I have a city in another world

Chapter 4686 All beings are like ants, the truth is terrible

Chapter 4686 All beings are like ants, the truth is terrible

In the center of the tomb city, many people heard the sound of guns and guns, and their hearts were filled with uncontrollable panic.

Although the military has promised to protect the safety of the citizens of Grave City, making a promise does not necessarily mean that it can be fulfilled.

Having seen the ferocity of ghouls, people are worried that the monsters will break through the defense line.

When night fell, many people were watching intently.

When seeing the long light dragon being swallowed, people's hearts sank suddenly, knowing that the most worrying thing had happened.

The line of defense established by the military did not achieve the desired effect. The fierce monsters have successfully broken through the defense.

The catastrophe that happened two days ago will soon be repeated in the tomb city. I don't know how many people will die unexpectedly.

Accompanied by curses and cries of misery and despair, the citizens of the tomb city closed their doors tightly.

Turn on all the lights, hold various weapons, and silently pray for safety.

What happened next, they have no way to control, they can only pray that their luck is good enough.

"All residents of Tomb City, return to their homes immediately..."

At this moment, harsh broadcasts were heard over the Grave City, asking residents to return home, turn on all the lights, and never run around.

That's the only thing the authorities can do so far.

Various defensive methods prepared in advance are extremely ineffective when facing extraordinary monsters, and cannot stop the ghoul's attack at all.

The army that vowed to protect Tomb City has now been completely defeated, and even the rear command has lost contact.

It is impossible to announce such news, otherwise it will only cause greater panic. With the authorities helpless, the people of the tomb city can only rely on themselves.

Resign yourself to fate and live or die as fate brings.

The location of Tang Zhen's shop, the street is blocked by two iron troughs, which are cut and welded from waste oil drums.

In the iron trough that blocked the street, there were two arm-thick twine ropes, completely soaked in fuel oil.

At both ends of this rope are two large oil drums filled with pre-purchased fuel.

When the rope is ignited, like two large oil lamps, a blazing wall of fire rises into the sky.

The burning flame barrier can effectively block ghouls.

Absolute safety cannot be guaranteed by such means alone, but compared to ordinary houses, it is undoubtedly much safer.

Not to mention that there are many burning oil barrels in the middle of the street. The fire and flames can bring enough sense of security.

When the flames rose in the street, many nearby residents gathered, hoping to seek shelter.

Although he had a weapon in his hand and a flashlight and other things, he obviously lacked a sense of security.

They also seriously lack confidence in their own defense, and feel that the streets are more secure at this moment.

For such help-seekers, Tang Zhen did not drive them away, nor did he take the opportunity to put forward any conditions.

There is also no guarantee that the safety of these people will be protected.

Not long after, the roar of monsters came from the street, and soon the ghoul's green eyes appeared in the shadows.

Both ghouls are very strong.

They hid in the darkness and peeped, roaring from their mouths, obviously showing unwillingness.

The monsters have a certain IQ, knowing that there is an artificial barrier in front of them, the purpose is to prevent them from approaching.

The threat posed by the flame barricade caused the ghouls to temporarily divert their targets and attack nearby shops and residential buildings.

Their hard and sharp claws can smash wooden doors with ease, even metal doors can't stop them.

With its huge and flexible body, it can also jump up and down like a cat, and can climb over walls and onto roofs with just one jump.

Soon there were shrill screams from nearby houses, some houses were turned off, and some houses had flames rising.

Some people panicked and jumped out of the windows and ran wildly on the streets.

The area of ​​the tomb city is not small, but the number of ghouls rushing in is not very large. Most of the ghouls move in groups, but not every street has them.

When the ghouls rushed into the street, the gunmen on the rooftops were already shooting to kill them.

However, the ghoul was quick to move, and its own defense was quite strong. Even if the bullet hit the body, it still couldn't cause much damage.

On the contrary, because of the injury, he becomes more ferocious and violent, running rampant like a bull.

Unless it is a weapon with a high rate of fire and extremely strong penetration, it will be difficult to effectively kill the ghoul.

However, the reality is that ordinary people have very little training in shooting, and they cannot accurately hit the target at all.

Besides, getting weapons is not an easy task.

Ordinary people can only obtain simple weapons from around them, except for some psychological comfort, they have no effect at all when facing ghouls.

Even the military cannot prepare those special and powerful weapons in a short time, let alone expect them to fall into the hands of civilians.

The people gathered on the street watched the ghouls raging before their eyes, and their hearts were full of anxiety and fear.

But in the face of fierce monsters, they are really helpless, and the result of daring to step forward is to be killed.

Many people prayed secretly, hoping that God would help solve the problem.

Tang Zhen stood quietly at the door, looking at the fire in the distance with a thoughtful expression.

Disasters certainly make people fearful and despairing, and bring about scenes of devastation, but just like wildfires igniting a prairie fire, there is likely to be life in the disasters.

At this moment, Tang Zhen faintly felt an abnormality, the concentration of energy in the world seemed to be a little higher.

An ordinary practitioner would definitely not be able to sense such subtle changes, but they would definitely not be able to hide it from Tang Zhen.

Although it is only a small improvement, it can have an immediate effect, allowing ordinary people with qualifications to step into the extraordinary.

Tang Zhen didn't know if there were similar changes in other places, but that was indeed the case in Tomb City.

This also made him secretly surprised. Could it be that human life is needed as a sacrifice to increase the energy of the world?
If this is the case, it is a bit outrageous.

The knowledge imparted by Lou Cheng mentioned that the increase and decrease of the energy of heaven and earth is related to the rules, and has nothing to do with ordinary creatures.

Unless the rules of this world are controlled by invisible forces, when creatures encounter great danger, some kind of protection mechanism will be triggered.

For example, practitioners with extraordinary power can appear among ordinary creatures, who can fight and resolve disasters.

After the disaster has passed, it will gradually enter the Age of Ending Dharma, and practitioners will gradually disappear from the world.

To use a simple analogy, disasters are diseases and injuries, and practitioners are medicines and immune systems, which will always appear when needed.

The more Tang Zhen thought about it, the more he felt that this might really be the case. The disaster in Tomb City was not a natural disaster, but was caused intentionally by someone.

The real culprit behind the scenes is the game system that fought with Tang Zhen.

Players may be a strong medicine, the original purpose is to cure diseases and save lives, but because of Tang Zhen's intervention, the expected "cure" effect was not achieved.

The system took the next best thing and began to train the aborigines to become practitioners. Compared with the fucking players, the aborigines are obviously easier to control.

In order to awaken the aborigines, it is necessary to increase the concentration of heaven and earth energy, which is a link that cannot be bypassed at all.

An extinct disaster broke out, resulting in the loss of life, the protection mechanism was activated, and the concentration of spiritual energy also increased.

The sudden catastrophe gave the system the best chance to move, and if something went wrong, it could be blamed on the underworld.

No one thought at all that it was behind everything.

Tang Zhen sighed secretly, if this was really the case, the aborigines would have no choice but to admit that they were unlucky.

Could it be that all this deliberate effort, regardless of the loss of life, was just to collect soul crystals?

If this is the case, what is the ultimate purpose of the system?
When he finds an answer, he is often followed by more questions. This feeling makes Tang Zhen very unhappy.

He decided not to think about it for the time being, let everything go with the flow, so as not to affect his sense of game experience.

(End of this chapter)

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