I have a city in another world

Chapter 4632 The joy of players

Chapter 4632 The joy of players
In a corner inside the ancient city, a group of players poked their heads around, observing the movements of the mercenaries.

The fierce battle was suspended, and both sides were panting and preparing, waiting for the start of the next wave of battle.

There is no need to negotiate, and there is a tacit understanding between each other, especially when a few wildlings tried to attack but were killed by the mercenaries, they honestly stopped attacking.

Taking stock of the war gains, some people are happy while others are sad.

Those players who felt happy, naturally because they had harvested enough heads, lit up the first or second skill one after another.

Lighting up the first skill is actually very easy, just kill an enemy.

There are two professions to choose from, one is the warrior and the other is the wizard.

Some players choose fighters because of their ability to assassinate and fight, while some players choose wizards because of their witchcraft skills.

All kinds of poisonous insects that are controlled are released by wildling wizards, and they can hide in a distance to avoid harm.

Compared with fighters, wizards' methods of controlling poisonous insects are more insidious, and their killing efficiency is also higher.

However, if you are approached, you may be in danger.

In a complex battlefield, wizards need warrior-type wildlings to provide protection and cooperate with each other.

Compared with fighters, wizards upgrade at a slower rate, but once they grow up, their combat effectiveness will be considerable.

How to choose depends entirely on the players themselves, the game does not have any restrictions.

It is also possible to study both departments at the same time. Warriors can light up the skills of wizards, and wizards can also learn skills of fighters.

It's just that in this way, it will inevitably consume a lot of experience, and the more you need in the later stage.

Unless there is some way to kill a large number of enemies and gain enough experience, otherwise it will only end up in a situation of no top and no bottom.

It's not as good as the top, and it's not much better than the bottom.

How to operate depends on how the player chooses, everything is voluntary.

The fun of this game has been demonstrated through combat.

The players who have tasted the benefits, their eyes are shining at this moment, and they are all planning to harvest more heads.

When they entered the game before, they had already received a reminder that the higher the level they had, the more heads they harvested, and the more benefits they would get.

Facts have also proven that a high enough level can make it easier for them to kill enemies.

It's just a temporary victory, and it doesn't represent the final outcome.

The battlefield situation is very unfavorable for the savages. Once they fight head-on, they will still be suppressed by the mercenaries.

Not to mention these enemies, they may call for reinforcements at any time.

In the next battle, you have to use tricks, you must not fight recklessly, let alone just float away with a little achievement.

Otherwise, if you are not careful, you may lose the war.

There are also some players who are downcast at the moment, with angry expressions on their faces.

The reason is also very simple. When others harvest heads, they lose their lives.

Although it can be resurrected quickly, everything will start again, and the best opportunities will often be missed.

If you want to catch up again, it will definitely take a lot of effort.

The rules are like this, every player must abide by them, even if they are full of unwillingness, they can only accept it obediently.

The only thing that makes them dissatisfied is that free rebirth is only limited to three times. After three times, Loucheng points must be consumed for rebirth.

The purpose of this should be to restrict players so as not to squander the rebirth quota.

The reborn players gathered together at this moment, whispering and communicating with each other in a small voice.

Whenever a player gets close, they will deliberately dodge, or simply keep their mouths shut.

When the other players saw this, they stayed away, too lazy to pay attention to this group of guys with angry faces.

Tang Zhen was able to use his authority to monitor the conversations of these players. Out of curiosity, he turned on the monitoring function.

Soon a conversation sounded in his ears.

"I want to complain. There must be a shady scene behind this broken game. Otherwise, why did I die twice while others were alive and kicking?"

A skinny player with oil paint on his face said in an aggrieved tone.

Some players nodded, some were silent, and some were full of disdain.

"I think it's normal. You rush into the mercenary's face every time. It's strange that you don't get killed."

A player next to him said in a mocking tone.

"What do you know? This is called bravery. A real man will always face the fight head-on, and will never engage in sneak attacks from behind!"

Hearing the words, Magan Savage said confidently.

The other players shook their heads, thinking that this guy has a problem with his brain, he is obviously not as good as the enemy in every aspect, yet he is still stubborn and reckless.

According to his tactics, it is normal to die ten or eight times.

"I think Brother Ma Gan's tactics have merits, but they still need to be improved."

A player with a shrewd face suddenly spoke, immediately attracting everyone's attention.

"Haha, brother, you understand me!"

Ma Gan was even happier, and patted the other person on the shoulder, as if he had found a confidant.

The other players squinted, with an expression of ignorant conscience and bullying the disabled.

Anyone can see that the Ma Gan savage has a brain hole, and if you don't pull it back or say it, you even encourage it in public.

He shouldn't be a good person, his heart is as black as coal.

"Ahem, everyone, listen to me..."

Seeing this, the shrewd man immediately guessed everyone's thoughts, and quickly explained loudly: "We don't need to stick to one form when we play games, we can play as we like, there is no need to set various rules for ourselves.

It's about having as much fun as possible within the limits allowed by the rules, and getting enough benefits.

If I say that, I wonder if everyone agrees? "

Everyone heard this and nodded at the same time. This is indeed the truth.

The problem is that when you say it from your mouth, you always feel that there are some problems, and it seems to be paving the way for the next words.

"Brother, you are so right, you are my confidant!"

The Magan savage nodded desperately. This was indeed his inner thoughts, and he really wanted to indulge unscrupulously in the game.

The only unpleasant thing is that rebirth requires points. According to his operation, if he doesn't make money, he may take money.

Although he earned some points, he couldn't bear the consumption.

I was still thinking just now, do I want to wrong myself a bit, and compromise under the pressure of the rules of the game?
But in that case, it is doomed not to have fun.

The shrewd man chuckled, patted the wild man on the shoulder, and continued: "Since you are so brave, brother, and want to fight the enemy head-on, but feel sorry for the points of rebirth, why don't we cooperate.

You continue to be responsible for fighting against the enemy, and I will provide you with the points needed for resurrection, so that you can play happily. "

Hearing the words, the Ma Gan savage immediately beamed with joy. If this is true, he can solve his worries.

When the other players heard this, they showed doubts on their faces, always feeling that the shrewd man must have something up his sleeve.

To be courteous for nothing, rape or steal, let alone take the initiative to help people bear the cost of rebirth, such behavior is extremely suspicious.

Even the Ma Gan Savage felt something was wrong.

Seeing this, the shrewd man quickly explained: "Don't get me wrong, I do this naturally for a purpose. In fact, I just want to cooperate with this savage brother and get what we need from each other.

He wants to have a good fight, I want to earn experience, the truth is that simple. "

His upright attitude made people believe him.

But everyone is even more curious, how should the two cooperate and how can they gain experience?
The shrewd man smiled slightly, and did not explain in public, but pulled the savage with the hemp stick to the side.

The two muttered to each other, their eyebrows beaming, as if they hadn't met each other for too long.

Everyone was extremely curious, but they couldn't hear clearly.

Tang Zhen could hear clearly, knowing the content of the plan of the two, he couldn't help showing a strange expression.

At the same time, he sighed secretly. Mental patients have broad ideas and there will be no shortage of weird ideas anywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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