I have a city in another world

Chapter 4706 Investigators from other cities

Chapter 4706 Investigators from other cities

"The old monk is in the shop, and I respectfully invite all warriors to come."

After the fat monk finished speaking, he made an invitation gesture, turned around and walked into the shop one step at a time.

A sound similar to that of a wooden fish came from inside the shop, and bursts of special aroma wafted around.

"Go, go in and see!"

The face of the fat monk was indeed very confusing, attracting onlookers.

I am also full of curiosity about this store.

The awakened ones rushed into the store without hesitation, for fear of missing out on possible benefits.

The shop may not seem big, but it can accommodate a lot of people, as if it can't be filled up at all.

Anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that the interior of this shop has its own space, which is also a very remarkable means.

Players at this stage simply cannot do this.

The players didn't know the truth and thought that the system store had changed its form, so they also walked in with a little curiosity.

Only Tang Zhen knew the truth behind it.

Although he knew it in his heart, he had no intention of exposing it and followed the flow of people into the store.

After entering, I found that there was indeed a different world.

The interior of the store is magnificent, comparable to the imperial palace in the world, which makes people feel a sense of dignity and awe.

On the top of the head and around the place, there are many vivid statues of gods, and the murals also depict many wonderful contents.

At intervals, there will be a large statue of a god, which is extremely majestic.

Surrounded by small god statues, their faces are full of joyful expressions.

On both sides of the road in the store, there is a ladder-like display platform on which various items are placed.

The object is wrapped in a ball of light, and it flies to the front with one move, and various characteristics are also revealed.

Different colors of light balls represent different levels, allowing people to know the value at a glance.

For example, when you first entered the door, there were many white light balls, and gold and banknotes were placed inside.

Just hand over the soul crystal, you can exchange for a large amount of wealth, and easily become a millionaire.

For the awakened, money is not particularly important, or such a transaction makes them feel worthless.

Therefore, it was placed at the door, which belonged to the lowest level of gold and silver treasures, and no one paid attention to it at all.

Everyone continued to move forward, looking at other products with bright eyes, and their hearts were full of anticipation.

For the awakened ones, this place is simply a super treasure house, with all kinds of things that make their hearts beat.

The mentality of the players is very peaceful.

They themselves are well-informed and have seen system stores before, so they don't find it shocking.

The treasure in the eyes of the awakened is nothing more than that in their eyes, and there is no need to get too excited.

Seeing those ignorant awakened people who could not withstand the temptation and choose to exchange, they just felt a little pity.

This is the other party's choice, they have no way to stop it, but feel that these awakened people are a little silly.

After all, such a transaction really has some disadvantages.

He secretly made up his mind to get some things by himself in the future and exchange them for soul crystals from these awakened ones.

It's just a fair trade, it's what you want and I want, and there is no problem in itself.

There are also some players who choose to trade with shops just to get some rare materials.

Soul crystals can indeed be sold for money, but they must be able to earn money.

Only by sharpening your sword and chopping wood and improving your combat effectiveness can you hunt more and stronger monsters.

As time goes by, this will happen more and more, and players' concepts will gradually change.

Tang Zhen would not sabotage and stop it, but would instead observe secretly to see what the purpose of the system was.

Customers who complete the transaction leave with more satisfaction in their hearts.

In the next time, they will work harder to kill monsters and get more and better soul crystals.

The players swayed around, and they also got busy.

They also need to recharge their batteries and prepare for tonight's battle. Some people choose to take a break and go offline to solve problems in the real world.

Many players and awakeners added equipment to the survival base market, or sold some unused loot.

A battle last night consumed a lot of supplies, which must be replenished in time.

Although hunting monsters makes money, the investment is also not small. The more you want to ensure efficiency and safety, the more you can't be stingy with money.

There are also many hunters working in the Tomb City. They use various materials collected to set traps for monsters in the city.

What happened last night made the hunters see an opportunity, and knew that if they operated properly, they could capture ghouls in an easier way.

Dig a big and deep trap and create an extremely strong cage. As long as the operation is done properly, you can make money easily and safely.

A trap like this cannot be completed in a short period of time, but everyone is very motivated.

Because once the plan is successful, they have the opportunity to earn more money.

Although today's tomb city is dangerous, there are banknotes everywhere. If you seize the opportunity and fight hard, you will have the opportunity to become a master in the future.

I believe that after the news spreads, more people will come for money, and the competition will become more intense.

Only by seizing the opportunity can we get more benefits.

In the wilderness outside the tomb city, a large number of players also gathered to study how to hunt monsters more efficiently.

After observation, it is found that the location of the teleportation wormhole is not fixed, and the idea of ​​closing it cannot be achieved at all.

It is also not easy to set up various traps, because the edge of the wormhole has an extremely terrifying cutting ability.

Any object that comes into contact will be cut in half instantly, but overnight, the buildings and woods outside the city have become unlucky.

It was cut into pieces and was covered in devastation, as if it had been swept by a strong wind.

Because of the existence of these wormholes, the outside of the tomb city has become dangerous, and you must be careful when passing by.

If you observe carefully, you will find that the scene on the other side of the wormhole is actually constantly changing.

The constant wandering of wormholes is not limited to the tomb city.

Those cities that were attacked also encountered similar problems. They could not lock the wormhole at all, nor could they block and control it.

The moment the wormhole appeared, the destruction had been going on.

There is wilderness outside the tomb city, and it is not afraid of being cut by wormholes, but other cities are not.

The location of the wormhole is often a lively urban area. In a short period of time, an unknown number of buildings have been cut and collapsed.

In the lost city, the vicinity of the wormhole was designated as a restricted area, and ordinary people were absolutely not allowed to approach it.

However, there are still some people who, at great risk, crossed from the other end of the wormhole.

Such a serious disaster must be resolved. As a key portal, the wormhole must be found out at all costs.

With this in mind, death squads appeared outside the tomb city. Among the members were fully armed soldiers, as well as experts and scholars in various fields.

Seeing the situation in the tomb city, they were also surprised and shocked. They thought they would enter the monster's lair, but they didn't expect to come to the tomb city.

With a hint of vigilance, they contacted the players and aboriginal people in Grave City, and soon got more information.

It turns out that those vicious monsters really came from the tomb city and were sent to different cities through wormholes.

The results were shocking, and they also felt inexplicably terrified. Looking at the ruins of the grave city, they seemed to see the future of their homeland.

After observing for a period of time, these teams followed the dilapidated streets and poured into the Tomb City one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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