I have a city in another world

Chapter 4626 Forced to transfer

Chapter 4626 Forced to transfer
Tang Zhen was not obsessed with fighting. When he found that nothing could be done, he decisively chose to retreat.

Knowing that it is a volcanic magma lake, but insisting on jumping in and swimming around, that is purely suicidal.

These frightened mercenaries are not people who can be manipulated by others. When they choose to retreat and defend, it is indeed difficult to find opportunities to act.

Peeping in the dark for a while, until the sound of an aircraft came, Tang Zhen decisively retreated across the river.

In the following time, he groped and returned to the tribe in the jungle according to the information in his memory.

If nothing goes wrong, the mercenaries will soon launch revenge, and Tang Zhen must inform the carrier's clan members.

Previous battles have proved that these forest wildlings are no match for an enemy armed with guns.

If it weren't for the river bank and the dense forest cover, I'm afraid they would have been killed by those lumberjacks long ago.

Not to mention that after dawn, more powerful enemies will be ushered in. Those mercenaries from the group are all executioners with bloody hands.

They are not very powerful, but they are better at bullying people, using sophisticated equipment to crush primitive tribes that only have bows, arrows and spears.

Near a hill, Tang Zhen found a hidden tribe.

The atmosphere in the tribe at this moment was gloomy, because many people had died in the previous battle, and almost all of them were young and middle-aged men.

For the tribe, this was definitely a fatal blow and it took a long time to recover.

If there is another accident, it is likely to lead to genocide.

Seeing that Tang Zhen returned safely, the tribe members stood up and approached him to express their condolences.

The emotions expressed are simple and sincere.

The equipment on Tang Zhen also attracted the attention of the tribe members, who kept reaching out to gesture and ask questions.

"It's very dangerous here, we must escape quickly!"

Facing the people who were looking at him, Tang Zhen issued a stern warning and described the power of the enemy.

The previous battles let the tribe members know that what Tang Zhen said was true, but they were unwilling to leave.

"We can hide in the forest, with the protection of our ancestors and gods, and the enemy will not find our tribe."

An old clansman said in an affirmative tone, confident in the tribe's hiding place.

The other tribe members nodded in agreement, and then began to tell their own experiences, saying that they had been lost in the forest several times and could not find the location of the tribe.

They are all like this, and others will definitely not be able to find them.

This group of overconfident savages didn't know the enemy's methods, and firmly believed that they would be protected by the gods.

Tang Zhen knew in his heart that this was just deceiving himself.

There should be many savage tribes with the same thought, but they will all end up in ashes in the end.

Their simple thinking can no longer resist this complex society, and they are destined to be bullied and played.

Looking at those turbid eyes, but they were so pure, Tang Zhen only felt a little sad.

The ignorance and superstition of the savages has nothing to do with their own qualities, but is simply influenced by the surrounding environment.

Poverty and ignorance are an inheritance from which there is no chance of getting rid of them except by constant effort.

If they were educated from an early age and exposed to all kinds of knowledge of modern civilization, the performance of the savages might be even better.

However, the reality has already been doomed, it is impossible for them to have such an opportunity, not only do they not have the opportunity to obtain it, but they are constantly losing it.

Losing your God-given possessions, losing your home, and eventually even losing your life.

For these forest savages, Tang Zhen had a compassionate attitude and would provide help within his ability.

Facing a group of ignorant savages, Tang Zhen began to explain seriously to let them know the terror of the enemy.

"They have strange eagles made of iron that can fly very high in the sky, launch attacks from high up to kill people, and share what they see with the enemies on the ground."

"The weapons in their hands can shoot farther than bows and arrows, and have stronger penetrating power. They can easily break a person's head."

"They have communication equipment, even if they are separated by a long distance, they can communicate freely, but we can only rely on shouting, which will expose our position."

"They also have night vision equipment that can see people's souls at night. No matter how you hide, it's useless because the branches and leaves of trees cannot block the light and shadow of the soul..."

At this moment, all the tribe members gathered around Tang Zhen, listening to him talk about the various terrifying equipment of the enemy.

The tribesmen who had participated in the battle recalled the scene at that time, combined with Tang Zhen's narration, and all of them had shocked expressions on their faces.

They began to believe in Tang Zhen, because what he told was exactly in line with what happened. No wonder the enemy is so powerful and their own side suffers a disastrous defeat.

Such a powerful enemy, they are indeed no match.

There are also some old and weak people who are already trembling at this moment. Such a powerful enemy is simply beyond their ability to fight.

Seeing this scene, Tang Zhen said loudly to everyone: "Just tomorrow morning, before the sun rises, the enemy will launch an attack through the morning fog.

Knowing the location of the tribe, they will definitely approach quietly, and then kill everyone here. "

The clansmen, who were already terrified, became even more terrified when they heard the words. They waved their arms helplessly, trying to hug themselves and others.

There are also some children, whose faces are full of tears, terrified by the imminent death.

"Don't be afraid, we can leave temporarily, so that the enemy has no way to succeed.

You can choose a new place, live there for a while, and then think about what to do next. "

If you can't fight, you can always hide. As long as you don't confront the invaders head-on, these wildlings should be able to live for a while longer.

However, this piece of forest is destined to be trampled and disappear from the surface of the earth in pieces.

Those animals and plants will also disappear, at least not in a short period of time.

Hearing Tang Zhen's suggestion, the clansmen immediately nodded and went back to pack their belongings.

They don't have many things, but they are unwilling to give up any of them. In this virgin forest, it is very difficult to obtain every living material.

The tribe inhabited is the result of countless generations of management, and it is a wealth passed down from generation to generation.

Now that I am forced to give up, I am naturally very reluctant to give up.

In the sound of crying and crying, the clansmen gathered together again, carrying various things on their backs.

Regardless of whether it is useful or not, try to carry it with you as much as possible. The thin body is even a little overwhelmed, giving people a funny feeling.

Tang Zhen nodded, and checked again to make sure that there were no missing personnel.

Immediately afterwards, he was responsible for opening the way, leading the tribe through the jungle, and slowly moving forward.

Although they live in the forest, the savages also have their own range of activities. The farthest place they have been to is an area three to five days away from home.

The route taken at this moment is not in the memory of the owner of this body, and there is even some fear in the subconscious.

It seems that there are some bad things ahead of this route.

The fellow clansmen were also talking non-stop, and most of the content was related to wild beasts and devils.

Tang Zhen didn't care, and was even a little curious.

Going all the way in this way, from midnight to dawn, they finally came to a big river.

At this moment, the morning light is slightly dew, and there is no grass growing on the wide river beach, and the river is surging with white waves.

On the other side of the same wide and flat river, there is a large area of ​​simple and simple buildings, with a sense of vicissitudes of history, looming under the cover of vines and trees.

On the peaks on both sides, there are also huge statues of gods and demons, distributed along the cliffs cut by knives and axes, the height may be five to sixty meters.

Such a spectacular sight stunned a group of savages, who knelt on the ground and kowtowed and prayed continuously.

Tang Zhen was also a little shocked. He didn't expect that there would be such a magnificent building complex deep in this dense forest.

If nothing unexpected happens, this must be a lost ancient civilization. After being dusted for an unknown period of time, it has now reappeared in front of the world.

(End of this chapter)

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