I have a city in another world

4695 - The impending catastrophe

4695 - The impending catastrophe

Tang Zhen knew the young officer's thoughts very well, but he didn't feel offended.

It is normal to communicate with others, learn from others, and improve one's abilities.

Not to mention that Tang Zhen at this time was regarded as the officer's teacher in name only.

"By the way, what's your name?"

Tang Zhen raised his head and asked a casual question.

"Teacher, my name is Noda."

The officer was a little depressed. It took so long before Tang Zhen asked his name.

But this also shows that the relationship between the two parties has become closer.

If Tang Zhen doesn't even bother to know his name, it means that the relationship between the two parties is slightly stronger than that of a passerby.

The officer felt a little happy when he came up with such an idea.

"If possible, I would like to do a business with the military."

It is a very normal operation to use various resources around you to achieve the desired goals.

As long as it is in the interests of all parties, there is nothing that cannot be done.

The military behind Norda is a very good collaborator.

"Business should be fine."

Nuo Da is not a rigid person, he likes this kind of transaction very much, just because he can also get some benefits from it.

He had done business like this secretly in the past, and he had a lot of experience in how to operate it.

"Teacher, what kind of business is it?"

Noda asked in a low voice, with some expectations in her heart.

"The situation is critical now. We must have enough weapons to protect ourselves. Can you use your identity to get a batch of powerful weapons?"

Tang Zhen has many methods, and he can't only rely on Noda. This time the deal is just a trial.

If the other party is willing to cooperate, there will be more cooperation opportunities in the future, and he can also ensure that the other party can get enough benefits.

If Nuoda can do it, it will be great. If he can't do it, Tang Zhen also has other ways.

"Weapons? It should be fine."

Noda's reply was straightforward, saying she would handle it later.

The current situation is special. A large number of weapons and equipment have been delivered to the tomb city one after another. It is not difficult to secretly intercept a batch.

Of course, this matter requires the cooperation of many parties, and Noda alone cannot do it.

"It's good if you can do it. Whether you want money or something else, I can provide it directly."

While Tang Zhen was speaking, he ordered the two beauties behind him to fill two suitcases with banknotes.

"Bring the money back, if it's not enough, you can come back to get it."

No matter when, money is the best tool. As long as it is used properly, there is almost nothing that cannot be accomplished.

Nuo Da did not refuse, reached out to take the black suitcase, turned and left without hesitation.

Now that you have accepted the task, you must complete it vigorously and resolutely, and wait until it is completed before talking about anything else.

Tang Zhen appreciates this vigorous style.

Xiao Wu, who was standing nearby, looked at the officer's leaving figure and secretly made up his mind.

He must work hard and perform better than everyone else, so that he can gain Tang Zhen's favor.

In today's Tomb City, there are more and more awakened people who have the qualifications to practice.

Tang Zhen taught the cultivation techniques to the residents of Tomb City, and several people actually touched the threshold.

They also have cultivation qualifications, but they are obviously inferior. Now they can only be regarded as having touched the door, but they have not formally set foot on the extraordinary.

But even so, it put a lot of pressure on Xiao Wu.

There is no first place in literature, no second place in martial arts, and this is especially true in practicing Taoism.

If you don't want to be stepped on by others, then you can only practice with all your strength, and there is absolutely no room for perfunctory practice.

I was thinking about it secretly, but I heard Tang Zhen's order to take people out to collect various supplies.

If you can pick it up, pick it up. If you can buy it, buy it. There is no shortage of money.

If you want to stick to the tomb city for a long time, you must ensure sufficient supplies, otherwise you won't last long.

According to Tang Zhen's speculation, it won't take long for the situation to get worse.

It is very necessary to establish a gathering place and stockpile enough supplies.

However, today's Tomb City is full of chaos, and it is beyond imagination to obtain supplies.

Even if there is money in hand, someone has to sell it.

With no choice, Xiao Wu could only take a group of followers to search in deserted shops and warehouses.

