I have a city in another world

Chapter 4623: Still have to wait for the opportunity

Chapter 4623: Still have to wait for the opportunity

In a daze of consciousness, Tang Zhen returned to normal.

Looking at everything around him, and recalling the experience just now, Tang Zhen couldn't help but secretly marvel at himself.

If a game can do this, what's the difference between it and real life?
Moreover, he seriously doubted that he had really descended into another world before and replaced the young native.

It's not that the body is coming, that would be too difficult, and it is absolutely impossible to complete the transmission in an instant.

It is possible to transfer the consciousness to seize the body.

So the most likely possibility is that Tang Zhen's consciousness came to that strange planet through the game server.

Thinking of this possibility, Tang Zhen smiled.

This planet game server was indeed worth the money, allowing him to experience a different kind of joy.

If the character didn't need to rest and now was not the time to act, Tang Zhen would definitely continue the game.

I used my spiritual sense to look through it and found that there were dragon bones hidden inside, but most of them were rotten.

If they hide and seek and insist on refusing to show up, it is really difficult to find them.

After checking at the construction site and confirming that there were no problems, Tang Zhen was about to take back his spiritual thoughts.

As a top-notch treasure of luck, the five-series spirit beads possess thinking and intelligence, and they must not be treated as ordinary things.

After connecting to the game server, the consciousness became trance, and it fell on the indigenous youth in an instant.

It is only because Lou Ling will record and analyze, give warnings, instructions and supervision, and has the authority to make judgments.

Such a tight defense may be to guard against attacks by forest savages. Once an unexpected situation occurs, they can quickly launch a fierce counterattack.

This kind of ostentatious behavior is more or less related to the nature of youth, and it is harmless.

Hidden in a hidden location, as long as someone approaches, the device will directly emit a rapid alarm sound.

Don't say it for nothing, such behavior is simply not advisable.

I checked my body and confirmed that there were no problems and that I had returned to my best condition.

Those precious metal essences were collected and refined by the monks in Loucheng, and made into standard metal ingots.

As a result, at this moment, a huge figure was discovered hidden among the metal thorns.

Unexpectedly, there was a huge thing hidden inside, which was somewhat beyond Tang Zhen's expectation.

The initial smoothness made it difficult for Tang Zhen to accept the current results, but he knew very well that this was the normal state.

Although Lou Cheng never thought about making money when he served the residents, but with such a large batch of costless weapon refining materials, Lou Cheng couldn't do it even if he didn't want to make money.

Tang Zhen has a hobby. Whenever he encounters strange and big things, he always likes to place them in the building city as a scenery.

The shape is ferocious and ferocious, not only has the sharp edge unique to Jin Jing, but also has the terrifying aura of a dragon-shaped giant beast.

In this special mode, every time I do my best, I am actually responsible for myself and approaching a higher and stronger standard.

Nowadays, if monks in Loucheng want to obtain cultivation materials, they must use points to purchase them.

Once encountering obstacles, they will inevitably use stronger means to remove all obstacles blocking the way.

They think that such behavior is a commemoration of the past. No matter how far they go in the future and what kind of brilliance they gain, they cannot forget the road they have traveled and the hardships they have suffered.

"This thing is good, don't break it up yet, it can be placed in the building as a sculpture."

After brewing a pot of fragrant tea, he checked the situation in the underground space and found that the collection work was still going on.

When the monks in Loucheng need it, they can buy it with points and use it as a material for refining equipment.

Some of the giant monsters of the Sea Clan were gutted to nothing but their shells, and now they are placed in the building for everyone to admire.

Loucheng's investment regardless of cost is an elite model, and it seems that the results are gratifying so far.

This is true for raising children, and it is also true for raising monks.

Loucheng residents also admire this kind of behavior.

In the previous battle with Jin Lingzhu, the opponent gathered gold essence and turned into a giant. Because of insufficient materials, they uprooted all the metal plants.

