I have a city in another world

Chapter 4628 Players' Actions

Chapter 4628 Players' Actions
"This game is so real, it's completely like the real world!"

A muscular native touched his muscles and couldn't help but admire him.

"Yes, you can also take off your pants and pee."

Someone echoed loudly and held up his pants with his hands, looking around for a rope that could be used as a belt.

"Does any brother know how to make money in the game? Can you share it and discuss it?"

There are also players rubbing their hands together and looking around with glowing eyes, obviously looking for ways to make a fortune.

Hundreds of people gathered on the river beach, and everyone was talking to each other, and it must have been a chaotic scene.

Tang Zhen stood aside, quietly watching.

He didn't reveal his identity, which would lose the fun, and the residents of Loucheng didn't know that his city lord was by his side.

While a group of residents were chatting and investigating, Tang Zhen used his authority to issue the first collective task.

Before long, the food was ready and a large group was sharing.

It weighs three hundred kilograms, which is enough for players to fill their stomachs.

But in their hearts, they were still full of vigilance and did not dare to approach easily.

The tribesmen are very wary of players who suddenly appear. In their minds, strangers from the same tribe are also dangerous.

The operation mode of Loucheng also made them get used to accepting tasks and took it for granted.

Anyone who wants to drink can take it from a bamboo tube.

After being busy for so long, everyone was already hungry, and from time to time they would pick wild fruits to satisfy their hunger.

And a series of transformations were carried out using the ancient city site to cope with enemy attacks.

This is another advantage of Loucheng. No matter what skills you learn, you can practice them in a special illusion.

For players, it is not a big deal. It is just a game and there is no need to pay too much attention to it.

I thought the other party would be hesitant, but as soon as the invitation was sent out, a group of savages eagerly gathered around.

It's just a game, so you don't need to pay too much attention to it. Even if it's in the real world, they won't skimp on a meal.

So what if you fail, the big deal is to start over.

Tang Zhen took a sip, the taste was sweet and sour, with a fragrance of weeds.

Seeing that the food was so popular, several chefs were very happy and took the initiative to go over and talk to the savages.

They were terrified and hid in the forest, ready to escape at any time.

The fierce posture matches the character he plays very well.

After another two hours of busy work, someone came to send a message, and it was already time for dinner.

One said they were setting up traps, another said they were collecting poison, some were building crossbows, and still others were looking for food.

In the past time, players have completed tasks such as setting traps, collecting food, and making weapons.

Use this ancient city to fight against the incoming invaders.

While waiting for the food, the players got another harvest. Using the homemade dam and fishing gear, they caught a lot of big fish.

The tribal savages who had had a good meal didn't ask Tang Zhen to greet them at all, so they took the initiative to follow and work together.

It didn't take long for a group of players to make a decision and divide into different teams to take action.

Tools are needed to work, but the players are unarmed.

It is quite good food when put on a bare wooden stick and smoked on a fire.

As natives, they have nothing and have to rely on themselves for everything.

Although it is already night, the players all have night vision capabilities, so their normal actions will not be greatly affected.

In such a wilderness, it is quite a treat to drink such a refreshing natural drink.

If the enemy wants to cross, he must pay a heavy price.

There was even wild honey, packed in a water jar found from somewhere, mixed with the juice of various wild grasses and wild fruits.

Fortunately, Tang Zhen came forward and explained the origin of the players to them, claiming that they were a group of avengers whose homes had been destroyed.

When encountering anything, he will find a way to solve it, and he is not afraid of any danger.

In addition, they also saw that Tang Zhen's status was a bit special and they were not willing to cause trouble on such trivial matters.

Not far from here, a group of tribal savages gathered, looking at them with curious and envious eyes.

The dense forest near the ancient city is actually the best place to decorate.

Although the conditions are terrible, this group of residents in Loucheng cannot be intimidated, and they even find it very challenging.

Without extensive experience, it is difficult to discover these fatal mechanisms.

Because it was a group task, everyone was a collaborator, so they immediately got together to figure out a solution.

It is originally full of murderous intent and contains all kinds of poisonous insects and dangers. If it is carefully arranged, it will immediately turn into a green hell.

The moment the task was announced, hundreds of people on the river bank shut up at the same time, and they were all checking the content of the task attentively.

All this is just the beginning, and it is far from reaching expectations.

After the training of Loucheng, the residents who were just ordinary people now have undergone radical changes.

After eating and drinking, everyone continued to work.

It is also very clear in my heart that these strangers are all partners, fighting against those terrible intruders.

If not, it would be almost impossible to get the savages to hand over their weapons.

There are also a few guys who caught snakes and lizards, peeled off their skins and devoured them directly.

For the residents of Loucheng, this is just an ordinary meal, but because it is in the game world, it seems a little special.

We all have a common enemy and are friends in the same camp.

The flavor released by the barbecue makes their mouths water.

There is rock salt ground into powder, and hot sauce made into a paste. Although it doesn't look good, it tastes really good.

Returning to the river beach in front of the ancient city, they saw players gathering together and a beast being roasted on a fire.

They took advantage of the terrain and set up traps one after another, which perfectly blended into the surrounding environment.

Act decisively and decisively without any delay.

Now that the enemy is strong and we are weak, we can only passively defend and inflict as much damage to the enemy as possible.

There are three players next to the fire, cooperating with each other to barbecue, and from time to time they will apply various natural seasonings.

Tang Zhen personally came forward to borrow all the knives in the tribe and distribute them to players in need.

When there are many people playing together, it will be more interesting. Chatting and working together, the sky will be slightly brighter soon.

Fights and fights between savage tribes for various reasons are also commonplace.

The various scenes in the fantasy world are no different from the real world, so it is easy to hone the skills.

Tang Zhen mixed in and followed to set up traps.

There are also some players gathered in front of the big rock to discuss the progress of the project and the next deployment.

Tang Zhen briefly described the enemy's situation, and informed the enemy that they had drones and guns, and that there was strong logistical support behind them.

There is not much time left, and intruders may appear at any time and launch a merciless attack.

They are so self-conscious, of course, not out of gratitude, but for the convenience of continuing to eat.

For the indigenous savages, this meal was extremely delicious, and everyone ate with smiles and hands dancing.

The residents responsible for setting up traps are all experts in this field. They have learned relevant knowledge and participated in actual combat training.

When the surrounding players saw this, they just looked at it with smiles, without any dissatisfaction.

Tang Zhen walked over and invited a group of savages to come for a dinner, saying that they would not be harmed.

This group of players is really good, in a short period of time, they found the right condiment,
In addition, there are many wild fruits, washed by the river water and placed on broad leaves.

The savages were happy to be able to help.

In the following time, he was constantly busy, and one job after another was completed one after another.

In the evening, in the forest on the other side of the river, a black smoke suddenly rose slowly.

This is the signal released by the scouts. When the black smoke rises, it means that the enemy has appeared in the field of vision.

(End of this chapter)

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