I have a city in another world

Chapter 4655 Occupying Nobi City

Chapter 4655 Occupying Nobi City

If what the people want is achieved, it will create a wave of waves.

The belligerent residents of Loucheng have long been dissatisfied with conservative tactics and long for a hearty battle.

Compared to the war with the Sea Clan, these indigenous soldiers were weak and pitiful. It is estimated that a sea monster at the level of an infant could raze Nobi City to the ground.

Players are also very weak, not as good as soldiers in the early stage, but they can become stronger, and war is the best nourishment.

The order for the general attack was issued, which immediately attracted cheers, and many players uttered the strange screams of savages hunting.

They were like tigers emerging from the cage, charging towards the tightly defended enemy.

After a night of fighting, the player's level is generally improved, and they quickly adapt to the battlefield environment.

In this steel jungle, players can advance and retreat freely, continuously harvesting enemy lives.

The defense line established by the government army was destroyed in a short period of time, and the soldiers who had no intention of fighting quickly withdrew.

The army was defeated like a mountain, and the scene that happened in Maple City was repeated in Nobby City.

The collapsed government soldiers were scattered in every corner of Nobi City, some hid directly, and most of them chose to leave by car.

For the soldiers, this battle has been lost, and there is no need to continue.

The soldiers did not know that as soon as the front collapsed, the headquarters had already evacuated as quickly as possible.

Even if he chooses to continue to hold on, it is impossible to wait for any reinforcements, and he will only be trapped in this fallen city in the end.

Many soldiers trapped in Nobi City secretly put down their weapons and changed into ordinary civilian attire.

In this chaotic city, finding the right outfit is a breeze.

In anxiety, they avoided killing and robbery.

The soldiers were pleasantly surprised to find that when they put their weapons down, the wildlings really didn't attack.

However, if someone has evil intentions and wants to launch a sneak attack, they will see those savages smiling strangely.

They will strike quickly and kill dangerous targets without any hesitation.

Whenever this time, you can experience the cruelty of the savages, as if killing chickens and dogs.

Relevant news quickly spread among the trapped soldiers, telling them what to do in front of the savages.

Never think that your acting skills are good enough to hide your murderous intent from the savages, as they can easily detect it.

Once it is discovered, it will immediately usher in death.

The trapped soldiers followed the instructions one after another and found that it was very effective, and many people saved their lives.

The truth of the matter is that when they lay down their weapons, the original hostility will disappear.

At this time, if you shoot and kill again, the player will not only not get points experience, but will even be severely punished.

There are rules in the game, and players are not allowed to kill innocent people indiscriminately. Even if they have powerful force, they must act according to certain rules.

Without the constraints of rules, everything will be chaos.

In the eyes of many players, such rules are a bit pedantic, but they will subconsciously abide by them.

In just three days, the players took control of Nobi City, and the enemy army completely withdrew from the city.

They dare not stay any longer, otherwise they will be chased by the players like prey being scrambled for.

On the seventh day after entering Nobi City, the players won the war.

When the system prompt came, players all over the city cheered, and some even danced in public.

They don't care about the eyes of the world, but vent their joy unscrupulously. After all, the rewards of this war are really gratifying.

Those real points make the players full of motivation, and once again lament their luck.

Be able to qualify for participation, enter this fun game, and earn a lot of reward points at the same time.

Some players who have gained a lot of money can't wait to take screenshots and videos, and are going to show off outside.

The envy and jealousy in the comment section made them feel very satisfied.

Wherever there are people, there is competition, and the same is true within the building city. From the moment the building city is established and attracts residents, various competitions have already begun.

Some people try their best to find ways to become Loucheng residents, while some become Loucheng residents but want to enter the elite level.

After becoming an elite, you will have higher goals and face more competitors.

Fierce competition has never stopped, and the status of competitors is constantly rising. The ultimate goal may still be far away, but it is enough to leave many indisputables behind.

This virtual game operated by Loucheng has gradually become an arena. Whether you want to earn points or get ahead, you can find opportunities here.

As expected, after the battle results were announced, heated discussions once again arose.

After the game became popular, many residents kept following it so that they could receive various dynamic information at any time.

There are even some players who have applied to enable the live broadcast function to show the real game world to those who cannot enter the game.

Because of the existence of live broadcast, the last barrier disappears. Even if you cannot join the game in person, you can participate indirectly through live broadcast.

The residents of Loucheng have been paying close attention to the battle in Nobi City and have already guessed the final result.

The rewards given to players are not particularly clear to the outside world. After all, this belongs to the category of privacy.

Except for Tang Zhen, no player has the right to know.

As the players took screenshots one after another to show their rich harvest, the wave of envy and jealousy was set off again.

There are more residents appealing to issue new quotas as soon as possible, and they can't wait.

The game has not been around for long, but residents have already figured out the rules. Whenever a large-scale victory is achieved, a large number of game quotas will be distributed.

The victory this time is full of expectations.

Sure enough, not long after, a new announcement was issued, and as the residents expected, a full [-] game quotas were issued.

Seeing this piece of news, every expectant person was relieved.

Such a large number of game quotas are enough to meet the needs of most residents. In other words, every person who is eager to join should have a chance to be selected.

The total number of residents in Loucheng will soon exceed one million, and there are also a large number of preliminary residents.

They are engaged in various jobs inside the city, and some of them stay outside.

It is impossible for residents to spend all their time in virtual games, at most they play for a while in their spare time.

Most of the Loucheng residents also have to take into account the reality of cultivation and other things, and it is impossible to soak in virtual games for a long time.

However, in this game world, it is necessary to maintain a sufficient number of people online, so as to ensure the smooth execution of some plans.

For example, in the attack on Nobi City, if tens of thousands of players had not persisted and stayed in the game since the war began, it would have been difficult to achieve the final victory.

In order to avoid similar situations from happening and give players a chance to rest, Tang Zhen decided to increase the number of participants.

He will issue 100 million quotas. As long as one-third of the players log in, he can ensure that the manpower can meet the demand.

Of course, if necessary, Tang Zhen can also issue an order to summon all Loucheng residents to come online at the same time.

He kept his promise in Loucheng, and as long as the order was issued, it would definitely be carried out.

The moment the registration channel opened, Loucheng residents rushed in and clicked the registration button as quickly as possible.

Then I waited patiently, praying to receive the notification of selection.

At the same time, Tang Zhen checked the background data and found that there were more than 30 applicants.

This situation is enough to show that many residents have been idle in recent times.

This is just the beginning. In half a year, more than [-]% of the residents will be temporarily "unemployed".

The work to be done in Loucheng has basically been completed, and ordinary residents can't do anything to find the civil engineering Lingzhu.

Residents of Loucheng who have nothing to do, the best choice is to enter the game world.

If nothing else, the era when all people play "games" will come soon.

(End of this chapter)

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