In the following time, Tang Zhen continued to release his spiritual thoughts, looking for clues related to the Earth and Wood Lingzhu.

He always felt that these things could highlight his achievements and let outsiders know the dangers he had experienced.

Because of the real dragon's bone, the metal giant dragon possesses dragon power, far stronger than those monsters like centipedes.

On the grass under the lamp, the insects were densely packed, and the number was frightening.

Thinking of this, Tang Zhen decided to rest and play a game first.

If he were a savage, he might have been exposed at this moment.

Light up more skills to deal with greater challenges.

Fortunately, in a short period of time, Tang Zhen adjusted his lost mentality and stopped being too obsessed with gains and losses.

Looking outside the tree hole, it was indeed dark, but the place not far from the big tree was brightly lit at the moment.

After having the keel, and using gold essence as the flesh and blood, a giant metal dragon was formed from this.

Wearing grass-green clothing, carrying a communicator and a messenger bag, and holding weapons such as automatic rifles in his hands.

With excellent night vision equipment and extremely lethal weapons, the wildlings in the forest can never come back.

Thinking of gaining enough points to unlock more skills, Tang Zhen immediately became excited.

One piece weighs only two grams, and is in the shape of a rectangular piece, engraved with words and weight.

If residents want to earn points, they must work hard to complete tasks, and they must not be perfunctory.

After observing carefully for a while, Tang Zhen found two more secret whistles.

Tang Zhen observed carefully and saw several sentries looking around vigilantly.

The hidden enemy secret sentry will also patrol the first time and attack suspicious targets.

There is no shortage of tasks in Loucheng, and there is always He's own type.

It can be properly helped, but it must not exceed the limit, otherwise a lot of hard work will only cultivate a bunch of waste.

It's not uncommon for Sheng Mi to fight Mi Qiu, this kind of thing is not uncommon, and the same is true in the practice world.

He knew very well in his heart that it was absolutely impossible for a group that dared to wantonly destroy the jungle and send mercenaries to kill savages to have only these methods in front of them.

Those decayed and missing places were filled and reinforced with gold essence to prevent them from breaking and shattering due to shock.

In the case of holding technological equipment, once the two sides have a night battle, the mercenary side has an obvious advantage.

After taking a closer look, I realized that it turned out to be a giant metal dragon with three pairs of metal wings from large to small on its back, as well as a long, knotted tail.

There is still plenty of time, so there is no need to rush, keep looking hard, maybe a surprise will appear in the next moment.

Judging from their clothes, they are far more professional than lumberjacks, and they are obviously mercenaries of the group.

Seeing these mercenaries, Tang Zhen became more and more excited. Hunting them would definitely lead to higher points.

When children are young, they can be raised regardless of the cost, but when they grow up, they must be self-reliant.

There are still a small number of people who were able to survive because they were far away from the battlefield.

Those bright headlights illuminated the entire construction site, attracting countless mosquitoes.

Although he knew this, Tang Zhen still had no intention of giving up. He wanted to take advantage of the night to harvest heads so as to accumulate more points.

The closer it gets to the last moment, the harder it will be to crack the bone, especially when Tu Mu Lingzhu realizes the crisis, he will subconsciously hide himself.

The clues left behind may also be deliberately removed.

The appearance is so exquisite, which means that the price is not expensive.

After estimating the time, the game world should be at night, which is the best time to start operations.

Under the cover of night, Tang Zhen quietly approached the camp, and soon he found the alarm equipment.

Twelve full hours, but without any useful gains.

Tang Zhen was able to carefully avoid it, slipped through the gap, and hid behind a large tractor.

A smoking mercenary nearby became Tang Zhen's hunting target. When the opponent was distracted, a dagger pierced his heart from behind.

Tang Zhen covered the other person's mouth, let him struggle in his arms for a few moments, and then dragged him silently into the shadows.

After waiting for a minute, he put the opponent's body by the car, and approached No. 1 mercenary like a ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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