This method was quite effective. A large amount of supplies were quickly found and sent back to the streets one after another.

Food, fuel, generators, and various necessities of life.

All the things that can be used are loaded into the car.

The houses on both sides of the street have now become warehouses, filled with supplies one after another.

Outsiders don't understand this and think it's unnecessary and a waste of time.

The chaotic situation in Tomb City should be resolved soon. The street transformed by Tang Zhen does not make much sense at all.

If the danger cannot be resolved, the residents of Grave City will also be forced to evacuate, and remaining on the streets will only lead to death.

The citizens who followed Tang Zhen were also ridiculed by outsiders, thinking that they all had brain problems.

Regarding the incomprehension of the outside world, Tang Zhen's followers laughed coldly and did not provide any explanation at all.

These ignorant guys have no idea what they are missing.

When Tang Zhen taught the skills, he had already informed him of the changes in Tomb City and said that this was the only place that was most suitable for practice.

If you want to set foot on the extraordinary, you must stay here.

Previously, everyone stayed because of various reasons, but now they have the same goal.

Become a strong practitioner, take control of your own destiny, and never let tragedies happen again.

With this mentality, they naturally followed Tang Zhenyan's advice, and even if it was behavior that others did not understand, they would resolutely implement it.

Nuoda moved very quickly. After only half a day, he appeared in front of Tang Zhen with several cars.

The car was full of weapons and equipment, which were just delivered by the military, and were bought by Nuoda from the quartermaster with money.

There are light and heavy machine guns, howitzers, and some rocket launchers.

A wide variety of ammunition, enough to last quite a while.

Nuoda told Tang Zhen that if he took out more money, he could get more good things.

So when he left, he had four more suitcases in his hands, all of which were full of banknotes.

Looking at the transformed streets, which looked like military fortresses, Noda felt a little worried.

He felt that Tang Zhen's behavior was due to his distrust of the military, so he made preparations in advance.

Could it be that with the strength of the military, these ghouls cannot be eliminated?
Noda thinks it should be possible, after all the power of those artillery and bombs can easily raze a city to the ground.

No matter how powerful the extraordinary monster is, it is only a body of flesh and blood, and it cannot resist this terrifying destructive force at all.

But Tang Zhen's behavior made him feel a little unsure.

Now we can only look at the results. If it is really impossible to kill the ghouls, the future situation may be even more severe.

Due to his identity restriction, Noda was unable to know more secrets, not knowing that the whole world was facing a catastrophe.

When the system found that the player could not control it, it targeted the aborigines, hoping to cultivate enough superhumans.

If you want to achieve this goal, you must create a disaster. The larger the scope of influence, the better the effect.

The ghouls emerging from Grave City cannot be fighting alone, but are scattered in various places on a large scale.

In the large and small cities near Grave City, the ghoul mother should be giving birth to offspring, and the disaster will break out later.

But it won't be long before ghouls appear in every corner of the world.

The entire world will be in crisis, the original rules will inevitably change, and a large number of extraordinary beings will spring up like mushrooms after a rain.

The system's despicable plan will be successfully accomplished.

Tang Zhen had this inference, so he made preparations in advance to avoid being caught off guard.

Although he knew the system's plan, Tang Zhen had no ability to stop it, and could only silently watch the development of the situation.

His authority is not as high as that of the system, and he is still an outsider, so he can only rely on the planetary server to send the arrival.

Once there is a problem with the server, the player will be completely kicked out and will never be able to come back to the game world.

If this is the case, the system must be very happy.

From this, it can be determined that the system cannot target players as they wish. The current situation is that it is easy to invite gods but difficult to send them away.

Although Tang Zhen was powerless to stop it, he would not just sit idly by. A group of elite players led by Lei Yun are now trying to build a cross-plane teleportation array.

Once the experiment is successful and the interplanetary teleportation is completed, Tang Zhen will have the opportunity to turn to the guest.

(End of this chapter)

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