I have a city in another world

Chapter 4652 The terrifying enemy-occupied area

Chapter 4652 The terrifying enemy-occupied area

The bustling Nobby City seemed to have been pressed on the pause button.

There were only a few people walking on the busy streets, and everyone looked in a hurry.

The main crossing positions have been blocked by cards, and the heavily armed soldiers look serious.

From time to time, there will be planes whizzing past overhead, which means that the war is far more intense than imagined.

After the Savage Legion broke through the defense and entered Nobby City, the tense situation never eased.

As time passed, it became more and more serious.

The area occupied by the Savage Legion was even more terrifyingly quiet at the moment, and there was no activity on the street at all.

Now that the two sides are at war, whoever dares to take to the streets at this time will definitely get a few free bullets.

Only those small animals seemed to be unaffected, still wandering in the streets and alleys.

Since no one bothered me, I became bolder.

On the top of an uninhabited building, a group of pigeons flew together, looking for food leisurely.

They don't know what happened outside, they only know that the usual feeding tourists are gone.

In the empty square, there are only pigeons and wild cats, as well as litter and abandoned vehicles.

The gunshots from time to time, as well as bursts of cannon fire, all represent that the war is still going on.

The area occupied by the Savage Legion has long been surrounded by heavy government troops, and soldiers will be organized to enter the occupied area from time to time.

There are also many mercenaries who have also quietly entered the battlefield, shuttling between the streets and buildings.

The government army and mercenaries have advantages in all aspects. They surrounded the wildling army and seemed to be playing the role of hunters.

This is not the case. Neither government troops nor mercenaries actually take the initiative.

Once you enter an area occupied by savages, you will become prey.

So far since the war began, the enemy has launched more than a dozen waves of attacks, sending out tens of thousands of people at most at one time.

Unfortunately, nothing was gained. Instead, he was killed and abandoned his armor, and evacuated from the battlefield in great embarrassment.

Although the casualties were huge and the results of the battle had not been reaped for a long time, the enemy obviously refused to give up.

Regarding one's own face and interests, no matter how high the price is, the Savage Legion must be completely annihilated.


On the deserted street, a group of soldiers were walking forward. Judging from their demeanor, one could tell that they must be very nervous at the moment.

This is a real battlefield, but they have never experienced a war, and they have to fight against the most ferocious enemy.

Along the way, you can see the corpses of those who died in the war, left unattended on street corners. They were all soldiers who had entered before.

No one dared to collect their bodies because no one knew whether there would be a gun waiting in the dark.

Or set up one or two booby traps under the corpse, as long as they dare to touch the corpse, they will be blown up together.

Since the beginning of the war, players have taught the enemy a lesson, letting them know what the dangers of war are.

The enemy has also changed from arrogant and conceited to panic and suspicious, and whenever related topics are talked about, he will become nervous.

In fact, this war left them with too profound a lesson.

If anyone says that the savages are stupid again, they will definitely sneer again and again, and then tell the other person from personal experience that this is a big lie.

The savages are not only smart, but also have extraordinary abilities, which can easily crush ordinary soldiers.

Facing such an enemy, how could the soldiers not be more careful?

As they crossed a street and prepared to move forward, a gunshot was heard in the distance.

A soldier in the team suddenly fell to the ground, groaning in pain.

"There are snipers, dodge immediately!"

The captain shouted, and while looking for the enemy's position, he ordered his men to look for cover.

Dragging the injured, he quickly hid in a nearby building.

When they entered the building, they discovered that there were other people here, who were the surviving soldiers from the previous attack.

He was in a very bad state, with a neurotic look, and when he saw the soldiers coming in, he quickly yelled for them to take him away.

"Take me away, this is hell, I don't want to stay here for a moment!"

Seeing the collapsed appearance of the other party, I don't know what happened before.

"Calm down and tell me what happened?"

The captain yelled at the soldiers with a cold face.

"Ghost, there are ghosts here, with those savages, don't stand in the dark!"

The soldier shouted tremblingly, and when someone blocked the light around him, he immediately screamed nervously, and quickly rushed under the sun.

The trembling body finally calmed down, and a sickly smile appeared on his face.

The surrounding soldiers frowned when they saw this. The casualties of their comrades and the nonsense of the collapsed soldiers made them feel heavy pressure.

"Don't talk nonsense, there is no ghost!"

The captain yelled loudly, trying to stabilize the morale of the army. Once the soldiers lost their fighting spirit, the next mission would not be able to be carried out.

The soldiers were silent, not knowing what they were thinking.

The captain was in a irritable mood. He raised his hand and glanced at the time, knowing that he had to leave as soon as possible.

If you stay here, you will definitely not be able to complete the time-limited task.

He ordered his soldiers to try to advance in other directions so that they could avoid the sniper's shooting.

The soldiers moved quickly, quickly found an exit at the other end of the building, and tried to leave cautiously.

As a result, just after taking a few steps, a gunshot was heard.

A soldier was hit in the waist, letting out a shrill scream and rolling in the middle of the street.

Seeing this, the companions behind quickly threw out the flying claws, hoping to drag their companions back.

Just as he hooked the injured soldier, there was another gunshot.

The rope of the flying claw was interrupted, and the enemy used precise marksmanship to taunt and provoke the soldiers.

He was capable enough to shoot wounded soldiers, but he didn't do that.

"This group of damn demons!"

The captain cursed but did not give up the rescue. He could not just watch his men die.

After several attempts, perhaps the sniper got bored and stopped teasing the soldiers.

The injured soldier was rescued, but he had already fallen into a deep coma. Although the bleeding was temporarily stopped, there was no way to perform surgery.

With no choice but to apply for rear support and dispatch an unmanned flying medical module.

The so-called unmanned flying medical module is an unmanned rescue device that is not restricted by terrain. It can take off and land vertically, and transport wounded soldiers on the battlefield to field hospitals.

This kind of equipment has its own advantages, and it shined brilliantly in this battle, rescuing a large number of wounded soldiers in time.

What stands out is the unmanned rescue equipment, but the performance of the soldiers is a bit embarrassing. Of course, it's not that they don't work hard, but the enemy is too strong and weird.

It didn't take long for two unmanned rescue devices to fly over and take the injured soldiers to a safe area.

Watching the flying device go away, the captain slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

These ferocious and secretive savages actually have some commendable features. They will attack the soldiers, but they will never destroy the rescue equipment.

An enemy like this is both terrifying and honorable.

After confirming that the building was blocked by snipers, the captain did not dare to take any risky actions, but silently waited for the opportunity to act.

Unknowingly, the light became darker and darker, and night had quietly fallen.

"They're coming, they're coming..."

The surviving soldier who had been hiding in the sun without any movement before suddenly trembled all over.

He kept mumbling, and his eyes were full of fear, as if something terrible was about to happen.

"Damn bastard, shut up!"

Hearing this, the soldier next to him was furious, and went up to punch him hard.

The surviving soldier was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, but his face still had a terrified expression. His body was curled up and he kept chanting a sentence.

"They are coming, they are really coming, you can't stay here, you must go to a place with light to survive!"

(End of this chapter)

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