I have a city in another world

Chapter 4494: Thunder Strike

Chapter 4494: Thunder Strike
Lou Cheng welcomes people with a smile, and those who come are considered guests.

He didn't take the benefits and didn't share them, and he didn't deliberately show that the baby was disgusting to others. As long as he followed the rules of Loucheng, every monk could get benefits.

Although it is essentially an exchange, the advantage lies with the seller. If Lou Cheng is unwilling, outside practitioners can only stare blankly.

Lou Cheng's approach should not be excessive. You cannot get huge benefits without paying any price.

Especially in the practice world, don't even think about taking advantage, otherwise you may suffer a big loss.

Of course, there is also a way, which is to steal and plunder, and get what you want from Lou Cheng.

It is not easy to do business without capital, especially when the sufferer is a strong person, and if you are not careful, you will get yourself involved.

A real strongman actually pays more attention to rules when doing things, and True Monarch Aries is like this.

True Lord Aries has a low reputation and is usually very low-key, and will not easily get involved in disputes in the spiritual world.

Retreating and cultivating painstakingly, only seeking longevity.

True Monarch Aries is quite satisfied with the rules formulated by Loucheng, which not only achieved the expected purpose, but also avoided disputes.

He knew very well that there were countless monks secretly paying attention to him at the moment, including some of the True Monarchs of Transformation Infants.

They stared at themselves, waiting for a conflict with Lou Cheng, and then took the opportunity to seek various benefits.

True Monarch Aries sees clearly, and he doesn't want to be used by others, but there are some things that he has to do because they are related to longevity in the fairy world.

Fortunately, Lou Cheng was generous in his work and got satisfactory results. True Lord Aries naturally cooperated in everything.

It is considered to be taking this opportunity to help Loucheng publicize and send a warning to those who have evil intentions.

Aries, who was obsessed with studying, soon stopped paying attention to other things, and finally jumped out of the whirlpool.

However, his performance had caused enough influence, and the publicity of monk Loucheng made the practitioners even more eager to move.

Are secretly tangled, in the end how to do it?

If you choose to register, it is tantamount to disclosing your identity, and even being controlled by Lou Cheng at all times.

Aries True Monarch is powerful, so he is naturally fearless, even if he is positioned by Lou Cheng, he doesn't care.

They are different, they are not qualified to challenge and talk to Lou Cheng, and their identities are even shameful.

It was originally for lurking, quietly waiting for the opportunity to act, how can you easily reveal your identity?

But the crux of the problem is that there are too many benefits after signing up, and it is even more conducive to spying on intelligence information.

Appropriate sacrifices are necessary at this time.

In a short period of time, these monks made up their minds that it was necessary to send some members out of the darkness and stand under the sun.

It is up to them to go out and obtain various information about Loucheng, and then quietly inform their accomplices.

As long as Lou Cheng doesn't find out, their situation is safe.

Practitioners who have not registered need to face the search of monks in Loucheng, and the situation is obviously more difficult.

The plan was quickly finalized and implemented immediately.

Soon some practitioners came to the monks in Loucheng and asked about their needs for identity registration.

Cultivator Loucheng had a gentle smile and warmly received all the inquirers without any difficulty.

The cultivators who stood up all applied for their identity certificates as they wished, and they couldn't wait to exercise their authority.

Due to the special building city system, it is difficult to obtain information. Now that there is finally a channel to obtain it, it is natural to use it as soon as possible.

After the information is obtained, there will naturally be means to distinguish the true from the false.

In a short period of time, dozens of monks registered their identities, and then the registration office became deserted.

Cultivator Loucheng could see clearly and knew that there were many monks hidden in the crowd, but he just smiled and said nothing as if he didn't know.

Occasionally, he would look at the sky, then lower his head and reveal a meaningful smile.

No one saw at all that behind the clouds above the transportation square, there was a huge invisible thing suspended.

Those cultivators who hide in front of the crowd and think they are very secretive have actually been secretly marked.

The marker is a special light beam that is invisible to the naked eye and cannot be sensed by the spiritual consciousness. It can form residue after being irradiated on an object.

