I have a city in another world

Chapter 4638 Radical Rookie

Chapter 4638 Radical Rookie
The ancient forest city in the game world became very lively at this moment.

A whole thousand novice players, like a school of migrating fish, suddenly poured out from the temple in the center of the city.

People are crowded together, shoulder to shoulder, toes touching heels.

In the extreme crowd, some players shouted loudly.

"It's all flashing, let me go out, I'm about to suffocate!"

"Who the hell don't touch me, quickly take your hands away, the uncle is a pure man!"

"Whoever is behind me, don't rub against me, stay away from my buttocks, or I will rip your dick off!"

A group of savages wearing only tattered grass skirts, with the bottom completely hanging open, the sight of gathering together is simply unsightly.

The players were also very uncomfortable with this situation, so they kept yelling.

Those players who entered in the first wave watched with a smile on the side, and had no intention of helping at all.

Since they are playing games, they must pay attention to entertainment. They like to watch these rookies make a fool of themselves.

Although they are very new and good, compared to the second batch of players, they are still considered veterans.

After all, before this, they had already experienced a fierce battle and won the final victory.

In the eyes of these old players, it is precisely because of their own efforts that they have laid a solid foundation for the latecomers.

Otherwise, they may be attacked by mercenaries as soon as they enter the game, or even become captives of the opponent.

When counting the number of people before, it was found that two players were missing, and it was very possible that they had been abducted by mercenaries.

For such an unlucky guy, the players expressed their collective silence, but had no plans to rescue him.

After all, it is still a game, and life will not be threatened. If it is placed in the real world, even if you do your best, you will rescue it.

Players even hope that the two unlucky ones can live longer, so that they can bring back more useful information.

It is impossible for this group of ambitious players to stay in the ancient city for a long time. When the opportunity is right, they will definitely launch an expedition without hesitation.

The primary target of the debate is naturally the group of mercenaries, followed by hypocritical and cruel civilized humans.

After a lot of effort, a large group of new talents came out, looking around curiously.

Although in the Loucheng, they have come into contact with a lot of novelty things, they can barely be regarded as well-informed.

But this kind of projective consciousness, a virtual game that is no different from the real world, is the first time they have come into contact with it.

The curiosity and excitement in my heart naturally needless to say.

They gathered on the field, doing all kinds of things, some touched their bodies, some touched each other, some took off their pants, and some curiously grabbed a handful in their crotch.

He frowned slightly, then raised his hand slightly, and the curly hair flew all over the sky.

"I'll go, it's exactly the same as the real thing!"

Just when the players were noisy and making fools of themselves, new tasks were issued in a timely manner.

For different players, the content of the missions issued is different. Some are assigned to move bricks, some are arranged to receive training, and some are arranged to clean the battlefield.

The previous battles had been a chaotic scene, with equipment and corpses scattered everywhere in the forest and ancient city.

Now that the battle is over, the loot must be recovered to improve the players' combat effectiveness.

Players who accept the task, immediately scatter, for fear that the speed will be slower than others.

The occurrence of this situation is related to the daily habits of players.

Although there are many tasks in Loucheng, there are also good and bad tasks. Naturally, everyone is fighting for the good tasks.

After accepting the task, it does not mean that the matter is over, and you need to continue to work hard to complete it.

The higher the degree of task completion, the better the evaluation and the more rewards you will get.

If the same task is completed by different people, the final reward may differ several times.

This is the mechanism of Loucheng, which encourages Loucheng residents to do their best and will also provide corresponding rewards.

I am used to this mode and it shows in the game.

The habitual practice of the players can be regarded as being wrong, because this evaluation system is also used in the game world.

If you perform well, you will receive the highest evaluation. If you perform perfunctorily, your final evaluation will not be too high.

A high evaluation means a high reward, of course, it can be perfunctory in the game, and Tang Zhen will never pursue it too much.

But looking at the performance of the players, it seems that they don't intend to be perfunctory, and they are also very introverted.

Like the first batch of players, Tang Zhen also changed his guns and got a set of mercenary equipment.

It's just that this costume was creatively modified by him, tearing off two sleeves and adding some teeth and feathers.

After such a transformation, it looks very unique, and the wild style of the savage aborigines is undoubtedly displayed.

Other players followed suit, and the original neat uniforms were transformed beyond recognition by a group of players.

After losing the sense of restraint, it becomes full of personality.

In a short period of time, similar exotic costumes can be seen everywhere in the inland part of the ancient city.

When the newcomers saw this, they were extremely envious. When the others already had clothes and equipped with weapons, they were still wearing grass skirts and hanging in neutral.

Comparing the two, it suddenly felt very unbalanced.

However, they are also very clear that the spoils are not obtained out of thin air, but deserved after a bloody battle.

The newcomers are eager to fight, and everyone is high-spirited.

"I want to fight, not move bricks here!"

Soon someone new came forward and shouted unwillingly, and received an enthusiastic response.

Moving bricks in the game, wasting precious time, might as well go to the real world to do tasks.

They want to level up, they want to kill enemies, they want to make money.

It didn't take long for the novice players who had just joined to gather together to shout and petition.

They don't know if it works, but they have to try it.

If it works, wouldn't that be better?
Tang Zhen watched coldly, his brows furrowed secretly. This was the first time that he and the residents had disagreements.

According to his plan, the ancient city should be used as a base to develop steadily.

This kind of development model is actually the same as the advancement of building cities. They guard a fixed territory and then expand outward.

With the presence of a base camp, even if there is a setback outside, it will not cause too much damage to the foundation.

Players are different. They don't think about the long term, they only care about temporary feelings.

Playing games is about having fun, instead of looking forward and backward, wouldn't that be too tiring?
Knowing the thoughts of the players, Tang Zhen fell into silence, feeling that he still couldn't let go.

Perhaps from the very beginning, he had doubts about the game, and on the surface he said that he wanted to let go of the game, but in fact he still couldn't get rid of the habit of being cautious.

The ancient city is like a stake. Its appearance makes Tang Zhen feel happy, but it is also tied by an invisible rope.

How is an operation like this different from running a property city?
Thinking of Tang Zhen here, he couldn't help but smile, and then gave the order.

From this moment on, players can move freely, and the scope of activities is no longer limited to the ancient city.

As long as the players are willing, it is no problem to go further afield.

However, there is one thing to note, that is, when the player dies, he must return to the base camp to be reborn.

Even if you have traveled thousands of miles, you must return to your birthplace.

The fox dies on the hill and the fallen leaves return to their roots. The same is true for players.

Even Tang Zhen couldn't change this restriction.

But even so, the players were still excited and began to prepare for the expedition.

At the same time, the defense and restoration of the ancient city were all stopped.

Now that he has made up his mind and no longer sticks to one place, the restoration of the ancient city is meaningless.

However, there are gains and losses. Without the protection of the ancient city and the jungle, the natural advantages of the savages will no longer exist.

In the reinforced concrete jungle, facing the well-equipped enemies of modern civilization, I don't know if I can persevere.

(End of this chapter)

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