I have a city in another world

Chapter 4664 Sinister intentions?

Chapter 4664 Sinister intentions?

This classroom, located in the underworld and surrounded by monsters, can be regarded as a pure land.

It is not easy to get here.

Because of the existence of the black Buddha statue, this classroom did not have that gloomy feeling, as if it came directly from the gloomy and cold bottom of the pool to the warm river beach.

The cold and fishy smell was replaced by an inexplicable aroma.

This situation occurs due to the collision of two energies, creating a special safe zone.

It's like a light bulb, constantly emitting light, but only in this classroom.

After leaving the classroom, it was still dark outside.

The players looked at the black statue with a hint of surprise on their faces. The image in front of them was not unfamiliar to them.

Most of the gods enshrined in Famen look like this.

In all the major cultivation systems, Famen's reputation is not small. Because of its good preaching, it has been spread in many planes.

The courses taught by Lou Cheng also include relevant information, which every monk in Lou Cheng knows.

Unexpectedly, in the game world, in the special area connected to the underworld, there are things related to the gate.

As we all know, there are various connections between Famen and the underworld, and the relationship between them is also very subtle.

Judging from the situation in the game, it seems that they are still hostile.

Especially this black statue can also recover monster soul crystals, which is obviously related to the game system.

The minutiae discovered made the players think about it.

The players will not delve into the specific situation, after all, it has nothing to do with them.

Their focus is still on what the soul crystal can deal with, and whether it can be redeemed for points?
"Brother, try it quickly. What good things can you get in exchange?"

Some impatient players couldn't wait and urged Tang Zhen loudly.

Tang Zhen didn't hesitate and took out the collected soul crystals, and then heard a Buddha's name.


Suddenly, a voice sounded, with a Zen rhyme that kept echoing in the classroom.

The changing images appeared in front of my eyes. Although they were only virtual, they looked the same as reality.

Tang Zhen collected two soul crystals, and other players also got one, and now they all threw them into the incense burner in front of the statue.

Then there was data showing that one first-level soul crystal could be exchanged for one hundred merits.

After seeing the units of measurement, the players looked at each other and smiled. Sure enough, it was still a familiar style.

Foremen will always find ways to spread and implant all kinds of information everywhere, so as to show their own existence.

It's just a virtual game, but it still persists so much, which is really admirable.

Then everyone saw a redemption list appearing in front of them. From the most common pills to the top techniques, it could be said to be all-encompassing.

If you are new to the world of spiritual practice, you will definitely feel extremely excited when you see the items on the redemption list.

Just because the items inside are all necessary for practitioners, and some are quite precious, and you can't buy them if you have money.

This is the case with cultivation materials, which belong to the ranks of heavenly materials and earthly treasures and can only be obtained by those who are destined to have them.

There are many explanations in it, involving time, place and location, the people in contact, and even related to one's own attributes.

Even if it is the same difference, there is no chance to get the treasure.

No one can verify the authenticity of these mysterious and mysterious statements, but they still follow them as much as possible, just to have the opportunity to obtain more cultivation materials.

This is the difficulty of the monks. They seem to have unlimited glory, but in fact they have to survive in the cracks.

Of course, every step forward is enough to make mortals look up.

But for the residents of Loucheng, the exchange list in front of them is really not very attractive.

Because in the real world, inside the city, there are similar things.

Comparison is the key to everything. The redeemable benefits for Loucheng residents can easily kill this redemption list.

Of course, one is in the real world and the other is in a virtual game. There is not much comparability between the two.

Players have an account in their minds, and can calculate the values ​​​​of efforts and gains, and then compare them in the game.

Based on the time and effort invested, and then comparing the harvest and exchangeable materials, you will know how big the gap between the two is.

I was originally dissatisfied with not giving points after killing monsters, but now that I encountered such a stingy exchange ratio, my dissatisfaction became even more intense.

"No wonder I felt something was wrong with this game from the beginning, but now I know it was Faomen's work.

That group of guys are the best at deceiving people, and what they say is better than what they sing, so they have gained countless believers.

When it comes to giving benefits, various names will be set up to make it impossible for people to obtain them easily. "

One player said casually, with a hint of joking and ridicule in his tone, obviously dissatisfied with this style of conduct.

I used to think that this kind of thing had nothing to do with me, but I didn't expect to get personal experience in the game.

For players, it feels really bad.

When the players complained and commented, Tang Zhen kept observing and soon discovered the secrets hidden here.

"Have you noticed that the skills redeemed in the game can actually be practiced in the real world?"

Tang Zhen spoke suddenly and told what he had discovered.

The players couldn't help but be slightly stunned when they heard this. They really didn't notice this.

If the exercises are genuine and can be brought to the real world for practice, then you can try hard to exchange them for them.

Even for the sake of practice, you can do whatever it takes.

This is only for ordinary people, but for the residents of Loucheng, the temptation is doubled.

Every Loucheng resident will have no shortage of cultivation techniques, and they are all the types that are most suitable for them.

There is no distinction between strong and weak techniques. The one that suits you is the best. Unfortunately, most monks have no choice.

No one asked Tang Zhen how he discovered this, but instead thought about the reasons for doing so.

The answer is actually very simple, it is to complete a kind of binding and completely tie the game players.

Not all the skills that can be redeemed are basically introductory types.

Players who have received benefits must obey the mercy of the game and accept various tasks arranged by the other party if they want follow-up content.

No matter how difficult the task is, even if it means going up a mountain of swords or a sea of ​​fire, you have to bite the bullet and give it a try.

If it is only in the game world, there is no need to be too cautious, but if it involves the real world, then you must be particularly careful.

Following this line of thinking, the possibility is indeed frighteningly high.

It is a very sad thing to play the game to the end and be played by the game.

Thinking of the players here, their expressions became a little ugly, and some people cursed loudly.

Tang Zhen remained silent, but he was thinking in his heart, what should he do next?
The information obtained now seems to be enough to reveal the purpose of the game, which is actually to use players as tools.

It seems to be giving benefits, but in fact it is not.

Who can guarantee that these exercises will not hide hidden dangers, and will they be controlled by others in the end?

Even if they are not controlled, they will be gradually brainwashed by the exercises and eventually become followers of Famen.

Compared with players, believers are undoubtedly more useful.

If the purpose of this game is to cultivate followers for Famen, Tang Zhen must take action.

He will immediately terminate the game and completely seal the server so that it will never have a chance to succeed.

Tang Zhen still doesn't know whether this is the case, and he must verify it next.

The emergence of these Famen skills gave Tang Zhen some ideas, and he will try them next.

(End of this chapter)

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