Unless the energy mark is discovered and deliberately eliminated, the remaining time will be quite long-lasting.

This is like a game of cat and mouse. When the mouse thinks it is hiding well, it has actually fallen into the sight of the old cat.

Once the time is right, the killing will begin immediately.

While the practitioners were watching and waiting, there was new news that other state capitals in Daqi had also set up teleportation arrays.

Judging from the location and frequency of the arrangement, it is clear that Loucheng intends to arrange all the state capitals of Daqi.

Daqi has a total of [-] state capitals, which means that [-] teleportation arrays will be arranged. In some special places, there may be additional hidden teleportation arrays.

Such an operation really surprised the practitioners, but it was enough to explain one thing.

In Loucheng's hands, there must be more than one teleportation array, and it is very likely that he has mastered the manufacturing method.

If the teleportation array is an orphan, the value is naturally immeasurable, but if there are a lot of them, the value will be greatly reduced.

At least in the short term, there is no need to take desperate risks.

The practitioners' attention was distracted, and they no longer stared at the teleportation array, because they had more choices.

The Loucheng cultivators who guarded the teleportation array were less stressed, and they no longer had the feeling of staring at them like a tiger before.

The sudden turmoil in the practice world has gradually become more stable, at least on the surface it does seem so.

But in the dark, all the major camps have already launched their actions, like a group of mosquitoes and flies, rushing straight to the fragrant Loucheng.

The real monarch at the level of transformed infant is still very low-key, as if he doesn't know about this matter.

This is obviously an illusion. Compared with those low-level monks, Huaying Zhenjun cares more about things related to the teleportation array.

Behind various actions, it is very likely that they are adding fuel to the flames.

Just like a confrontation on the chessboard, now that the enemy has made a move, Lou Cheng will never remain silent.

Silently, a large number of monks in Loucheng started to move, using various aircraft and teleportation arrays to travel, and dispersed in the territory of Daqi in a very short time.

As if his eyes were opened, he went straight to different folk places to arrest those practitioners who had not registered.

The calm atmosphere was broken, and the battle broke out in an instant. The hidden practitioners would definitely not stand still, and most of them chose to resist with all their strength.

But when they actually fought, the hidden people were shocked to find that the monk Loucheng was so terrifying.

They are divided into two types. One type wears black uniforms and uses various weird weapons. Although their methods are a bit unfamiliar, their action style is quite brave.

It's not that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers and act impulsively and recklessly, but that they have a kind of persistence and madness towards the task.

It seems that he is trying his best to complete the capture mission, even if it means sacrifice, he doesn't care.

Those who are soft are afraid of those who are hard, those who are hard are afraid of those who are stunned, and those who are stunned are afraid of death.

Encountering this kind of lunatic Lengtouqing, the hidden people had such a headache that they didn't dare to fight to the death.

There are also some practitioners, wearing fully enclosed helmets and uniform cloaks, they are more calm and spicy, like poisonous snakes peeping from the dark.

Compared with those Lengtouqing, the occult is more afraid of the helmet monks, and even faintly has a strange sense of familiarity.

The Loucheng monks in both costumes are well equipped, they cooperate closely, and they are quite familiar with the hidden people's routines.

When the two sides confront each other, within three or two rounds, the hidden person will be suppressed and captured.

Being put in a ring of confinement, he was immediately transformed into a useless person, even unable to bind a chicken with his hands.

I was extremely frightened and embarrassed, but I had no choice but to let it be manipulated.

After the hidden person is captured, he will be escorted to Loucheng immediately, and then contact will be completely lost.

Even if you use secret magic to contact him, you won't get any response at all.

When fish pass through a thousand-layer net, there are always some people who are well hidden and can avoid being caught by the Loucheng monks.

After they were frightened, they either fled in panic or hid themselves deeper.

Lou Cheng's methods are too terrifying, no one wants to be arrested and then reduced to a state of complete loss of contact.

This operation lasted for three days, and the country of Daqi, which was originally full of undercurrents, became extremely quiet in an instant.

In the eyes of outside practitioners, the seemingly peaceful territory of Daqi is now like a dragon's pond and a tiger's den.

(End of this chapter)

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