I have a city in another world

Chapter 4610 Search with all your strength

Chapter 4610 Search with all your strength
The abandoned teleportation array at the bottom of the sea was finally salvaged and sent to the Loucheng Academy of Sciences for analysis and deciphering.

An ancient teleportation array like this, even if it has been completely destroyed, still has a research and reference effect.

Especially in the eyes of experts, an insignificant part may have inestimable value.

Now that you have the opportunity, there is no reason to give up.

Although Loucheng also has a teleportation array, and it is used in daily life, there is a big difference between the two.

The teleportation array used by Loucheng must rely on Loucheng to exist, just like each household appliance, it must have a good enough power supply to run Liu Hanyan

Without the building city, these teleportation arrays cannot function at all and can only be reduced to a bunch of useless decorations.

Even until now, Loucheng has only obtained the right to use the teleportation array and the modular assembly method.

Once the teleportation array is damaged, it cannot be repaired and built at all.

According to Tang Zhen's conjecture, Cornerstone Platform must have relevant technology, but it has never provided it.

Naturally, there is a reason for this, perhaps because he feels that Loucheng's level is too low, and he is not yet qualified to have access to the knowledge related to the teleportation array.

Only by managing one-third of an acre of land can you be qualified to plot more, otherwise you will be greedy for more than you can eat.

It is the greatest waste to leave precious resources in your hands but fail to function.

For such an arrangement, Tang Zhenju agreed with both hands.

The Cornerstone platform has its own judgment, and it can help in some aspects, but it has to rely on itself in many aspects.

Cornerstone Platform hopes that Loucheng will grow rapidly, but it will never do anything to encourage growth, which will only cultivate a deformed and fragile monster.

It looks very strong, but it can't stand the wind and rain at all.

It became necessary to recover the teleportation array and disassemble it for research.

For the Loucheng monks of the Academy of Sciences, this is definitely a very important and arduous task. Although they know it is very difficult, they are very excited and full of confidence in success.

Once the task is successfully completed, it will definitely be a milestone for the members of the Loucheng Academy of Sciences.

Venerable Aries was even more so. He told Tang Zhen in public that he would definitely complete the cracking task.

If necessary, he can even issue military orders.

Being able to have such confidence naturally comes from the strength of the Cornerstone platform. All kinds of knowledge required by the Academy of Sciences can be purchased through points.

Although it is progressive knowledge that requires step-by-step learning, it will not have any impact on the members of the Academy of Sciences.

They need this way to enrich themselves step by step, instead of the spoon-feeding indoctrination like before.

In the initial stage of the establishment of the building city, some extreme promotion methods can be used, but once it really grows, it is necessary to abandon these operations with hidden dangers.

Regarding this aspect, Loucheng residents and Tang Zhen have the same consensus. They can tolerate opportunism in the early stage, but they cannot always be like this.

Tang Zhen doesn't particularly care about how the Academy of Sciences completes its tasks. He has long been used to delegating power and handing over various tasks to the residents under him.

As the master of the building city, you just need to wait for the result.

Today's Loucheng is considered to be the number one in the lower realm, and it is time to start the next plan.

The next thing Tang Zhen has to do is to find the Five Elements Spirit Orb and fulfill the conditions required to be promoted to the fifth-level building city.

Although he already possesses the water spirit beads, it doesn't mean that the other four series of spirit beads are easy to find. They each have their own magical features, and the difficulty of finding them is also frighteningly high.

If it is easy to find, it is impossible to keep it until now. I am afraid that it has already become the possession of all the clans in the upper realm.

The biggest advantage of Loucheng is that it has become the lord of the lower world. There is no place that Loucheng monks cannot go.

If there is a need, there is no hesitation in destroying mountains and rivers.

No matter how big the disturbance is, there is no need to worry about causing trouble. If it is really necessary, it will not hesitate to destroy the whole world.

With such strength and confidence, it will naturally become much easier to find the five series of spirit beads.

The senior monks in Loucheng all received the same mission to find the Five Elements Spirit Pearl at all costs.

Relevant intelligence information can be consulted at any time, and you can even apply for assistance from Loucheng when performing relevant tasks.

It should be known that apart from the deep sea, there are many dangerous forbidden places in the lower world, and ordinary monks are simply unable to explore them.

If you want to enter it, you must be fully prepared.

The Five Elements Lingzhu is related to Loucheng's promotion, and even his own life, so Tang Zhen naturally won't be stingy.

The resources that need to be invested are all top-level configurations, and if necessary, he can also personally help out.

The two tasks were carried out at the same time, and Loucheng became busy again.

Those residents who joined Loucheng not long ago and only practiced Qi cultivation were also sent out to perform tasks.

When a huge machine is running, every component is very important. The process of continuous learning and running-in is actually a kind of precious growth.

Today's external environment is very suitable for them to hone and grow. There may be risks, but there is definitely no risk to their lives.

Tang Zhen no longer squatted guarding the tower city, but wandered around on a warship, visited great rivers and mountains, and enjoyed all kinds of top-level delicacies.

In today's lower world, he is the well-deserved number one monk, and he no longer needs to be as cautious as in the past.

From time to time, he would even engage in friendly discussions with the Loucheng monks to enhance his combat capabilities.

Although Tang Zhen knew very well that most of the battles would not involve him, he must not slack off in honing his skills.

Without thousands of days of accumulation, it would be impossible to be able to fight with ease. To have realm but no strength is by no means the ideal state that Tang Zhen wants.

When Tang Zhen was patrolling around, practitioners from the upper realm also followed in search of the Five Elements Lingzhu.

It wasn't that they took the initiative to participate, but Tang Zhen offered the invitation.

Compared with the Loucheng monks, the upper realm monks have more experience. When they get excellent search conditions, they may really have unexpected and gratifying gains.

Even if the Lingzhu is found, it has nothing to do with them. All the treasures in the lower realm belong to Loucheng, and the discoverers will only get corresponding rewards.

Like it or not, it's not negotiable at all.

Although I am reluctant in every way, I really have no choice now. Instead of staying in Loucheng and waiting, it is better to look for opportunities outside.

Through this period of contact, the monks in the upper realm have learned more about Loucheng, and know that points can be exchanged for many precious treasures.

There are many elixirs among them, even among the various medicines in the true spirit world, they are scarce items with prices but no market.

But it's different inside Loucheng. As long as they have enough points, ordinary residents can also redeem them freely.

In order to increase the enthusiasm of the monks in the upper world, Tang Zhen even issued a special order to allow monks of all races in the true spirit world to obtain points.

Except for some special items, all other materials can be freely exchanged without any quantity restrictions.

After this news was announced, a group of monks from the true spirit world were overjoyed. They coveted those treasures for a long time, and now they finally had the chance to obtain them.

Compared with those fleeting chances, the immediate benefits are real. As long as you can earn enough points, you will get what you want sooner or later.

Even without these rewards, they did not dare to refuse easily. After all, this lower realm is the territory of Loucheng, and Tang Zhen can even decide their life and death.

Not to mention that only Lou Cheng has the means to deal with parasitic beasts, which is why they must make friends with obedience.

There is one more thing that worries the monks in the upper realm.

Tang Zhen did not deliberately conceal the news related to Venerable Motong, and it soon spread to everyone.

The monks in the upper realm were shocked and envious, and at the same time deeply worried. The Lingmu tribe was already strong enough, and now they have gained preparation time in advance.

This is a huge advantage, and it is likely to affect the structure of the entire true spirit world.

Thinking that after a few years, they finally returned to the true spirit world, but everything was completely different, they felt shuddering.

(End of this chapter)

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