I have a city in another world

4708 - The little girl in the oasis

4708 - The little girl in the oasis

Like a bursting bubble, the scene in front of me collapsed and dissipated, and the traces left by the Wood Spirit Pearl completely disappeared.

A smile appeared on Tang Zhen's face, joy could not be restrained, he got up and ordered to go out.

He wanted to go out of the city and find it himself.

For a period of time, Tang Zhen has been staying in Loucheng and has no plans to go out.

The entire lower realm has been conquered, just like the back garden of one's own home, and exploration has no freshness.

Not to mention that some time ago, Tang Zhen had traveled all over the lower realms by taking the opportunity to search for spiritual beads.

When he came back, he was still thinking that it would be difficult to go to the outside world again unless necessary.

After discovering the clues of the Mu Lingzhu, Tang Zhen had to go out. This was a big deal, and there must be no delay.

In a short period of time, the traveling team was ready and left Loucheng soon.

Although Tang Zhen's strength is enough to run rampant in the lower world, he must pay attention to his travels to avoid unexpected situations.

Tang Zhen's power was limited to the lower realm. If he were placed in the true spirit realm, there would be many beings stronger than him.

If for some reason, the other party forcibly enters the lower realm to launch an attack, the consequences will be unimaginable.

As the master of Loucheng, the residents did not allow Tang Zhen to be harmed, even if it meant exchanging his own life.

The giant ship moved at a constant speed, and there was a huge space inside. Tang Zhen and his entourage gathered in the command hall.

Tang Zhen is here, comparing the places in his memory.

After previous investigations, the map of the lower bound has been drawn. Although it cannot be 100% accurate, it can basically meet the needs.

However, the changes in the ocean are becoming more and more dramatic, and it is shrinking crazily.

Before long, the once vast ocean may turn into small lakes.

If necessary, a new survey must be carried out.

The picture in the memory shows that Mu Lingzhu is in an oasis, surrounded by an endless desert.

According to the picture comparison, it shouldn't be difficult to find the Wood Spirit Orb.

Through the equipment on the battleship, Tang Zhen extracted the pictures in his memory, and then compared them through the equipment.

The places that match the lower bound are quickly extracted and analyzed in every detail.

Although a clue has been obtained, it does not mean that it is the final answer. There is even a possibility that this is the illusion of fog deliberately released by the Wood Spirit Orb.

Don't underestimate the Five Elements Lingzhu, they also have wisdom and know how to protect themselves.

"City Lord, the comparison is complete."

One of his subordinates reminded Tang Zhen, and then a picture popped up, and an oasis in the desert appeared in front of him.

Tang Zhen glanced at it, but frowned slightly.

The oasis in front of me is different from the picture obtained. It has obviously been severely damaged.

The place that was once lined with trees has now turned into a desert, with only one percent of the forest area remaining.

Many dead trees stand silently in the yellow sand, and the mottled bark is silently telling the vicissitudes of life.

The once turbulent sea lake has now turned into a small bend, which looks unusually turbid and bitter.

The carpet-like emerald green lawn now has a large area of ​​yellow sand exposed, and it may not be long before it will die.

The houses on the lawn are now dilapidated and their original residents no longer exist.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Tang Zhen not only doubted whether this place is really the hiding place of Mu Lingzhu.

Such doubts arise naturally because the environment is too harsh.

The Wood Spirit Pearl is the essence of the wood system. It can affect the vegetation of the entire world and possesses quite powerful power.

If something goes wrong with the Wood Spirit Orb, everything related to vegetation will be severely affected.

Grass animals have no food, plants do not produce seeds, and the original food chain will completely collapse.

The wave of death is sweeping wildly, devouring countless creatures, and the world will be completely turned into a desert.

Possessing such a powerful power must have extremely high requirements on the environment in which it is placed. According to Tang Zhen's conjecture, the place where the Wood Spirit Orb hides must be like a fairyland on earth.

But the situation in front of me is completely different from what I imagined. It can even be said to be two extremes.

No wonder Tang Zhen felt that this was an illusion created by Mu Lingzhu.

But after thinking about it, I felt that this kind of deception was meaningless. Apart from wasting some time, Tang Zhen would not have much loss.

Moreover, such behavior will also increase the risk of exposure, which is indeed very inappropriate.

With a hint of doubt, Tang Zhen went straight to the target location.

The warship he was on had an extremely fast flight speed, and it would not take much time even at the ends of the earth.

Two hours later, the huge warship was like a dark cloud, hovering over the desert.

The rare coolness brought by the shadows allowed the creatures in the desert to breathe and look up at the behemoth in the sky.

Tang Zhen descended from the sky and landed in the oasis.

He saw that there were actually people living in the oasis, and it was a young girl.

She squatted next to the lake and struggled to carry the water. Compared to her petite body, the bucket was indeed a bit too big.

During the process of fetching water, no one helped her at all. She was always busy on her own.

Tang Zhen's mind swept across the oasis and found no one else's breath. Apparently this girl was the only resident.

The girl carried a bucket of water, came to a piece of land, and poured water carefully.

There are vegetable seedlings growing on the ground, which look sluggish under the scorching sun.

The girl built a shed and covered it with withered grass to shade the vegetable seedlings to prevent them from being burned to death by the sun.

The small and thin figure kept busy like this, his dirty face covered with sweat marks.

Tang Zhen stood behind, silently looking at the little girl, showing a thoughtful expression.

The busy girl accidentally saw Tang Zhen standing behind her. She was startled at first, and then showed a happy expression.

Putting down the items in his hand, he approached Tang Zhen tentatively, and then saluted awkwardly.

"Guests from afar, welcome to Green Water Lake.

We can provide water, food, and sweet pasture.

Take a good rest and continue on your way. "

The little girl's words must have been learned from the adults, because she didn't practice deliberately, so she stumbled when she said it.

But her posture and expression seemed very serious, as if she was trying to play her role well.

Seeing the little girl's appearance, Tang Zhen understood the purpose of this oasis, which was clearly a resting place for desert travelers.

After a long journey, they will get supplies in the oasis, rest and go on the journey again.

But looking at the surrounding scene, the Sand Sea Commercial Road has long since disappeared, and no one has visited it for a long time.

Tang Zhen is not very clear about the specific reason, but looking at the withered oasis, he knows that this is probably the biggest reason.

For desert travelers, the existence of oasis is extremely important, and it can be said that it is the greatest guarantee of life.

When an oasis loses its original function, it is natural for travelers to change their route.

"Why are you the only one in this oasis?"

Hearing Tang Zhen's question, the little girl said timidly: "My uncles and aunts have all gone, and have gone to a far away place, taking my brothers and sisters with me, no one will play with me anymore.

Not long ago, father and mother were carrying a lot of things and said that they were going to the caravan and wanted to exchange some things from them.

The day they left, a strong wind blew in the desert, and they never came back..."

There was a hint of sadness in the little girl's tone, perhaps she already knew the truth.

Being forced to grow up at such a young age is cruel in itself.

(End of this chapter)

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