess is not at a disadvantage.

One item is charged at a rate of one hundred taels, such a profit is indeed not low, and there are not many businesses that can compare with it.

Of course, if the principal invested is too large, Ruixiang Commercial Bank will definitely suffer a loss. This requires careful operation to avoid buying items with excessive unit prices.

Maintaining this kind of special business is not an easy task. Not only does it require a lot of money, but it also requires money to manage all aspects of the relationship.

Not all of the seemingly high commissions fall into their own pockets.

After the hostess finished speaking, she looked at Tang Zhen in front of her, anxiously waiting for his response.

Doing a partnership business with the Xian family has never happened before. Even the female owner doesn't know how to measure it. I wonder if her approach will satisfy Tang Zhen?

"You are quite interesting."

Tang Zhen chuckled and nodded slightly.

"Money is a good thing, but you can't get it unreasonably, otherwise you will inevitably suffer disaster.

If you can see this clearly, you will naturally be able to go further.

Your suggestion is good, but as a merchant, it is inevitable that you will feel wronged.

I have a way, why don't you see if it's suitable. "

The hostess and Liu Guanshi pricked up their ears, not daring to be distracted in the slightest, wondering what Tang Zhen's arrangements were.

“From now on, you don’t need a principal to get the goods, and I will no longer limit the price.

It's up to you to decide how much you sell it for. After the transaction is successful, I will give Ruixiang Trading Company one-tenth of the commission.

That is to say, from now on, you will work for me and earn corresponding commissions. "

Upon hearing Tang Zhen's method, the hostess and Guan Liu were stunned for a moment, and then they were all smiles.

This distribution model is simply the best.

There is no need to pay the principal, and there will be no financial pressure, which can greatly reduce the burden on Ruixiang Commercial Bank.

One-tenth of the commission is quite generous.

Especially for expensive products, the commission for one item may be enough to fill Ruixiang Trading Company.

Without the worry of principal, Ruixiang Trading Company naturally dares to choose more expensive categories when purchasing products.

The most critical point is that Ruixiang Commercial Bank has changed from an original partner to a worker serving Xianfu.

With the immortals as the backing, the trading company will become more confident, instead of having to look for backers everywhere like in the past.

"Thank you for your understanding, Master Xian, Ruixiang Trading Company is willing to do the work of dogs and horses!"

The hostess directly knelt down to express her allegiance to Tang Zhen, as did Liu Guanshi and others.

"There is no need to be so polite. What I care more about is ability and results."

Tang Zhen stretched out his hand for a move, and everyone could no longer kneel down, but was lifted up by an invisible force.

Such a magical method made everyone secretly surprised, and looked at Tang Zhen with more and more eager eyes.

"Since you are my people, you must have a good reputation. I'd better give you some rewards first, so as not to be looked down upon by the short-sighted guys."

After Tang Zhen said this, he took out two skill jade tokens and gave them to the hostess and Manager Liu.

"Break this skill jade card, and you will get the inheritance of martial skills, and you will directly become third-rate warriors.

With a strong body and enough martial arts for self-defense, you can do business in a better state.

Work hard and you will benefit more in the future. "

Under the guidance of Tang Zhen, the female boss and Manager Liu used the skill jade cards, and then amazing changes took place.

The unique aura belonging to warriors was released from the two of them, and their temperament and body shape also changed significantly.

The hostess is charming and agile, and looks heroic, like a strong and dangerous female leopard.

Manager Liu's smile remained the same, but his breath became thicker, like a lazy black bear.

Once he attacks in anger, he will definitely be extremely ferocious.

Such an obvious change happened right in front of my eyes, which made the guards hired by Ruixiang Trading Co., Ltd. envious.

In order to practice martial arts, they worked very hard and knew how difficult and difficult it was.

Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that there was such a thing in the world. You could become a third-rate warrior just by breaking the jade token, eliminating the need for years of hard training.

Sure enough, it is the method of the immortal family, which makes people amazed and inexplicable, but at the same time envious.

The female boss and Manager Liu were extremely excited. Only they themselves understood this radical change.

When he came back to his senses, he quickly thanked Tang Zhen sincerely. Although the two may not aspire to become warriors, they are happy to obtain this fairy fate.

“Since you are serving me, you must wear the same clothes and use the same weapons and equipment.

You stay here tonight, receive corresponding training, and it won't be too late to leave tomorrow morning.

There is a tablet computer here that stores various product information. You can use it to learn about it and choose products that are more suitable for your business. "

A silver tablet computer appeared in Tang Zhen's hand, and it was directly stuffed into the hands of the hostess.

Looking at the image displayed on the screen, the hostess was surprised from ear to ear, and nodded blankly to express her understanding.

In a short period of time, she was exposed to too much shocking information, and it was natural for her to be numb and shocked.

Under the leadership of Loucheng residents, everyone at Ruixiang Trading Company received training and learned how to use electronic equipment and weapons.

Tang Zhen purchases communication equipment and gives it to Loucheng residents for use, and Ruixiang Trading Company will also get the right to use it.

In the store on the cornerstone platform, the price of communication equipment is not high, and everyone can have one.

With communication equipment in hand, Ruixiang Commercial Bank can directly contact Loucheng once something abnormal happens.

In addition to communication equipment, Ruixiang Trading Company will also obtain rifles to protect itself and deter enemies.

Guns and weapons are powerful, but they are not truly invincible. They can only be regarded as upgraded versions of bows and crossbows.

When shooting against each other, there is no guarantee of victory, it can only be said that they have more advantages.

Having firearms can deter bad guys so they don't dare to mess with them easily.

It also uses firearms and weapons to convey a message to the outside world that Ruixiang Commercial Bank is protected by Loucheng.

Anyone who dares to touch Ruixiang Trading Company is going against the immortal.

Relying on the reputation of the immortal and powerful weapons and equipment can indeed have a good deterrent effect.

Without absolute certainty, no one dares to provoke easily.

There must be people who are not afraid of death and dare to take the initiative to try and rob. Once that happens, Tang Zhen will naturally have a way to solve it.

Early the next morning, the gate of Loucheng opened, and the carriage of Ruixiang Trading Company appeared in front of everyone.

Just overnight, Ruixiang Commercial Bank has undergone tremendous changes, wearing uniform clothing, shoes and hats, and carrying the same automatic rifles as the soldiers in Loucheng.

Along the way, arrogantly, went straight to Huangshan County.

(End of this chapter)

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