Chapter 4667 Another special war
Tang Zhen never thought that a very special war would unfold in a virtual game.

This is a very novel experience and also very interesting.

Regarding this matter, Tang Zhen held a supportive attitude.

The war with the Sea Clan has just ended, and Loucheng has no enemies in the lower realm, and it will be in a state of disorganization after a long time.

For Lou Cheng, this is definitely not a good thing.

The most correct choice is to be prepared for danger in times of peace and not to slack off.

Because you can't judge the future, you can't know when the crisis will come, you may be a little bit slack, and you will be reduced to the end of your soul.

If you remain alert, your chances of survival will naturally be higher.

In a peaceful environment, how to keep the residents of Loucheng in a fighting state has become something Tang Zhen needs to worry about.

He really had not thought before that the problem could be solved through a virtual game to keep the residents of Loucheng alive.

Unexpectedly, this virtual game has hidden evil intentions, and wants the residents of Loucheng to practice foremen skills.

If game players do not know the truth and follow the system arrangements, they are indeed likely to fall into a trap.

When you play to the end, you will eventually become a group of puppet tool people who have been brainwashed by formidable techniques and driven and controlled by the system.

Tang Zhen would definitely not allow a situation like this.

But at this moment, Tang Zhen didn't intend to expose it completely, because that would be too boring.

He is going to act as a chess player and start a game against the game system to see who is the final winner.

Although he only has secondary management rights in this virtual game, if he operates it properly, it may not be any worse than the game system.

After all, these gamers are all residents under Tang Zhen. He can not only influence each other in the game, but also have greater influence outside the game.

Even just one command, you can make this game empty.

With such ample confidence, Tang Zhen was not afraid of any challenges at all, and made up his mind to compete with the game system.

Tang Zhen knew very well that he was actually a bit of a bully, just like buying a game console and having the right to use violent means to destroy it when he couldn't clear the game.

It's just that this kind of behavior is a bit overwhelming.

Only by relying on one's ability to pass the game can one be considered one's true ability. Even if the cheating mode is turned on, it is still much better than smashing the game console directly.

Tang Zhen had many advantages, so he naturally did not need to use some dishonorable means, but had to defeat the opponent with upright means.

Having said that, Tang Zhen is not particularly rigid, and he will definitely not hesitate when it is time to be flexible.

Using his influence, Tang Zhen set up an action team responsible for collecting soul crystals and analyzing them.

There is a special person to handle this matter, so Tang Zhen doesn't need to worry too much, he just needs to wait for the result.

Using his free time, Tang Zhen once again conducted deductions to find traces of the Tumu Lingzhu.

Just like the previous deduction, there was no gain, and the two spirit beads seemed to disappear out of thin air.

It is definitely impossible to disappear, but to hide in an unknown place to avoid being discovered and captured by oneself.

In the eyes of Tu Mu Lingzhu, Tang Zhen has been reduced to a terrifying Great Demon King, and he avoids him as much as possible.

He was afraid that he would be caught and the whole army would be annihilated.

The Five Elements Spirit Orb was born and raised, and he also knew his mission, and he knew better that once the entire army was wiped out, the five elements rules of the lower realm would inevitably collapse directly.

At that time, the entire lower realm space will fall into chaos, and various disasters will erupt accordingly.

The loss of life has nothing to do with the Five Elements Pearls. They only care about their natural mission, and hiding now is fulfilling their duties.

But in this way, it will make it difficult for the seeker, even if they dig [-] feet, they will not be able to find it.

Tang Zhen could only place his hope in the future. When a disaster occurs, the remaining two spirit beads will jump out on their own.

It is like a large pool of muddy water, which can block the sight of predators and give fish and shrimp a chance to hide.

But if the water is directly boiled, the fish and shrimp hiding at the bottom of the water will inevitably come out by themselves, otherwise they will definitely be scalded to death.

Tang Zhen just waited for the water to boil, and then captured the target in one fell swoop.

After the investigation, Tang Zhen took another look at the monitoring information, which recorded the activities of the monks in the true spirit world.

The True Spirit monks who stayed in the lower realm are also looking for the Five Elements Pearl. Although they face the threat of parasitic beasts, life still has to go on.

If you can find the Five Elements Bead, you will definitely be able to get more capital, even if you don't use it, you can exchange it with Lou Cheng.

In fact, they all know that the lower realm is now the territory of Loucheng. Even if they are lucky enough to find the Five Elements Pearl, the possibility of taking it away is very slim.

If Lou Cheng is offended and Tang Zhen refuses to help solve the hidden danger of parasitic beasts, it will definitely be a terrible disaster.

Perhaps the entire race will perish because of this.

Today's monks in the true spirit world are always in torment, and every day is quite sad.

Seeing this scene, Tang Zhen stopped adding insult to injury and destroying their injured hearts.

After finishing what he was supposed to do, Tang Zhen re-entered the game world and continued to act as a casual player, wandering around the monster campus.

A safe area for players to trade and bathe in the purifying light released by the statue, but it does not last long.

If you stay for at most 10 minutes, the player must leave the safe zone, and it is useless to stay any longer.

After a certain period of time, the player will also be backlashed by the purification light and fall into a state of continuous blood loss.

This method of killing was originally aimed at monsters in the underworld, but now it is used to target players.

There is a vague feeling that the system is forcing players to leave, forcing them to enter the underworld to kill monsters.

Facts prove that no matter how good something is, there is no benefit in getting it in excess.

Tang Zhen left the trading area and did not continue to form a team with the players, but chose to act alone.

Unlike the players, he has his own schedule. Since there may be conflicts, he must avoid them from the beginning.

Besides, at this moment, the players all became very motivated and shouted to kill the monsters in the underworld.

The acquisition information released by Leiyun is now at the top of the public channel, where every player can easily see it.

Players who were still complaining that soul crystals could not be exchanged for points are now dancing happily.

Soul crystals can be exchanged for points, which gives players full motivation. They were originally planning to reduce their game time, but now they feel that there is not enough time.

No one knows how long this kind of private acquisition will last. Naturally, they want to obtain as many soul crystals as possible while the acquisition is still ongoing.

Players who have soul crystals in their hands can contact Lei Yun immediately and the two parties can sign a sales contract online.

Once the contract is signed successfully, someone will take the initiative to purchase it, and then Lou Ling will be responsible for allocating funds to the seller.

In this way, players can be relieved of their worries, lest they encounter an unexpected situation where the acquisition of soul crystals suddenly stops while they are holding soul crystals.

As long as players have soul crystals in their hands, they don't need to worry about sales channels. Once they stop buying, they can also respond accordingly.

The public channel at this moment suddenly became extremely lively.

Players in the underworld are exchanging combat experience and discussing how to deal with various monsters.

Through this kind of experience exchange, players can master more information and effectively avoid some incorrect operations.

The efficiency of killing monsters is improved, one's own casualties are reduced, and the collective advantage is demonstrated here.

In order to get rich points, the players can be said to do their best, and various wonderful battles are constantly displayed.

When the players were excited and ready to take the opportunity to make a fortune, they didn't know that the game system was extremely depressed.

Looking at Zhenjun Leiyun's game information and a long list of players, the system's heart was full of tangles.

Judging from the information in hand, it was these players who deliberately made troubles to affect its plan to obtain soul crystals.

Soul crystals are very important materials, and they are related to a very big matter, and no accidents are allowed.

In order to complete the task, so what if it violates the rules?

At this moment, Lei Yun was on the edge of a gray fog area, talking to several players who were out to acquire soul crystals.

A sense of danger suddenly emerged from my heart.

(End of this chapter)

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